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Why Companies Fall Short In Digital Recordkeeping

From team collaboration tools to mobile text messages, social media accounts, and beyond, company records now typically exist across a complex web of  applications and cloud solutions — particularly in an era of remote work.

And while keeping records of official emails and discrete electronic documents is one thing, capturing dynamic online content is quite another.

Today’s business enterprises are expected to continually track items including:

  • Websites (including password-secured pages)
  • Social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram — which can change with every like, comment, and reply
  • Dynamic message boards and forums
  • Enterprise collaboration content like Slack and Teams
  • Text messages and messaging apps like WhatsApp

That’s not all. An organization also has to be able to prove the integrity and authenticity of any record provided, which means showing that the data hasn’t been tampered with — and demonstrating that it was indeed captured at the date, time, and URL stated. 

To prove data authenticity and integrity, an electronic record has to have:

  • A digital signature (or hash value) that meets the Federal Rules of Evidence 
  • A timestamp that shows the date and time that a record was collected
  • All associated metadata

While models like the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) or Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) can be immensely useful in meeting these demands, there are very specific information governance considerations when it comes to online data like enterprise collaboration and social media content. 

In this comprehensive guide, our friends at Pagefreezer offers an Information Governance Lifecycle Model that assists organizations in dealing with web, team collaboration, social media, and mobile text content. The model addresses proper management of online data throughout its lifecycle — through the stages of creation, retention, management, and disposal.

You’ll learn: 

  • Compliance and eDiscovery challenges in a remote world 
  • What privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA) mean for compliance & eDiscovery
  • Why recordkeeping and eDiscovery of online data is hard
  • Solutions for compliant recordkeeping of online data

Download this guide to ensure your processes meet the moment. 

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