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Trump Official Who Won’t Admit Biden Won Looking For A New Job For 2021

Emily Murphy spent most of her tenure with the administration protecting Donald Trump’s financial holdings with bureaucratic shenanigans that landed her in a few congressional inquiries but mostly allowed her to operate in relative obscurity. That all changed when Murphy burst into the spotlight last week as the government official responsible for authorize the transition to the Biden administration, a task that she cynically and improperly refused to perform.

If seems as though she failed to fully appreciate the notoriety that comes with holding up a pandemic response during a national catastrophe. Because Murphy reportedly started the process of getting her resume out there for when her job ends in a couple of months, all while pretending her job is going to last another four years.

From ABC:

Emily Murphy, head of the GSA, recently sent that message to an associate inquiring about employment opportunities in 2021, a move that some in Washington interpreted as at least tacitly acknowledging that the current administration soon will be gone.

Looking for a job while acting as the public face of “we don’t need new jobs”… bravo. ABC secured a statement from GSA denying that Murphy was actually looking for work in one breath before explaining that it wouldn’t necessarily mean that Murphy expected her job to be over even if she were looking.

Honestly, when this administration is over it’s the blatant incompetence that will stick with me. The “gang that can’t shoot straight” approach to government was truly a sight to behold.

Maybe she can get a job with Jones Day… because they may have some high-profile openings before this is all said and done.

GSA official blocking Biden’s transition appears to privately plan post-Trump career [ABC News]

Earlier: The T14 GOP Lawyer Single-Handedly Holding Up The Joe Biden Transition

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.