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Lawyer Jumps Off Roof Of Courthouse, Returns To Courtroom To Be Sentenced

Will County Courthouse via Will County Board website

Adam Wirtz is undoubtedly less risk-averse than the typical attorney. While most of us are toying with what mutual fund strategy maximizes our retirement security, Wirtz is climbing the new courthouse and leaping off.

Wirtz base jumped off the Will County courthouse a few months ago and landed safely in the parking lot of the Joliet police station, which wasn’t the ideal landing spot since jumping off of government buildings is totally illegal.

In a return performance at the courthouse, Wirtz was a bit more subdued, receiving a $600 fine and 100 hours of community service work, with 50 hours that will be performed at an animal shelter. All told, hanging out with puppies for the next few months isn’t the worst punishment in the world. If all you’ve got to do to draw that gig is jump off a building, then sign me…

Actually, no, I’m not jumping off of any building. I’m too cautious for that.

Lawyer Who Jumped From New Courthouse Gets Sentenced [Patch]