Morgan Komichi
If the Constitutional Court indeed ruled that the MDC-T should revert to its 2014 structures, then-Senator Morgan Komichi and Senator Douglas Mwonzora must be disciplined for violating the very same Constitutional Court that they proclaim themselves to be the champions of.
Straight from the court room, Morgan Komichi had a prepared speech to reading to the media usurping the powers of Mr. Lovemore Moyo who needed to be informed of the ruling, and make a decision to accept or not to accept his reinstatement. Senator Mwonzoro was by Senator Komichi and endorsed the leadership theft by Senator Komichi. That explains why the two could not get cooperation from the rest of the genuine structures of 2014. These guys had, and still have an agenda.
Senator Mwonzora tried to deny wrongdoing by trying to imply that it was Honourable Biti who first called a media briefing, but in endorsing leadership theft by Senator Komichi, he certainly was the first to speak to the media “the chairman has already spoken”, which Chairman Hon Mwonzora. A clever lawyer as he is, Senator Mwonzora could simply have said no comment to the media and added there, but his response betrayed the agenda by the two.
You do not correct a wrong by doing another wrong, and if we say we want to follow correct procedures, then the first thing to do is for the standing committee of the 2014 MDC-T to get an explanation from Senators Komichi and Mwonzora of their procedural behaviour leaving the court on 31 March 2020. Everything should start from there. I have raised this point of order before regarding the usurping of the chairmanship by Senator Komichi in emails also copied to the media, and either Senator Mwonzora or Senator Komichi tried to bring in a third person who I do not think is part of the 2014 structures, who I will not name at this stage, to try and lecture to me how Senator Komichi is a legitimate Chairperson going by the Supreme Court ruling since he was the Deputy Chairperson, a fact that I disputed, and I have the evidence to show. Senator Komichi and Senator Mwonzora, now that the legitimate MDC National Council of 2014 has met and pointed out the Chairmanship theft by Senator Komichi, and the endorsement by Senator Mwonzora, everything done by Senator Morgan Komichi purporting to be Chair, including the WhatsApp National Council meeting he chaired, are not acceptable going by the Supreme Court ruling.
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