Britney Spears (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty)
Superstar Britney Spears is no stranger to legal headlines, having been the subject of a California conservatorship since 2008. Recently Spears’ case returned to court, albeit in a virtual Zoom session, in order to monitor the status of the legal arrangement.
A conservatorship, sometimes referred to as a guardianship, is a remedy used when an individual is unable to provide for her personal and/or financial needs. A conservator of the person ensures that an individual has proper health care, food, clothes, and shelter. A property conservator is appointed when a court determines that an individual cannot manage her financial affairs.
Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, and Andrew M. Wallet, Esq., were initially appointed co-conservators for her in 2008. Wallet has since resigned. Jamie Spears temporarily resigned in 2019 for health reasons. Following that, care manager, Jodi Montgomery, became conservator. The matter is set for an August 22, 2020, court appearance in order to determine the future of the conservatorship and whether it should continue. The singer’s mother, Lynne Spears, wishes to become more involved in her daughter’s care. Judge Brenda Penny has previously ordered an expert exam into Spears’ capacity with regard to the continuance of the conservatorship. Under the law, Spears has a right to have legal representation, a conservator change or to petition to end the conservatorship. At the moment no formal application has been made to end the conservatorship.
In recent months, Spears has gathered support from her fan base, which has organized under the hashtag: #FreeBritney. Many of the supporters feel that Britney should not have a conservator, that she is capable of managing her own affairs and making her own decisions, and that the conservatorship is costing her too much money. The fans appear on social media and often outside the courthouses during proceedings involving Spears. Recently, a petition has been widely circulated to end the conservatorship.
Spears’ 2020 net worth is estimated by many at approximately $50 million, although at times it is estimated to have been around $250 million. In recent days, court files have revealed costs related to Spears’ conservatorship. The alleged total paid to Spears’ advisors and attorneys was $1,202,504.30 for the year 2019. Jamie Spears was paid $128,000.00 in commissions as conservator. Court records also revealed that Britney is authorized monies to spend at stores, for her personal needs. Target, Anthropologie, and Amazon are a few of her repeated vendors. Significant funds were spent on residential costs in addition to travel expenses totaling $91,242.01. Instagram followers will confirm that Spears has ventured to and enjoyed vacations in Turks and Caicos as well as Florida.
Conservators and guardians have to report to courts as to the care of their wards and management of their monies. A conservator will account for every expenditure made on behalf of the individual down to Starbucks coffee and Uber rides. The court will review the accounting and inquire as to monies paid out and any assets marshaled. Commissions and legal fees paid are determined by the court, either pursuant to statute and/or related to the size of the conservatorship estate and the complexities of its management.
Last week, a quarterly meeting was held to review Spears’ conservatorship. It was scheduled for Zoom and was crashed by several people who were not parties to the action. The judge “closed” the courtroom in an effort to preserve integrity and privacy of the process. Many conservatorship hearings and decisions are sealed in order protect the privacy of the individual. In a few weeks, this matter will again be at the forefront, when a court will determine the future of Spears, at least for now.
Cori A. Robinson is a solo practitioner having founded Cori A. Robinson PLLC, a New York and New Jersey law firm, in 2017. For more than a decade Cori has focused her law practice on trusts and estates and elder law including estate and Medicaid planning, probate and administration, estate litigation, and guardianships. She can be reached at