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Morning Docket: 08.27.19

* If you’re following the Spider-Man movie rights kerfuffle, it’s worth remembering that this was entirely Disney’s fault for screwing up copyright law in the 1990s. [Screen Rant]

* Johnson & Johnson plan to appeal verdict suggesting that handing out heroin like candy might be a bad thing. []

* Leonard Leo got himself a mansion in Maine apparently so he could raise money for Susan Collins (R-Federalist Society). Her

campaign spokesperson declared that “The fact is, Senator Collins’ votes are not for sale” by which he means “they’ve already been bought.” [Central Maine]

* At the Greg Craig trial, Skadden folks are testifying that Craig had a “very passionate” aversion to foreign agent registration. In his defense just about every lobbyist will do anything in their power to avoid actually registering as a lobbyist. [National Law Journal]

* Explaining how the Brazilian rainforest fires link back to the trade war with China. [Huffington Post]

* Dallas has a new mayor and Locke Lord has a new partner and they are the same guy. [Dallas Morning News]