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Professional Development And Wellness: Essential Resources For Tough Times

Professional Development teams play an essential role across all types of firms in keeping lawyers informed both professionally and personally. This month, PLI is recognizing its inaugural PD Appreciation Month, and for this year’s theme, it’s putting the focus on wellness.

“Wellness” is everywhere in the legal community these days — and with good reason. With the uncertainties of the job market, remote work, and schooling, and everyday worry over the pandemic, lawyers and legal professionals may be more stressed than ever. During November, PLI is debuting its Empowering Professional Development 2020: Well-Being in the Legal Industry series. For the first three Thursdays of November, esteemed leaders in professional development and well-being will address these important topics for law school students, attorneys, and professional staff. 

Kirsten Talmage, PLI’s Senior Director for Product Strategy & Development, discussed the program and importance of the PD community. 

Why have a PD Appreciation Month?

PLI has always valued the professional development community; we enjoy a close working relationship with the individuals involved and their consistent feedback has led to the development of new programs, products and other offerings. Over the last three years, we’ve launched the PD Center, which houses content created exclusively for the community, including our PD Insider interview series and PD Interactive webinars, as well as resources on creating effective training and instructional design. We thought it was important to continue to build on the PD Center by offering a dedicated, yearly program to this community and to recognize their tremendous efforts in directing attorney training. 

How did PLI select well-being as the focus of the inaugural program?

We have increased our resources and programs about attorney wellness over the last five years. We’ve also noted and want to be responsive to the increase in instances of attorney depression, addiction and suicide, and feel that we, as an organization, can provide proactive resources to the legal community that promote wellness and provide effective methods for living a healthier lifestyle and understanding and coping with stress and depression. 

The PD community is uniquely situated to promote and advocate wellness at all levels within a firm and to provide training and support to their peers. Many firms now have committees and even departments dedicated to well-being for attorneys and professional staff. So, really, it was an easy decision to focus on well-being.

What will the program cover?

We purposefully split the program into separate panels to focus on three different demographics within the community: law students, attorneys, and professional staff within firms. We thought it was critical to address all three areas, as wellness and the impact of wellness within a firm begins in law school, continues through practice, and implicates everyone within the firm. 

The panel on law schools will address well-being challenges faced by both students and schools and the role that the profession can play in supporting law students’ well-being efforts. The panel on attorney well-being focuses on best practices to incentivize attorneys and staff to attend well-being programs as well as the most (and least) effective live programs, coaching, apps, and online programs. Finally, the panel on well-being for professional staff will help them to find value and fulfillment in the face of declining attorney well-being, and provides tools to manage increased stress caused by always-available technology, attorney mental health or substance abuse challenges, and unrealistic attorney expectations. 

Who is the intended audience? 

The program is intended for anyone in the PD community regardless of experience or title. While we planned the program around the PD audience, all attorneys will certainly benefit from the three panels, and take away a better understanding of why wellness should matter to them, the importance of well-being practices beginning in law school, and the value in having the professional staff also supported in their own wellness journey. We purposefully made the program complimentary for all attendees because we feel that well-being is such a critical topic. 

What other resources does PLI provide that focus on wellness training? 

PLI has a variety of programs that address the area of well-being and attorney mental health, available under “Attorney wellness and stress reduction” on our website. Notably, our December 10 program, Taking Control of Your Well-Being: Mental Health and Wellness for Attorneys, tackles the very important topics of overcoming the stigma of mental health and substance use challenges in the legal profession, and shows how to leverage your legal organization’s wellness program and steps to take if your firm doesn’t have one. 

Note: The American Bar Association has a list of assistance programs by state that provide confidential services and support to individuals facing substance use disorders or mental health issues. If you or someone you know are struggling, reach out to an assistance program or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for immediate support. 

Practising Law Institute is a nonprofit learning organization dedicated to keeping attorneys and other professionals at the forefront of knowledge and expertise. PLI is chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York and was founded in 1933 by Harold P. Seligson. The organization provides the highest quality, accredited, continuing legal and professional education programs in a variety of formats which are delivered by more than 4,000 volunteer faculty including prominent lawyers, judges, investment bankers, accountants, corporate counsel, and U.S. and international government regulators. PLI publishes a comprehensive library of Treatises, Course Handbooks, Answer Books and Journals also available through the PLI PLUS online platform. The essence of PLI’s mission is its commitment to the pro bono community. View PLI’s upcoming live webcasts here