Mind Shift

Olga V. Mack is the CEO of Parley Pro, a next-generation contract management company that has pioneered online negotiation technology. Olga embraces legal innovation and had dedicated her career to improving and shaping the future of law. She is convinced that the legal profession will emerge even stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive than before by embracing technology. Olga is also an award-winning general counsel, operations professional, startup advisor, public speaker, adjunct professor, and entrepreneur. Olga founded the Women Serve on Boards movement that advocates for women to participate on corporate boards of Fortune 500 companies. Olga also co-founded SunLaw, an organization dedicated to preparing women in-house attorneys to become general counsels and legal leaders, and WISE to help female law firm partners become rainmakers. She authored Get on Board: Earning Your Ticket to a Corporate Board Seat and Fundamentals of Smart Contract Security. You can email Olga at olga@olgamack.com or follow her on Twitter @olgavmack. 

Will Your Firm Make You Partner? | Lateral Link

If, over the last twenty years, you prognosticated that each subsequent year would be more difficult to make partner than the previous year, you would be just about right.

Over the last twenty years, law firm leverage – the ratio between equity partners and all other attorneys – has increased every year, bar two. During this period, the number of equity partners has increased by a paltry 27%, while the number of “all other attorneys” has increased by nearly 77%. This has tilted leverage to a new high of 3.144 – up 57% from 2.13 in 1999.

For senior associates vying for partner positions, firms have become increasingly focused on business potential and less so on an associate’s ability to outclass others in the courtroom or at the negotiating table.

In the days of yore, the partner track in Biglaw was oftentimes a reward for consistent competence and professionalism. In an era of PPP and RPL, most firms (other than the Cravath, Wachtell, or Simpson Thacher types) are less likely to promote associates unless they see real revenue-generating potential. A failed promotion represents a substantial opportunity cost in comparison to the fees accrued in a lateral partner search, making the relative certainty of a known and battle-tested commodity much more enticing for many firms.

This growing bottom-heavy structure is an increasing impediment to partnership prospects. Because competition for limited partnership slots is so fierce, associates have to deliberately grow their practice with partnership in mind the minute they step foot in their first firm.

There is no one “right” way to become partner, and we see many of our clients take diametric routes to partnership, however, there is perhaps no factor more important to consider on your route to partnership than if you are at the right firm.

No two firms are alike, and ultimately chasing prestige or pay on the road to partnership can lead to a fatal jackknife off the track. Firms have certain reputations for being promotion or lateral adverse, and lateral metrics back these assumptions.

One telling metric is to determine the ratio of partner promotions to partner laterals.

The data – aggregated from the last two years – is heavily right skewed, with most firms preferring to bringing in lateral partners in lieu of promoting associates. What does this mean for you? Oftentimes, the best way to be promoted, is to move firms.

Another useful metric is looking at how a firm’s recent promotions compares to the number of associates they have. In an ideal world, we would track each associates outcome over a representative period, but that data is not available. However, since associate ranks are relatively stable year to year, we can generalize from the available data.

One important thing to note, is that these are percentages for a two-year period, meaning that Honigman didn’t promote 40% of their attorneys to partner over the last year. A larger period was chosen to avoid any idiosyncrasies in any one year of data. Nonetheless, the metric can be valuable in comparing firms. The distribution for this metric is much more normally distributed, though still somewhat right-skewed.

The last metric we chose to look at was the partner to counsel promotion rate. As leverage has increased, firms have co-opted the counsel role to punt on making the difficult decision of whether to promote an associate to partner, or to discard the investment they have made in an attorney by letting them go. That’s not to say everyone who is a counsel is a counsel for that reason, but its use in this manner is trending up. By looking at the ratio of partner promotions to counsel promotions for any given year, we can see whether a firm is particularly inclined towards promoting to one role over the other.

These three metrics on their own are useful, but to give them more power, we calculated how many standard deviations away from the mean each firm was for each metric (z-score). Since larger values correlated with a higher propensity for making partners, we summed each z-score, giving each metric an equal weighting, and created an index to determine the relative preference of each firm for promoting inwards. The index is hampered by the fact that the distributions are not perfectly normal, but the overall trends should give you an idea how your firm ranks relative to others.

Many firms pass up the opportunity to promote a partner-material associate. The list of reasons you may not make partner is exhaustive, from short-term firm finances to relatively strong competition in your class year, but just because your firm does not appreciate your prospects, does not mean that another firm will not. I and my colleagues at Lateral Link are happy to help you determine your chances of making partner at your firm, and help you make an informed decision in this vital stage of your career.

Congratulations To Jim Gorman On Finally Buying Something He’s Wanted To For 20 Years For Some Reason

Trump Accuses Black Juror Of Voodoo Magicking Unanimous Roger Stone Verdict

Image via Getty

“And she’s, I guess, from what I hear, a very strong woman, a very dominant person, so she can get people to do whatever she wants. And she got on, and then she became the foreperson, forewoman, on the jury.”

This is how the president referred to Tomeka Hart, the foreperson of the DC jury which unanimously convicted Roger Stone on seven counts of obstruction, false statements, and witness tampering. She dominated those poor, hapless other jurors and forced them to convict Roger Stone. Obviously.

“And I assume they asked her a question: ‘Do you have any bias?  Do you have any…’  She didn’t say that. So is that a defrauding of the court? You tell me,” Trump continued.

Indeed one would assume that Stone’s counsel worked diligently to weed out jurors with potential bias and demanded that they be struck for cause, particularly since Judge Amy Berman Jackson allowed dozens of jurors to be dismissed at the defense’s request. And yet, as David French pointed out last week, Stone’s lawyer Robert Buschel knew perfectly well that Ms. Hart was a politically active Democrat, and he didn’t care.

Here’s the sum total of their interaction during voir dire.

MR. BUSCHEL: Did you ever work for anyone in Congress?


MR. BUSCHEL: You’ve worked on campaigns for Congress people running for Congress?

PROSPECTIVE JUROR: I ran for Congress.

MR. BUSCHEL: You ran for Congress?

PROSPECTIVE JUROR: I worked on my own campaign.

MR. BUSCHEL: And you have friends who worked for other congressmen?


MR. BUSCHEL: Do you have any political aspirations now?

PROSPECTIVE JUROR: I don’t know, not federal.

MR. BUSCHEL: What might they be?

PROSPECTIVE JUROR: My home state in Tennessee. No local.

MR. BUSCHEL: Just recognize that there might be some media— What are your aspirations?

PROSPECTIVE JUROR: I served, can I just say I served in political office in Memphis in a local office on the school board. So I, one day I wake up and say I run for, you know, office again in Memphis to impact education. One day I wake up and say no way in the world would I do that. So I don’t have an immediate plan to run for office.

MR. BUSCHEL: The fact that you run for an office, you’re affiliated with a political party. Roger Stone is affiliated with the Republican party, Donald Trump. You understand what I’m saying and getting at?


MR. BUSCHEL: How do you feel about that?

MR. KRAVIS: Objection.

THE COURT: Can you make that question a little bit more crisp? Is there anything about his affiliation with the Trump campaign and the Republican party in general that gives you any reason to pause or hesitate or think that you couldn’t fairly evaluate the evidence against him?


MR. BUSCHEL: Thank you, ma’am.

THE COURT: All right, you can step out.

R. BUSCHEL: Thank you, ma’am.

THE COURT: All right, you can step out.

(Prospective juror leaves courtroom.)

THE COURT: Mr. Buschel, you have a motion?


THE COURT: Okay, let’s bring in the next juror.

So, unless Hart lied on her jury questionnaire Roger Stone’s lawyers already had their shot. Not that fine distinctions like that will stop Donald Trump, noted Law Stuff ‘n’ Jury expert, from accusing her of using those scary brown-lady wiles to force the jury to convict Roger Stone.

But Trump wasn’t done. After insisting that “Stone was never involved in the Trump campaign for President,” which is hilarious since he very publicly fired him in August of 2015, the president went on to opine that his old buddy couldn’t possibly be guilty of witness tampering, because HELLO, NO GUN!

They talk about witness tampering.  But the man that he was tampering didn’t seem to have much of a problem with it.  (Inaudible) think they know each other for years.  And it’s not like the tampering that I see on television when you watch a movie.  That’s called tampering — with guns to people’s heads and lots of other things.

Donald Trump has seen the movies, man. He knows from witness tampering.

Although there is an argument that texting “Prepare to die, cocksucker” to a potential witness is ever so slightly tamper-y. Ditto for threats to take away that witness’s dog. And indeed that witness, whose name is Randy Credico, testified that he was extremely intimidated by Stone’s repeated threats against Credico’s friend Margaret Kunstler if Credico testified truthfully to Congress.

“You are so full of shit. You got nothing. Keep running your mouth and I’ll file a bar complaint against your friend Margaret,” read one message. But there was no gun emoji, so obviously, this doesn’t rise to the level of witness tampering, right?

Anyway, don’t worry that the president is about to pervert the course of justice by pardoning his old friend who lied to congress to obscure the Trump campaign’s contacts with Wikileaks about dumping emails stolen from the DNC by Russian hackers. Well, don’t worry yet.

But I’m not going to do anything in terms of the great powers bestowed upon a President of the United States.  I want the process to play out.  I think that’s the best thing to do, because I’d love to see Roger exonerated, and I’d love to see it happen because I personally think he was treated very unfairly.

He’s not saying that he’s going to pardon Roger Stone right away. But if the legal system fails to produce the result that accords with Tucker Carlson’s informative lectures on Law! How Does That Even Work, Bro?, well, all bets are off.

In other words, Roger Stone will be ringing in the New Year at Mar-a-Lago with Rod Blagojevich and Eddie Gallagher and the entire Trump clan. And you can take that one to the bank.

Is there a Stone Jury Scandal? Not So Fast … [The French Press]
Remarks by President Trump at a Commencement Address at Hope for Prisoners Graduation Ceremony | Las Vegas, NV [WH Press Office]

Zimbabwe’s Thin Line between Child Smuggling and Child Trafficking – The Zimbabwean

A large number of children are regularly transported across Zimbabwe’s borders by women who are not their mothers. Courtesy: Michelle Chifamba

Elton Ndumiso*, a bus-conductor who works the route from Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, to neighbouring South Africa, sees it all the time: Zimbabwean women travelling with three or four children, who are clearly not their own kids, and taking them across the border.

It’s a crime that most bus drivers or conductors either turn a blind eye to, or become accomplices in by assisting the women. 

Ndumiso told IPS that in many cases some bus drivers and conductors go as far as “talking to” or even bribing border officials, to allow them to let the children and women enter neighbouring countries without regular migration documents.

The practice is not a new one.

“A number of children have been transported by female smugglers to cross the border. Some of the women will be in possession of signed affidavits that claim they are the legal guardians of the children. It is difficult to prove what the intensions of the smugglers would be once they have crossed the border to South Africa,” Ndumiso told IPS.

  • The Parliament of Zimbabwe notes that child trafficking is one of the greatest challenges the country is facing as a result of the prevailing economic conditions.
  • And according to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) — an intergovernmental United Nations agency that provides services and oversights around migration — there are a number of cases of Zimbabwean parents living in neighbouring countries who pay smugglers to reunite them with their children in their new country.

Ndumiso may not know what risks await the children after they cross the border, but he’s seen cases of children being at risk during the journey as well. He remembered a recent case of a woman who was smuggling four children across the border into South Africa and had lost one of the kids when the bus stopped for a break.

“The young child was eight years old and disappeared in the small mining town of Mvuma in Midlands Province were the bus had stopped for recess. We searched for the child but could not find her. We had to leave the woman at the nearest police and a police report was made,” Ndumiso told IPS, explaining that the woman had claimed she was transporting the children to join their parents in South Africa.

IOM told IPS that despite there being a large number of instances of child smuggling and trafficking across Zimbabwe’s porous borders, these cases still remain unknown and unreported because of the nature of the crime. 

IOM-Zimbabwe head of programmes Ana Medeiros told IPS that this was largely due to the fact that in many cases victims were afraid to speak out and tell their stories.

  • The 2018 Zimbabwe Parliament Committee on Human Rights’ report states that figures about this illicit crime are unavailable.
  • In the report, parliament recorded that in Zimbabwe the crime of child trafficking is difficult to establish as large amounts of money is gathered in the illegal trade to create networks around the world.
  • “These are calculative syndicates who create links within the government and … world to recruit unsuspecting victims who are lured by the need to improve their lives,” read the report.

Head of the Zimbabwe Gender Commission, an independent rights body in this southern African nation, Virginia Muwanigwa, told IPS that very few cases of child trafficking are addressed each year in Zimbabwe as they are difficult to trace.

“In most cases, the traffickers who pay the smugglers to transport the children along the borders are close family members who may have … affidavits and consent from parents or guardians of the children for transportation and may also pay a bribe to border officials,” she explained. 

According to IOM, smuggling is mostly prevalent on the borders of South Africa and Botswana because documents can be forged and people bribed to allow entry without proper documents.

Medeiros, however, was careful to point out that, “smugglers are not traffickers because in most cases they are paid for their service to facilitate the process of smuggling. However, in some cases they may be linked to the traffickers.” The easily porous borders means that the trafficking of children is also prevalent.

“Child trafficking cases are difficult to trace because minors are not responsible for their actions and there is a thin line between smuggling and trafficking. Trafficking is not always clear as many trafficked people may be recorded as migrants in the country of destination,” Medeiros told IPS.

And Medeiros told IPS that when it comes to cases of child trafficking, usually trusted people like church and family members recruited children with promised work or education outside the country where they either ended up in domestic servitude or as sex salves.

“As a result of the nature of the crime, the component of confidentiality when investigating the issues of child trafficking and lack of knowledge on the crime of human trafficking, many families and children fall victim to trafficking, particularly with people who are close to them who are paid by traffickers to recruit young children,” Medeiros told IPS.

IOM is currently supporting Zimbabwe with capacity building and training programmes to educate people on the crime of human trafficking.

“IOM has supported the government through the Ministry of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare and Civil Society Organisations in providing information through promotional materials such as flyers, banners, T-shirts, road-shows throughout the country’s provinces to educate people on trafficking,” Medeiros told IPS.

In addition, the U.N. agency also shelters victims of trafficking, also providing them counselling.

“At the shelters victims receive counselling and share their stories on how they ended up being smuggled or trafficked,” Medeiros added.

The United States Department of State Trafficking in Persons in Zimbabwe says it also provided more than $ 750,000 in assistance for anti-trafficking programmes covering victim services, awareness and referrals, aligning legislation and building mutual capacity.

The Global Sustainability Network ( GSN ), which actively supports the U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 8 of decent work and economic growth, has focused much of its work on eliminating modern slavery. It, however, acknowledges that globally the legal system has failed to put an end to trafficking and that new laws are needed to protect citizens from this.

“The legal system can be the driver for change — so let’s use the instruments already in place — the law firms that are willing to drive change. Initiate any new laws/programmes not as a marketing add-on but a business norm and a business imperative. We need rule of law and safety of citizens in place — civilised society cannot exist without the rule of law in place,” GSN states on its website.

Muwanigwa too wants to see stronger laws in place to protect Zimbabwe’s children.

“There is need for legislation reform as very few cases of child-smuggling or trafficking in persons are investigated. Resource constraints are also the major drawback when it comes to issues of human trafficking in Zimbabwe,” Muwanigwa told IPS.

This is part of a series of features from across the globe on human trafficking. IPS coverage is supported by the Airways Aviation Group.

The Global Sustainability Network ( GSN ) is pursuing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 8 with a special emphasis on Goal 8.7 which ‘takes immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms’.

The origins of the GSN come from the endeavours of the Joint Declaration of Religious Leaders signed on 2 December 2014. Religious leaders of various faiths, gathered to work together “to defend the dignity and freedom of the human being against the extreme forms of the globalisation of indifference, such us exploitation, forced labour, prostitution, human trafficking” and so forth.

Post published in: Featured

Stricken Air Zimbabwe Fails to Raise Much-Needed Investment – The Zimbabwean

The airline, which in Oct. 2018 was placed under administration, a form of bankruptcy protection, received expressions of interest from 10 international investors and had short-listed three bidders.

“A process to solicit for a strategic partner or investor was undertaken, but none of the parties that expressed interest and submitted bids were successful,” the airline’s administrator, Reggie Saruchera, said in an emailed statement on Thursday, without identifying the bidders.

Restructuring of state-owned enterprises is a cornerstone of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s reform agenda to revive an economy that has halved in size since 2000, and alleviate a crippling shortage of foreign currency.

The airline has outstanding debt of about $370 million, and Saruchera recommended this be settled before seeking fresh investment. It will lease out two Boeing 777 jetliners it bought from Malaysia Airlines in 2018 and has received nine bids for them, he said.

Post published in: Business

Zimnat introduces courtesy car and new claims process – The Zimbabwean

“Being involved in an accident is quite traumatic. We want to help our clients and relieve some of their stress and not add to it,” said Zimnat General Insurance chief executive Stanley Mazorodze.

To achieve this, one of the measures Zimnat has taken is to invest in a tow truck and a fleet of courtesy cars, which those involved in a road accident can take advantage of.

The claims process has been simplified to make it as simple and convenient as possible. If involved in an accident, the policyholder can dial a 24-hour toll-free call centre number, 08080063/4/6  where he or she will be assisted with the claims process and offered the tow service and a courtesy car, if the client’s vehicle needs towing.

The new measures are intended to offer immediate relief to the client, those attending the launch at a Harare hotel were told.

The client will have the use of the courtesy car free of charge for three days, during which he or she can make the necessary arrangements for alternative transport.

The new claims process is activated immediately when the client calls the 24-hour call centre from the scene of the accident.

After recording the claim and allocating it a claim number, the call centre sends the policyholder via e‑mail or WhatsApp a police report form for submission to the police.

After police clearance has been obtained, the policyholder sends the completed police report and a copy of the driver’s licence to the call centre via e-mail or WhatsApp.

The policyholder receives back a list of preferred garages for repair quotations. Three quotations are required.  These are then sent to the call centre in the same way. There is no need to visit a Zimnat office.

Explaining the rationale for the new claims process and the introduction of a courtesy car and tow service, Mr Mazorodze said the best insurance brands in the world stood out because they provided the best customer experience.

He said that eight out of 10 clients rate their claims experience as one of the key drivers of customer satisfaction.

In line with this, Zimnat was continually looking at ways of improving its clients’ experience, at making life better for them.

“Accidents happen to even the most careful drivers. We want to ensure, therefore, that our claims process is as simple and stress-free as possible and do everything we can to make life easier for our clients,” he said.

After the launch presentation, clients attending the launch were invited to view the Zimnat tow truck and some of the courtesy cars.

The tow truck and courtesy cars displayed at the launch were branded Shumba Car Hire, which, clients were told, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zimnat.

Post published in: Featured

Old Mutual to oppose latest Moyo court bid, intends to appoint new CEO – The Zimbabwean

Former Old Mutual CEO Peter Moyo and chair Trevor Manual. Image: Grafika24

The financial services provider on Tuesday issued a statement indicating it plans to oppose the urgent court application lodged by Moyo at the Johannesburg High Court on Friday, February 14, 2020.

“Old Mutual’s lawyers have reviewed Mr Moyo’s latest application and have confirmed that the application is based on a mistaken understanding of the legal position.

“Old Mutual will oppose the application and has been advised that there is no reason why it should not continue with the process to recruit a permanent CEO in the interim. It intends to do so,” the statement read.

“Mr Moyo is entitled to raise his arguments in court. Old Mutual will deal with those arguments in court and will not litigate through the media,” Old Mutual said.

The matter is to be heard on March 10, 2020 and Old Mutual has until February 20 to file a notice of opposition.

According to his court papers, Moyo claims that he would suffer further reputational harm if a new CEO is appointed at Old Mutual. “My reputational rights will also be severely affected should a new CEO be appointed while I am in court to be reinstated to the same position,” he said.

“If the relief sought is not granted and Old Mutual goes ahead and hires a CEO, then the harm of permanently losing my employment is irreversible,” he said. “My right to work, dignity and self-worth cannot be replaced by money,” he added.

Moyo further asserted that the matter would not only prejudice him but other Old Mutual stakeholders such as employees and policyholders.

Old Mutual, however, has hit back at this allegation and said it will continue to act responsibly and remain focused on its core business and protecting the interests of the company and its stakeholders.

Moyo had been suspended from the company in May 2019 and was dismissed in June 2019, over a breakdown in trust and a conflict of interest related to NMT Capital – a boutique investment firm he co-founded. Moyo has challenged his dismissal through the courts and the matter has been ongoing for months.

Post published in: Business

Caritas Zimbabwe feeds 300 000 drought-affected persons – The Zimbabwean

Caritas Zimbabwe working in collaboration with Caritas Internationalis and the World Food Programme (WFP) have distributed food to 300 000 drought-affected persons.

Caritas Zimbabwe has pledged to continue fulfilling its pastoral mandate of accompanying vulnerable communities in the country. This time around, this solidarity is being demonstrated through emergency food aid distribution.

The organisation’s projects are not only looking at short-term immediate food needs, but Caritas Zimbabwe is also providing seed and complementary agronomic training aimed at long-term agricultural recovery.

Zimbabwe has declared a State of National Disaster

The Zimbabwe Drought Response has come at a time when much of the country’s eastern provinces are recovering from the devastating effects of Cyclone Idai. As if Idai was not bad enough, the country is now facing a second complex food emergency: Last year’s poor harvest, adversely affected by Cyclone Idai, severe drought as well as economic challenges has led to a critical food crisis. The Government of Zimbabwe on, 6 August 2019, declared “a State of National Disaster” which opened doors for international assistance.

Collaboration with Caritas Internationalis

Caritas Internationalis launched the Zimbabwe Drought Response emergency appeal on 15 January 2020. The Zimbabwe Bishops conference had earlier resolved that Caritas Zimbabwe with the support of Caritas Internationalis launch an emergency appeal to respond to the calamity.

Caritas Zimbabwe Bishop-President, Archbishop Alex Thomas, of the Archdiocese of Bulawayo then contacted Caritas Internationalis to help orchestrate the appeal.

“It is regrettable that the Cyclone Idai emergency came at a time when the whole country had already been affected by drought resulting in a near-total maize crop failure in the 2018/19 season. At this time even for the few who had harvested something. also have their situation worsened because the little food from own production has already been depleted. At the local level, we have started to mobilise the faithful to support the survival of the vulnerable people; however, the magnitude of the problem has gone beyond our capacity to intervene. Unless external assistance is given, this may lead to starvation…. Therefore on behalf of the people and Bishops of Zimbabwe, I highly recommend this application for your positive consideration,” the Bishop wrote.

Rural communities are most vulnerable

The Zimbabwe Drought Response appeal seeks to address the primary food insecurity problem facing rural communities in Zimbabwe. The appeal is twofold: Contribute to reduction in current urgent food needs and promote future food security.

The appeal is feeding 17 000 vulnerable people in six most food insecure Dioceses of Hwange, Bulawayo, Gweru, Gokwe, Chinhoyi, and Masvingo. Harare and Mutare Dioceses have been spared from the appeal because other funding partners have opted to have bi-literal agreements to support them.

More than USD 1 300 000.00 needed

The drought response project will provide a blanket in-kind food distribution for eight months (until September 2020). The food basket contains grain, pulses (e.g. beans, lentils and peas) and oil at the following quantities standardised to align with WFP food expenditure basket composed of 7.5kg of grain per person per month; 0.5kg of pulses per person per month and 0.75kg of vegetable oil per person per month.

The total budget for this food security Appeal is USD 1, 332, 439. 00 (EURO 1 017 915. 00). To date, the appeal has received pledges of up to 140 00 USD and only 10 000 USD. Caritas Japan, Caritas Australia and CAFOD have pledged US$10 000.00, 50 000.00 pounds and US75 000.00 respectively.

Collaboration with WFP

In similar food security projects, Caritas Zimbabwe is being supported by the World Food Programme to feed 261 699 individuals for four months ending April 2020 in the Districts of Gutu, Chivi, and Beitbridge in Masvingo diocese. In addition, Hwedza, Marondera, Chikomba, Murehwa in the Archdiocese of Harare then Umzingwane and Matobo in the Archdiocese of Bulawayo.