Was It For Distracted Driving?: A doctor showed up to traffic court from the operating room. People are dragging the lawyer but from what I understand of traffic court, this guy probably HAD to show up mid-incision to get any reprieve at all. If he’d asked for a new date they’d probably have just entered a default judgment and moved on because the institution exists mostly as a formality for appropriating people’s money.
Take A Look In The Mirror: A cool new tool from LexisNexis allows you to look up insights on opposing counsel, but I think the more interesting experiment will be looking up yourself. A big firm should run all their people through it and see if there are any glaring consistency issues.
You Can Take My Freedom, But You’ll Never Take My Biglaw Retirement Account: Actually, no, they can take that too. Scott Wolas managed to stay on the run for 20 years before law enforcement caught up with him. Now he’s being forced to hand over his retirement account.
And Things Were Going So Well!: Supreme Court kicks the Kraken to the curb. What the MAGA people never really understood about Trump is that the real conservatives always thought he was a useful idiot and plan to rule just fine from the bench without having his embarrassing sideshow overshadowing everything.