The law firm of choice for internationally focused companies

+263 242 744 677

4 Gunhill Avenue,

Harare, Zimbabwe

Is Your Firm Keeping Pace With The Advancements In eDiscovery?

Cloud-native technology is the cornerstone of digital transformation initiatives for modern businesses to remain competitive. As data volumes explode, modern filetypes proliferate document review, and legal teams collaborate across the digital divide, will eDiscovery inevitably follow?

Organizations that adopt cloud-based eDiscovery identify key information quickly amid what can often be chaotic and expansive document sets. These platforms promote seamless collaboration, optimize efficiencies across workflows, and provide better control and higher data security.

In partnership with our friends at the leading eDiscovery provider Everlaw, we’re fielding a survey to gain insight into how law firms are implementing and utilizing their platforms.

Click here to take the survey.