* 3M is asking Biglaw to care for attorney mental health in its new procurement process. The fourth “M” is for “Mindfulness.” [Corporate Counsel]
* In today’s installment of “intellectual property law is broken,” publishers are suing over audiobooks that offer captions. [New York Law Journal]
* A guy who legally changed his name to Atticus Finch when he was 8 is now in law school. If you think you hated Go Set A Watchman… [Texas Lawyer]
* Second Circuit doing all sorts of fact-finding because adhering to the record and precedent is out of fashion apparently. [Law360]
* Anti-gay blogger Judge John Bush calling out Kim Davis for “antihomosexual bias” is peak 2019. [National Law Journal]
* Famous football players who became lawyers. [Law.com]
* Convict seeks sheriff job. [HuffPo]