Samantha Murozoki (R) hands a free meal to a young neighbour at her home in Chitungwiza on May 5, 2020, where she feeds people struggling during the coronavirus lockdown in Zimbabwe. -With the help of volunteers Murozoki serves over a 100 hot meals per day Photograph: Jekesai Njikizana/AFP via Getty Images
Chitungwiza Municipality has issued a cease notice to a Chitungwiza woman who was feeding hundreds of people per day through her soup kitchen during the lockdown. This was revealed in a letter addressed to the lady who operates the Chitungwiza Kitchen.
The notice issued by the Chitungwiza local authority to Samatha Muzoreki reads:
Dear Madam
You being guided by this notice that the above mentioned feeding kitchen taking place has not been approved by this department according to Chitungwiza Urburn Council By-laws, 1981 part 11,6. You are being advised by this office to take neccessary procedures to meet minimun requirements for a feeding kitchen. You are therefore advised to cease operations with immediate effect.
According to one Twimbo, some people went home crying when they were told there will be no food tomorrow. This did not go down well with one Twimbo who said the local authority must have stepped in to help her comply with their bylaws.
Samantha was reportedly serving 1500 meals per day through her Kitchen.
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