The New York Times building (photo by David Lat).
* A lawyer for the New York Times simply replied “no” to a 12-page apology request sent by Sean Hannity. Wonder how much the Times’ attorney billed for that. [Huffington Post]
* In related news, it appears as if President Trump encouraged Sean Hannity to file this lawsuit against the New York Times. [Business Insider]
* California faces a new civil rights lawsuit over bans on protesting at the state capitol during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Fox News]
* For the first time in its history, the Supreme Court will conduct arguments by remote means next week. Check out how attorneys are preparing for the unique proceedings. [Washington Post]
* An attorney who allegedly defrauded a client to fund his gambling habit is facing some serious consequences. [Bloomberg Law]
* A Beverly Hills lawyer has pleaded guilty to bribing federal agents in order to obtain sensitive law enforcement information. Sounds like a bad sequel to Beverly Hills Cop. [Los Angeles Times]
Jordan Rothman is a partner of The Rothman Law Firm, a full-service New York and New Jersey law firm. He is also the founder of Student Debt Diaries, a website discussing how he paid off his student loans. You can reach Jordan through email at