St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office
For today’s seniors, it’s easy to slip into complacency and ignore the demands of keeping physically fit. This neglect carries a whole host of health risks and can contribute to being forced into a home late in life at tremendous cost. But 78-year-old Patricia Currie managed to get her assisted living needs met, securing a 22-year prison sentence in Louisiana.
In August, a jury convicted Currie of trying to murder her lawyer, Keith Couture, after he failed to get himself withdrawn from representing her in a bankruptcy case. From the New York Post:
Couture claimed that Currie arrived at his office alone with a gun, wearing latex gloves on her hands and plastic bags on [her] feet, the newspaper reported.
She allegedly told him that she came to kill him then revealed a shotgun from under a towel.
Gloves and plastic bags? What is CBS teaching our elders these days? It must be CBS because, one, old people watch it constantly and, two, they have that show that’s all about science and making viewers dream of getting away with murder: Big Bang Theory. Blaming the media seems like a cop out, but something must have happened, because the lady in that picture doesn’t strike me as experienced in gangland hits.
Couture managed to wrestle the gun away from Currie because, you know, she was 75 at the time. If you can’t overpower a 78-year-old, then natural selection is just doing its job. The jury took 15 minutes to convict her.
78-year-old Louisiana woman sentenced for trying to kill her lawyer [NY Post]
Joe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.