Louis Lehot
A second woman, this one a former Human Resources manager at the firm, has come forward with allegations of inappropriate behavior against former DLA Piper partner Louis Lehot. The woman anonymously filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging Lehot intimidated her and that she was “physically afraid” to be around him, going so far as to say she was uncomfortable being in the building when Lehot was in the office.
The HR manager further alleges that when she complained about Lehot’s inappropriate behavior she was told “Louis is just Louis.” She also says that despite a history of positive performance reviews she was fired from the firm after she complained about Lehot.
Earlier this month, DLA Piper partner Vanina Guerrero released an open letter to the firm, and filed a complaint with the EEOC, alleging that Lehot, repeatedly sexually assaulted her. She also wants the firm to release her from their mandatory arbitration agreement so she can pursue her claims in court. The firm has been conspicuously silent on the forced arbitration agreement — despite the attention their arbitration stance in this case has garnered, but, they did announce that Lehot had been let go from the firm. Then the firm put Guerrero on leave, saying they’d uncovered allegations unrelated to Lehot during their investigation of her claims. Lehot released a statement yesterday contesting the allegations against him and saying Guerrero was “exploiting” the #MeToo movement.
As reported by Law.com, Jeanne Christensen, partner at Wigdor who represents both women, took the opportunity to lash out at the firm’s response to the allegations against Lehot, saying, “The era of DLA Piper protecting its male rainmaking partners at the expense of the physical and emotional safety of the firm’s female employees must come to an end.” She went on to say:
“How many more women must come forward with tales of abuse by Louis Lehot before DLA Piper stops retaliating against female employees who dare report misconduct by male partners?” said Wigdor partner Jeanne Christensen, who represents both women. “Having now watched DLA Piper engage in a public campaign of victim-blaming and retaliation against Ms. Guerrero, it would come as no surprise if other women at DLA Piper with relevant information are terrified of coming forward,” she said in a prepared statement.
DLA Piper responded to the latest round of allegations, saying this development was designed to distract from the firm’s investigation into Guerrero and contesting the allegations:
“Consistent with Ms. Christensen’s previous communications with the media, her most recent letter is filled with inaccuracies and falsehoods, which will be demonstrated through the proper channels at EEOC,” the firm said.
Lehot has not yet responded to these new allegations.
Kathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).