In-House Counsel Make Increasingly Arcane Billing Demands And It’s Costing Firms Money

Every quarter we report on law firm financials and every quarter we see some kind of milquetoast improvement — revenues up, expenses up just a shade less, demand down, confidence… meh. One factor in every one of those reports is the collection and realization rate, the figure that explains the gap between billing the time and getting the check from the client. For years, we’ve chalked up low realization to a combination of attorney laziness and the disconnect between lawyers as practitioners and lawyers as businesspeople. But perhaps the real culprit in keeping firms waiting on their money is the out of control in-house legal department.

The Association of Legal Administrators and Bellefield Systems released a report last week on the nature of outside counsel guidelines and examining how firms deal with getting all their bills in. It’s not a surprise that in-house counsel are trying to keep bills low — that’s a given. Nor is it a surprise that legal departments internalize more work than ever to manage spend. But what receives less attention in the world of billing is the Byzantine guidelines clients concoct to delay paying the bills they owe.

And these delays can be significant:

Invoice rejection is universally experienced and varies by degree. Most firms experience 5-10% of e-bills getting rejected or reduced (43.24%). Almost a quarter of firms experience 11- 20% of e-bills getting rejected or reduced (21.62%). Over one third of firms (35.81%) experience 21% or greater of e-bills getting rejected or reduced.

15% of firms do not appeal rejections either because of lack of staffing power or writing off as a cost of doing business.

The report tells us that 88.83 percent of firms receive outside counsel guidelines from clients but 25 percent of firms have no process to synchronize their work with these guidelines and around 63 percent only have an ad hoc process for doing so. That’s unfortunate because there is zero effort to harmonize guidelines and every client creates their own inane rules for billing compliance. These rules can be as arbitrary as “don’t use X word in your descriptions even if we all know you’re doing X” with the result being an outright rejection of a monthly bill.

In addition to lack of staffing to handle client guidelines, the majority of firms feel that OCG are simply too complex as their top compliance challenge (66.04%), and nearly half report that they are simply too long with too much info, and they didn’t read them (43.4%).

On the one hand it’s amusing to see corporate attorneys hoisted by the petard of their own onerous quasi-adhesion contract language that no one really reads, but that’s no justification. The clients might say that they have enterprise-specific, nuanced needs that they want counsel to address. Oh, come on! You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You’re a random company in need of attorneys willing to tell you what they did and for how long. Get over yourselves.

Note that I said clients might say that. In this case, “might” is doing a lot of work because clients seem pretty comfortable just admitting they’re trying to force a write-off.

In 2019, clients are now pulling back on outside counsel spend and the overwhelming majority (81%) report utilizing Outside Counsel Guidelines as one of the most effective tools for controlling costs.

Firms lack the staffing to stay on top of all of this and attorneys lack the time to learn how to comply with every client under the sun. While that may save some money today, it’s not an effective long-term strategy because eventually firms will staff up and just pass the cost on to clients — congratulations on just making everything more expensive!

In the meantime, one thing firms can do to avoid getting hung out to dry by outside counsel guidelines is consider Bellefield’s own product. Their iTimeKeep system is set up to provide compliance guidance at the point of time entry. Basically, if you’re writing a description that violates the guidelines programmed into the system it’ll let you know right then and there. Frankly, clients should probably be demanding firms get this system before a bunch of admins get hired.

That might be a pretty smart guideline to add.

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Youth Standing Up for Human Rights – The Zimbabwean

As we come to the end of our 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence, the Platform for Youth and Community Development (PYCD) joins the  world in commemorating the International Human Rights Day.

The theme of the 2019 International Human Rights Day, Youth Standing Up for Human Rights resonates well with our 2019 – 2023 strategic thrust which calls for a well-trained, mentored and nurtured young people with life skills in Manicaland Province. The 2019 – 2023 strategic thrust is buttressed by our programming and implementation that places young people at the centre of community development initiatives as we strongly believe that they are the drivers and agents of transformation and social change.

We call upon policy makers and community stakeholders to provide a conducive environment in which young people can enjoy their inalienable human rights. From our programming, we have realised that young people play an integral part in advancing social justice, democracy and peace in local communities.  Despite the young people’s passion for human rights, their contribution has been undermined by our political leadership who view young people as political cannon fodder and spectator partners for the full realisation of a human rights culture in Zimbabwe.

The upholding of human rights in Zimbabwe has become a challenge, with human rights abuses increasing at an alarming rate. This has exposed young people to serious challenges which limit their freedoms of assembly and expression. Having realised that they are growing up in a context marked by serious human rights violations, pervasive poverty and weak social controls, the young people have been exposed to a vampire world yet with little coping mechanisms to advance the principles of human rights in local communities.

PYCD is closely working with young people to socialise them to value human rights based approaches as a solution that brings about social cohesion, good health, political tolerance and economic growth.

Parliament Will Sit This Week, Starting Today, 10th December

Post published in: Featured

Hire The Right Counsel Every Time With LegalVIEW® Predictive Insights

Determining the right outside counsel to hire for a given litigated matter is a critical decision that can have a major impact on both the outcome of your case and your legal spend. Today, the annual litigation spend for corporate legal departments and insurance claim groups is roughly $75 billion a year (that’s more than the size of the professional and college sports industries combined, for those keeping track at home).

With significant amounts of money and important case outcomes on the line, the decision of which counsel will be your best partner in any particular matter is a critical one. You want to know that you’re spending the right amount of money to get the best possible outcome. In the past, these decisions were made almost entirely on prior experience and inside knowledge of firms, players, geography, and relationships — in short, on gut feelings rather than data.

Not any more. With the LegalVIEW Predictive Insights Module, the new tool from from ELM Solutions, a business of Wolters Kluwer, corporate legal departments and insurance claims litigation groups can replace those gut feelings with data-driven decision-making. LegalVIEW Predictive Insights provides data on budgets, cycle times, and so much more, so you can make the right, informed decision every time.

The Path to Predictive Insights

In the age of big data, choosing counsel by gut feelings is no longer an option. Even assuming human intuition is correct (which we all know often isn’t the case), this approach has serious limitations and challenges for people who are new to the business and lack the requisite experience and expertise. Even seasoned attorneys or claims professionals need help, especially in new lines of business or unfamiliar jurisdictions. 

ELM Solutions set out to create a data-driven means of selecting the best possible outside counsel, starting with client insights and market research to determine how companies were making these decisions in the real world. Along with individual client data, ELM Solutions has the LegalVIEW database — over $130 billion worth of legal spend data — the largest and only thing like it in the industry. The LegalVIEW database is exactly the kind of clean, large volume of data that allows artificial intelligence (AI) to successfully produce useful analysis, and that’s exactly what ELM Solutions has done.

ELM Solutions combined its deep experience with AI solutions and the focus of Wolters Kluwer’s next-gen tech group on innovation, AI, and machine learning to create models and examine their existing data sets. The result was the LegalVIEW Predictive Insights Module, a sophisticated tool for choosing counsel that works within the user’s existing workflows and provides crucial answers about counsel options at the exact point of decision-making.

Insights In Action

LegalVIEW Predictive Insights is the next generation of legal management tools, focusing on budgeting, cycle time, and law firm selection in the normal stream of work when decisions need to be made. The tool provides more than just a list of potential law firms, but rather proactively ranks a list of firms that would be best for a particular client to partner with for a particular case, including information on budget ranges of what the case should cost and maximum/minimum cycle times for how long it should take to resolve the case.

Simply open a matter, and the module will automatically extract all the relevant data, including complexity, practice area, line of business, type of matter, and geographic location, and submit it to the AI engine. The AI engine then runs that information against the client’s universe of potential law firms, applying it against a segmented law firm schema. Within the top segments, weighted criteria are applied to generate the ranked list. That list, along with budget information, is sent back to the platform where they wait for the user to access them. The curated set of recommendations considers 23 different metrics to rank the law firms. 

The budget benchmark tells you how much matters of your type and complexity in the matter’s geography cost on average. You also get a maximum/minimum budget range prediction for each firm, based on real historical costs of similar matters at that firm. Another crucial metric is the likely cycle time in days, allowing you to judge how long it typically takes a given law firm to resolve a matter like yours compared to other firms on the list.

The number of available metrics, which you can choose dynamically based on your priorities, is impressive. Among others, LegalVIEW Predictive Insights provides information on the firm’s capacity, peer ratings, how accurate the firm is with invoicing, how well they’ve adhered to budgets in the past, how much money you’ve spent with them in the past year, and what discounts they provide. The idea is to empower users to make decisions that best align with their values, goals, and preferred metrics.

Once you’ve decided on a firm, you can assign it with a simple click and wait for the law firm to submit a budget. When you have that budget in hand, you can gain even more insights.

LegalVIEW Predictive Insights shows you the original budget prediction as compared to both the firm’s actual predicted budget and the overall budget benchmark. Click into the budget and you’ll see a breakdown across individual phases of a matter, such as case assessment, pleadings and motions, discovery, and trial prep.

This allows you to have informed discussions with a firm about their budget and ask critical questions about why certain budget aspects might be higher or lower than the predictions. After all, human expertise and nuance will always play into the actual budget of any given matter as driving factors on top of the empirical data.

As time passes, you can see how the invoices match up against the predictions and how the progress compares to the cycle predictions. In essence, LegalVIEW Predictive Insights is more than just a great way to pick the right counsel, it’s a roadmap to completion for your matter after that counsel is selected. And once a matter is closed, the matter details are fed back into the module, which uses machine learning to improve itself to provide better forecasting.

Data Matters

With data on your side, you’re no longer left to making blind decisions on which counsel to hire. The decision is still always yours to make (nothing says you have to pick the #1 ranked firm), but this tool empowers you to make the best possible decision based on data-driven predictions and all the background data that went into creating the weighted rankings. Simply put, the LegalVIEW Predictive Insights Module empowers humans with a data set far larger than they’ve ever had access to before, right at the point when crucial decisions need to be made.

Think of LegalVIEW Predictive Insights as your secret weapon for distilling all the tribal knowledge that’s been amassed by claims and legal departments over decades of hard work. What used to be nearly impossible to quantify is now available on one simple screen. With Predictive Insights on your side, you can feel confident that you’re making the right counsel decision every time.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Google Scholar

Many small firm lawyers still struggle to find a low-cost alternative to costly subscriptions when it comes to conducting legal research.

Download Unlocking the Mysteries of Google Scholar to learn how to conduct legal research with ease using the platform’s case law and articles, create targeted keyword/phrase searches to improve your research, speed up your searches with advanced filters and a hidden search feature, and more.

22-Year-Old ‘Damsel’ Offers… Something In Exchange For Legal Services

Well, this negotiation is going to be interesting for some intrepid young lawyer.

From the bowels of Craigslist comes an… interesting ad. According to the copy, there’s a young woman — or in the parlance of the ad, a 22-year-old “damsel” — in need of a divorce. Now, that’s a pretty standard reason to seek a lawyer, though Craigslist is not the preferred way to engage counsel. But things kinda go off the rails when it becomes clear the poster cannot afford legal services. Rather than look for attorneys willing to work for free, she seems to want to avail herself of the barter system.

What precisely she’s willing to trade is left up to your imagination, but it certainly looks like she’s seeking a pro boner attorney.

I shudder to think of the legal ethics of any attorney who might take this woman up on what she very obviously seems to be offering.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).

3 Questions For Patent Marketplace Founder (Part II)

This week, we continue our written interview with Steven Hafif of Cypris regarding his experiences building out a patent-focused marketplace and search engine. Please see below for Steve’s answers to my second and third questions regarding the value proposition Cypris offers for those interested in patent transactions, as well as how patents sourced from leading research universities play such an important part of Cypris’s offerings.

As always, I have presented Steve’s answers below along with some brief commentary of my own:

  1. Where are the opportunities for patent owners or prospective licensees to benefit from Cypris?

We operate with a hands-off model, as our objective is to provide tools that can help both sides of the marketplace without steering the connections or conversations in any way. With that objective in mind, we designed patent listings to fill a wide range of interests. Patent owners can publish every piece of information they believe will warrant a transaction, whether they’re interested in a sale, license agreement, or investment. In short, our patent listings provide that medium of communication that until now did not exist. For the buyer or licensee side of the market, Cypris is a tool that not only provides information on what’s available but gives context around the opportunity. You can investigate patent activity within extremely specific fields, then identify how you can get involved by enabling the listed filter on the very same page. If used correctly, Cypris can be a powerful instrument for moving into emerging markets and overall innovative growth.

GK: Both patent owners and prospective licensees have long bemoaned the lack of transparency in the patent market, as well as the barriers to widely communicating information about potential transaction opportunities. In some respects, Cypris is using technology to displace the traditional role of a patent broker, while also helping to bring to market opportunities to access patents from sources that have traditionally been more reserved in terms of allowing access to their portfolios. On the top of that list has long been research universities, which have to balance the desire of their inventors to license and commercialize their patented technologies with maintaining the interest of the university itself in maintaining control over how its patents are deployed.

  1. How will Cypris evolve as more universities and patent owners put listings online that lead to transactions?

Although Cypris’s functionality is currently strong, we still consider it to be what’s known in the startup world as our minimum viable product. Our goal with the first iteration of Cypris was to release the minimum tools needed to fulfill our overall objective, which is to facilitate connections.  Part of that effort involved presenting patents in an informative way to Cypris’s users. When looking at the skeleton of a patent document, purely as an instrument for legal protection, it can be quite bare. What interests me is the information surrounding the abstract and claim. Who published the application, at what period in time, and why? Understanding the story behind a patent document can paint a vivid picture of an organization’s or individuals’ intentions within the innovative economy. Taking that organic information that exists within the USPTO, organizing it, and opening it up for user interaction, as a data analyst, is an extremely attractive endeavor and an important piece of Cypris’s value.

So far the response to the site has been great, even with our organic marketing approach. One of the benefits of having this much traction on our minimum viable product is that we get to build future functionality and upgrades based on active user feedback. We’re learning more from universities, organizations, and individuals who are interacting with our platform every day. We have some interesting tools in the pipeline that we plan to launch in the coming months. Some of those tools include: An advanced search engine, supportive analytics for patent owners who are hosting listings, and tools for patent-backed startups that are looking for venture funding. Our ambitions are bold and our technological capabilities are strong; we believe we’ll make some serious noise in the coming years.

GK: While Cypris’s main goal is to facilitate patent-based transactions, offering other patent-related tools represents a worthy contribution to the broader IP community. Many of the technology solutions around patents to date are focused on supporting IP litigation efforts, often at the expense of tools that are more focused on presenting information that can be used to facilitate investment and licensing transactions. Any headway Cypris can make on that front would be very helpful to IP owners, their counsel, and investors.

My thanks to Steve for the insights and cooperation, and I wish him and his startup continued success. It is always a privilege to hear from those brave enough to create tech-based companies around IP and I applaud Steve’s ability to execute on his vision in a relatively short amount of time. I am always open to conducting interviews of this type with other IP thought leaders, so feel free to reach out if you have a compelling perspective to offer.

Please feel free to send comments or questions to me at or via Twitter: @gkroub. Any topic suggestions or thoughts are most welcome.

Gaston Kroub lives in Brooklyn and is a founding partner of Kroub, Silbersher & Kolmykov PLLC, an intellectual property litigation boutique, and Markman Advisors LLC, a leading consultancy on patent issues for the investment community. Gaston’s practice focuses on intellectual property litigation and related counseling, with a strong focus on patent matters. You can reach him at or follow him on Twitter: @gkroub.

Wetlands protection: HWT intensifies push for legislative reforms – The Zimbabwean

The workshop follows HWT’s engagement with the Minister of Environment (on legislative reform) in November 2019.

As part of the objectives the workshop sought to analyze the procedures, problems as well as to propose solutions regarding the protection of Harare’s wetlands while discussing potential areas for legislative reform.

Ecologist, Dr. Rob Cunliffe highlighted that Harare was in ‘a real crisis’ due to the erratic water situation which has been worsened by the continued plunder of wetlands in the capital.

He said that in light of the continued threat to the survival of wetlands (arising mainly from construction and urban agriculture) there is an urgent need to classify wetlands as an integral part of Harare’s water infrastructure.

Human rights lawyer, Fiona Illif submitted that application of the law regarding wetlands protection was lacking adding that there is need to address serious loopholes that continue to lead to destruction of wetlands.

She also noted that there is need to increase access to information by communities ‘as quite often, communities are facing challenges to get the information they need to challenge developments on wetlands’.

The challenges and recommendations regarding protection of wetlands, as outlined during the workshop are captured below;


  • Too much power vested in the Minister of Environment
  • Ministerial appointment of the Environmental Management Agency Board
  • Ministerial Directives to EMA Board
  • Minister not reporting to Parliament
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Appeal procedure
  • National Environmental Council not constituted
  • National Environmental Plan, guidelines for environmental management plans and environmental action plans not developed
  • International conventions on wetlands protection not domesticated
  • Wetlands not gazzetted
  • Wetlands not clearly defined/determined
  • Wetlands not specifically recognized and protected as a water resource vested in the President in the Water Act
  • Environmental Impact Assessment procedure is conflicted and not independent
  • EMA Board limited in jurisdictional capacity to regulate offenders
  • There is no accountability in the City of Harare development permit procedure
  • City of Harare’s Department of Works is issuing development permits without Environmental Impact Assessment certificates
  • Over- emphasis on sustainable development of wetlands over protection of wetlands as a water resource


  • Mapping of the wetlands with expert input
  • Audit to ascertain the current private ownership of wetlands
  • Review of National Environmental Plan
  • Development of Local Environmental Action Plans (LEAPS)
  • Minister to submit reports on the activities of the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) and the state of the environment
  • Constitute a National Environmental Council
  • Establish Environmental Tribunal for hearings on environmental management and appeals from the decisions of the Director General
  • Establish specialized Environmental Police Unit with greater enforcement powers


  • Domestication of Ramsar Convention and Convention on Biodiversity
  • President to expropriate wetlands in the public interest (Water Act, Environmental Management Act)
  • Wetlands need to be established as protected water resource, not land (Water Act)
  • Minister to declare wetlands as ecologically sensitive areas (Environmental Management Act)
  • Statutory Instrument/General Notice gazzetting wetlands
  • Development on wetlands suspended pending legal challenges. Local planning authorities prohibited from granting development permits on wetlands
  • Legislation to be incorporated in a consolidated Wetlands Act with all relevant existing legislation cross-referenced in the Act
  • There is an imperative need to work on a Statutory Instrument (through the Environmental Management Act) on the protection of wetlands
  • There is need to increase awareness on the importance of wetlands
  • City of Harare needs to effectively implement the Environmental Management by-laws once they are gazzetted

Other recommendations that came out from the workshop included the need for increased coordination between government ministries, the Environmental Management Agency and the City of Harare.

Emotional Zim doctors pray for dying patients as hospitals runs out of drugs – VIDEO
SAA may only be offered 5% of money owed by Zim

Post published in: Featured

Layoffs Watch ’19: Jim ‘Just In Case’ Gorman’s Got Some Bad News

Parliament Will Sit This Week, Starting Today, 10th December – The Zimbabwean

Parliament Will Sit This Week, Starting Today, 10th December

This bulletin outlines the programme for this week’s sittings.  First, however, is a paragraph that had to be omitted from Bill Watch 67/2019 of 6th December [link] to avoid undue length.

Non-Adverse PLC Reports on Bills Announced Last Week

On 3rd and 5th December the Speaker announced receipt of non-adverse reports by the Parliamentary Legal Committee [PLC]  on the following Bills:

3rd December

Freedom of Information Bill

Marriages Bill

International Treaties Bill

5th December

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill

Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Bill

Constitutional Court Bill.

Coming up In the National Assembly


In the National Assembly fast-track procedure will continue to apply to:

  • what is left for it to do on the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Amendment Bill and Coroner’s Office Bill [see below]; and
  • the completion of the ongoing Budget Debate, to consideration of the Estimates of Expenditure and to the passing of the related Finance (No. 3) Bill and the Appropriation (2020) Bill.

The resolution authorising fast-track procedure was approved by the National Assembly on 28th November.   So far, however, no late-night [after 7 pm] sittings or Friday sittings have been considered necessary; this week may be different.

Budget Business

Both the Finance (No. 3) Bill  [linkand the Appropriation (2020) Bill [link] were gazetted on Friday 6th December and are available for downloading on the Veritas website.  Depending on progress made in the Budget debate and on the Estimates of Expenditure, the National Assembly could finish both Bills this week.

Continuation of the Budget Debate is listed as item 2 on the National Assembly Order Paper for 10th November.  This is the opportunity for individual MPs to make their contributions to the debate; the first few MPs did so on 5th December, following the presentation of reports from all Portfolio Committees.  At the end of the debate, the Minister of Finance and Economic Development will reply to points made by the committees and MPs.  The House will then vote on the Minister’s Budget motion seeking permission to introduce the Finance (No. 3) Bill.

Next, as item 3, comes consideration of the Estimates of Expenditure, for which the whole House will as sit as a committee called the Committee of Supply.  Each vote will be considered in turn.  If the Estimates are approved, the Appropriation (2020) Bill will be introduced by the Minister.  If MPs insist on amendments to the Estimates, corresponding amendments will have to be made to this Bill during the Committee Stage.


Coroner’s Office Bill

This Bill was amended during the Committee Stage on Thursday 5th December.  The amendments were referred to the PLC for its report on their constitutionality.   As the fast-track procedure is applicable, a prompt report is expected from the PLC today.  The Bill, therefore, has a good chance of reaching the Senate in time to be dealt with this week.
Note: The amendments were not extensive.   Only clauses 7 and 14 of the Bill were affected.  The effect of the amendments is to provide for up to three family members of a deceased (or their representatives) to inspect the scene of death; to allow the family members to choose a medical practitioner to represent them at a post-mortem; and to impose a three-month time-limit on the publication of inquest findings.  An annotated version of the Bill showing the amendments is available on the Veritas website [link].

Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Amendment Bill

Assuming a non-adverse report on the amendment made last week by the Senate see [Bill Watch 67/2019 [link]] and a Third Reading by Senators of the Bill as thus amended, this Bill will come back to the National Assembly for final approval.  If this approval is given, the Bill will have been passed by Parliament and can then be sent to the President for assent and gazetting as law.

Freedom of Information Bill [link]

On 5th December, on the strength of the PLC’s non-adverse report on the Bill [see above], the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs started the Second Reading stage of this Bill by outlining its purpose.  The House then adjourned for the weekend.  Continuation of this stage depends on presentation of the Portfolio Committee report on the Bill by the committee chairperson, who was not available at the time.  Unlike the Coroner’s Office Bill, this Bill was not mentioned in the fast-tracking resolution approved by the National Assembly on 28th November.

Other Bills listed for commencement of Second Reading Stage

Marriages Bill

International Treaties Bill

Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Bill

Constitutional Court Bill

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill.

Privileges Committee Report on MPs Allegedly Soliciting Bribes

Item 1 on the Order Paper is the adjourned debate Senator Chief Charumbira’s take-note motion of 4th December on the report of the Privileges Committee he chaired into allegations that four MPs on the Mines Portfolio Committee had solicited a bribe from a company seeking mining rights; see Bill Watch 67/2019 for details summarised the report’s findings [insufficient evidence to prove breach of privilege or contempt of Parliament] and recommended disciplinary action for conduct creating an impression of impropriety.  If, however, MPs consider it more important to get on with Budget business and Bills than with this motion, they may choose to do so.

Coming up in the Senate


There are no Bills on the Senate’s Order Paper for today.  Senators are waiting for Bills to be transmitted from the National Assembly.

Coroner’s Office Bill [link]

As mentioned above, this slightly amended Bill is nearing the end of its passage through the National Assembly, and is likely to reach the Senate today or tomorrow.

The two Budget Bills

Depending on progress made by the National Assembly, the Finance (No. 3) Bill  [link] and the Appropriation (2020) Bill [link] could reach the Senate this week.

Freedom of Information Bill [link]

This Bill is the least likely to reach the Senate this week.


While waiting for Bills to come up from the National Assembly, Senators will continue with adjourned debates on­ the motion in reply to the Presidential Speech of 1st November at the opening of the present Parliamentary session [the State of the Nation Address]; the report of the delegation to the Pan-African Parliament High Level Summit on HIV and Health Financing in Africa [July 2019]; the report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on the plight of people with disabilities, and challenges faced by women and girls with disabilities in Zimbabwe; and the motion calling for unconditional and immediate removal of the illegal economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.

Bills Awaiting PLC Reports

Having submitted non-adverse reports on several Bills in the last ten days – see above and in Bill Watch 67/2019 [link– the PLC has only two outstanding reports to deliver to the National Assembly, on the Amendments to the Coroner’s Office Bill [link] and on the Zimbabwe Media Commission Bill, which has been with them since its First Reading on 12th November.

Forest Amendment Bill Just Gazetted

The Forest Amendment Bill, HB 16, 2019 [link] was gazetted on Friday 6th December.  It proposes introducing mandatory prison sentences for lighting fires in State or private forests, and increasing penalties for other offences designated “major offences” by the Forest Act; there are other measures also, for instance, to decentralise to forestry and environmental officers such matters as the adequacy of fireguards.  The Bill also includes provisions designed to  ensure the Forestry Commission Board includes persons with special qualifications in forestry, environmental planning and management and ecology and that its membership and the staffing of the Commission is gender-balanced.  At first glance, the Bill appears to be marred by unacceptably vague, general and ungrammatical language.

Veritas makes every effort to ensure reliable information, but cannot take legal responsibility for information supplied.

Youth Standing Up for Human Rights
Emotional Zim doctors pray for dying patients as hospitals runs out of drugs – VIDEO

Post published in: Featured