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They Didn’t Teach This in Law School: Interviewing Clients Who Have Experienced Trauma

Client relations is one of the most important – and difficult – aspects of lawyering, and when your clients have experienced serious trauma, you need to bring your full set of tools to the table. You need to navigate boundaries and potential triggers carefully, while also getting all the information you need to build your case and advocate for your client. Check out the following tips from Best Practices for Interviewing Traumatized Clients to help you navigate this sensitive process and grow as an attorney.

Understand how trauma manifests. Trauma can cause significant changes to the brain. From altering memories to causing someone to relive a traumatic event, trauma causes the brain to rewire itself.

Believe your clients. Members of marginalized groups (such as non-citizens and LGBTQ individuals) have frequently been mistreated by state institutions and are rightfully afraid – not just paranoid. Remember that trauma is a subjective experience – a single sexual assault may be just as traumatic as serial abuse. This is about the client’s personal experience – not an attorney’s opinion.

Make your client comfortable. This is key to a successful interview. A few tips: Let the client know about any security check procedures in the building beforehand. Create a space that feels safe – ensure that there is a visible exit in the room. Provide gum or mints and water. For LGTBQ clients, let them know if there will be gender neutral bathrooms available.

Prepare your interview questions with trauma in mind. Acknowledge that some of the questions you ask will be “stupid.” Don’t apologize more than twice – this can make clients feel like they have to make you feel better. Find ways to ask about trauma indirectly (for example, don’t ask “Are you a victim of domestic abuse?” but instead “How was your life growing up? Were there any windows in your room? Were you allowed to use the bathroom when you wanted?”). Don’t ask for specific dates – these are hard to remember – but about the season or holiday. Educate yourself on what being transgender means before you interview a transgender client. Make small talk. Say thank you.

Take care of yourself. Many attorneys will suffer from vicarious trauma – constant exposure to clients’ trauma can cause attorneys to experience similar symptoms. To combat this, count your wins. Send dog videos and memes to your friends. Remember how vital this kind of work is.

For more tips like this, check out What Lawyers Need to Know About Representing Clients Affected by Trauma.

*This article was prepared with assistance from Tamanna Saidi, a pre-law sophomore at Baruch College in New York City.