What’s something you’d never expect to see plastered across the entryway of a law school? If you guessed it would be something as obtuse as this, then you win.
(Image via Facebook)
These flyers, which contain a phrase that’s been promoted by white supremacist groups, were found at the Oklahoma City University School of Law — one of the most diverse law schools in the country — the day after Halloween. More flyers like this were found scattered across the law school campus:
In response, Dean Jim Roth sent the following message to all law students:
This morning, our administrative team was alerted to the presence of flyers around the law school campus. I want to thank every student, staff, and faculty member who took the time to remove them and bring them to our attention. We are currently in the process of investigating this matter and hope to have this resolved quickly.
In the meantime, I want to address the message that was posted. As you may have noticed, OCU Law has been intentional and relentless in celebrating the voices, achievements, and culture of our diverse community. We enjoyed celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, LGBTQ+ History Month, Dia de los Muertos, and are excited to kick off Native American Heritage Month. And we will continue to celebrate our diverse community throughout the year.
Despite what the intentions of that message may have been, the message reminds me of one fact that I know our community embraces — it’s okay to be EVERYBODY. Exclusion and hate will not be tolerated here. You are accepted at OCU Law no matter how you pray, what you look like, or who you love. And you always will be.
Kudos to Dean Roth for handling a disgusting situation in the most gracious way. This is how you lead and embrace diversity and inclusion in times of division.
But who would have committed such an insensitive act? As it turns out, a law student was allegedly behind it. The Oklahoman has more information:
OCU Police Director Bill Citty said the male student was already on suspension from the law school, 800 N Harvey, and was not allowed to be on school property. The student violated the terms of his suspension when he posted the flyers on the door and exterior of the law school building the night of Oct. 31, Citty said. …
Citty wouldn’t confirm whether investigators determined the student to be a member of any white supremacist groups.
While Citty said the student isn’t considered a threat, a thorough investigation was needed nonetheless. “The reason you look into those types of things is you want to make sure the individual is not a threat to other students,” he said in an interview with the Oklahoman. “You have to look into those issues in this date and time. People worry, students worry, staff worry, parents worry. You have to make sure.”
As law students, we hope you hold onto your ideals and that you continue to believe that the legal profession is a noble one, in spite of events like this. Please treat each other with respect and value your classmates for who they are — you’ll be happier.
Suspended student expelled after posting “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” flyers at OCU [Oklahoman]
Staci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.