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New November CLE: Post-Election Analysis, Remote Mediations, and More

The holidays (and many CLE deadlines) are quickly approaching! While this year’s holiday season will be slightly atypical, Lawline continues to produce an ongoing lineup of great CLE to help you with your practice. With topics ranging from cannabis e-commerce and conducting remote mediations, there’s a relevant program for everyone this November. Check out some upcoming highlights below:

  • Cannabis E-Commerce: Legal and Regulatory Problems and Solutions for Online Marketing and Sales. There are many state and federal laws, regulations, and polices, which all restrict cannabis businesses in a number of – sometimes conflicting – ways. This program will review the effects on cannabis businesses of the California Consumer Privacy Act, the Telephone Consumer Privacy Act, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Americans with Disabilities Act – and more. Airing November 10, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. (EST)
  • 2020 Post-Election Analysis: State of the Race, Ballot Access, and Election-Based Litigation. The 2020 Election is gearing up to be one of the biggest in our country’s history. This program will review efforts made by officials to ensure safe ballot access in the midst of a global pandemic, highlights of election-related litigation, changes to the voting process, post-election matters, and more. Airing November 16, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. (EST)
  • Conducting Effective Remote Mediations. Remote proceedings have defined 2020, and it is becoming increasingly clear that they are here to stay in some fashion, even after the pandemic ends. This program will teach attorneys critical skills for conducting successful remote mediations. Airing November 30, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. (EST)

If you can’t attend a live webcast, don’t worry! All of our courses go on-demand within 48 hours after airing (and you can check them out with our free trial). Check out some recent highlights:

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