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‘Somebody Stuck This… Where?’ A Lesson In Product Liability

It’s been too long since we checked in on the Law School Memes for Edgy T14s group to see what they’ve been cooking up as far as law school memes. As usual, we’re not disclosing the names of the meme creators just in case they want to have jobs someday, but if a brave soul does want credit, we’re happy to provide it. Just let us know.

We begin by reminiscing about product liability in Torts. That lesson where you came to the unfortunate realization that every warning label stems from some poor bastard doing something unholy with a product. Well, here’s a picture that we desperately hope isn’t real, but does encapsulate the Torts experience perfectly. The tagline is: “Safety Disclaimer challenge. What is the most ridiculous manufacturer liability warning label you have encountered?”

Linda Fairstein is facing public blowback from the whole “wrongfully convicted people” thing and she’s decided to double down on her scientifically confirmed errors.

Tagline: Siri, what is fighting the hypo.

I’m not a whiz with the whole Photoshop thing, but with Ava DuVernay directing a New Gods adaptation, I desperately want someone to convert this into an editorial by Darkseid or Granny Goodness.

Honestly, when I read this one to the assembled Above the Law staff, we couldn’t stop laughing for several minutes. Which is probably bad since someone died.

Tagline: “when you leave class feeling great about the cold call and then your friends tell you what the professor was actually asking.”

I don’t understand live-action remakes of old animated films. Given the way we bent over IP law for Disney in the 90s, there’s not even a copyright reason to do them. Anyway… welcome to a whole new world:

My only complaint with this next one is that you didn’t even need the Meso panel. The woman could have just stared for a beat and it would’ve been perfect.

This needs no introduction. Tagline: “Meeting attorneys who insist on calling themselves doctors.”

While we’re on the Marvel theme:

This image will now haunt your Property law studies forever.

We talked about wellness and pizza last week, but this is a concern I’d never considered in all those years of snagging free food from meetings.

Game of Thrones is gone, but let this be its parting shot to Law School Memedom.

Great job, everyone. Have a good weekend.

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.