Mike Pompeo Can’t Find Friends At His Old Law Firm On A Map

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly had an interview with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss Iran and Ukraine which made a lot of sense because she was talking to the guy who ostensibly understands American foreign policy and in the last few weeks he nearly started a cataclysmic war with the former while we all learned that all the President’s stooges were trying to assassinate our ambassador to the latter. Any reporter conducting a foreign policy interview that doesn’t touch those countries should be fired immediately.

Except, Pompeo didn’t want to talk about Ukraine, probably because between accepting the interview and the time he sat down with Kelly more evidence came out about the administration’s bumbling efforts and he realized every interview he gave would just be another landmine of potentially damning misstatements. So he told Kelly that he wouldn’t talk about Ukraine, a fact which she reported because she’s a reporter and that’s what reporters do.

Pompeo decided to use State Department letterhead to complain about the reporter because a public tantrum is exactly the dignified use of the office that the Founders intended:

The last dig refers to the most bizarre act of a sitting United States Secretary of State. Apparently in an effort to lash out at Kelly for asking him about his job, he had aides bring him a map without country names and dared Kelly to find Ukraine on the map. Because Kelly has an advanced degree in European Studies from FUCKING CAMBRIDGE, she pointed to Ukraine and Pompeo got even more angry. He now seems to be implying that he thinks she failed to correctly point to Ukraine which terrifyingly suggests that — given the credentials of the two parties involved — the Secretary of State of the United States thinks Bangladesh rests on the Black Sea.

Putting aside how dumb it is to try to best a European Studies expert on European geography, isn’t Ukraine one of the easiest countries to identify? Even the dullest tool in the shed knows the breadbasket of Europe has to be by Russia which is the biggest country on the map already. Everyone’s played Risk and had to jealously guard that 5 Army Europe bonus. Pompeo is, despite all appearances, a lawyer yet he apparently missed the “don’t ask questions you don’t already know the answer to” lesson because this was a downright atrocious flex.

How this story becomes fodder for law firm gossip is that Kelly is married to Williams & Connolly partner Nick Boyle, and Williams & Connolly is the firm where Mike Pompeo worked until 1997. Boyle didn’t overlap with Pompeo, joining the firm in 2001 after Pompeo bolted from legal practice. But it’s safe to say Pompeo isn’t making any friends at his old firm.

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Modern Document Management: How Law Departments Work Smarter

Clinton Crosier is Associate General      Counsel at iManage

Over the past decade, digital technologies have revolutionized nearly every industry, transforming client relationships, business processes, and individual work functions. This digital transformation has been particularly acute in the world of legal operations. As illustrated in the Annual Law Department Operations Survey, the number one challenge for legal operations professionals is improving business processes in the era of digital transformation.

Legal operations has grown in strategic importance by embracing digital transformation to bring efficiency and innovation to corporate legal processes. One critical area of focus should be information management – enabling users to save, search, and work effectively with the volume of documents, emails, and messages that flow through the legal department. It’s clear from the relatively low effectiveness scores for document management revealed in the survey that traditional products are not meeting the needs of contemporary legal departments. 

Modern document management is the next step in the evolution of work product solutions for legal departments. It delivers an intuitive, consumer-like experience that empowers professionals to work more productively while enabling legal departments to be more efficient, agile, and responsive to the changing business environment. 

This approach is based on adding value in four key areas:

  • Value to the user: The core objective is to empower the user by delivering a dramatically better experience. It should mirror consumer applications like Amazon and Google, with intuitive features that work the way users want to work and require minimal training. Modern document management starts with a clean, modern interface, accessible on any device including personal computers, phones, or tablets.
  • Value to the information: Modern document management is more than a file repository; it adds smart features and capabilities to enhance the value of information. For example, it anticipates user actions, with smart document previews, suggested filing locations, and personalized search that delivers more accurate results by remembering what you search for most often. It integrates with the tools that legal professionals use including matter management, contract management, and workflow software.
  • Value to the organization: Improving the individual user experience while enhancing the value of information delivers profound benefits at the organizational level. Modern document management helps legal organizations become more efficient and productive while delivering better outcomes. Cloud delivery models enhance organizational agility with rapid deployment, automated updates, and the flexibility to add new functionality as needed.
  • Comprehensive security: Legal organizations have stringent requirements for securing documents from both internal and external threats. Modern document management delivers comprehensive security, built on established industry best practices, to protect information assets. These protections are augmented by comprehensive governance, security and risk mitigation features including need-to-know security, and ethical walls, to govern information access.

Everyone’s Banning Former Bank CEOs This Week

Always Waiting: A Lawyer’s Tale

The child and his big brother went into their backyard and threw ground balls to each other to practice fielding.  When the big brother started playing Little League baseball, the two practiced more often. But when the older brother turned 12, and played his last Little League game, the brother gave the sad news: “There’s no reason to practice fielding ground balls anymore.”

Things are worth pursuing only if there’s a goal, of course.

The child sometimes sent away for stuff by mail.

While he waited, he was excited; there was anticipation. And then the package arrived, which was okay. But not nearly as good as the anticipation.

When the child was in high school, he’d practice shooting hoops, and he’d dream about the state championship he’d win one day.

He never did.

As a young man, he dreamed about the person that he’d meet who would change his life. The anticipation carried him through the bad times.

After law school, the young man went to a firm. He argued an appeal that was pretty significant for a person of his age. One of the old-timers at the firm told him, “You just might win this case, and it’s the sort of victory that could launch your career.” He won, but there was no obvious launch.

He published an article in a fairly well-known journal. He dreamed about the business that would come in, making him a leader within the firm. A matter or two came in, but the Earth didn’t shake.

Every once in a while he bought a lottery ticket: “I know that I’m not going to win. But it’s worth a buck to imagine for 24 hours how I’d spend the hundred million if I did.” He never won, of course.

There was a competition to select the next leader of the man’s practice within the firm. He dreamed of how his life would change if only he were picked.

Maybe he got the job; maybe he didn’t.

He reached the firm’s retirement age, and there was no reason to practice fielding ground balls any more.

But wait!  The next trip!  Just imagine how great the week in New Zealand will be!

There’s always room to dream about the destination. There’s hardly any reason to enjoy the trip along the way.

Mark Herrmann spent 17 years as a partner at a leading international law firm and is now deputy general counsel at a large international company. He is the author of The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Practicing Law and Drug and Device Product Liability Litigation Strategy (affiliate links). You can reach him by email at inhouse@abovethelaw.com.

Book Review: A Manual On Becoming A Client-Centered Firm, From Clio CEO Jack Newton

Before there was ever an Amazon, you could buy books. Before there was ever a Starbucks, you could buy coffee. Before there was ever an Uber, you could hire a car. Before there was ever a Netflix, you could watch movies.

What drove these companies’ success was not that they introduced new products. It was that they changed the experience of how you consume products that already existed. They made it so you can get what you want, quickly and easily and in a way that you understand.

As Jack Newton, cofounder and CEO of the practice management company Clio, writes in his new book, The Client-Centered Law Firm: How to Succeed in an Experience-Driven World, “You didn’t get value solely from the product you were buying; you got value from your experience buying the product as well.”

We all get this when it comes to buying new headphones on Amazon or booking a rental on Airbnb. But for some reason, many legal professionals still do not get that this applies to them, as well — to the services they deliver and to the experience they provide in delivering those services.

That is the message Newton convincingly conveys in this book, which is being released Jan. 28 and is available for pre-order now through Amazon or Clio’s website — that there is enormous opportunity for firms to thrive by melding the legal services they already offer with a better client experience. And for firms that want to pursue that opportunity, the book provides a roadmap.

“Companies like Netflix, Airbnb, and Uber aren’t only changing expectations in their respective industries: they’re changing expectations in all industries,” Newton writes. “If you’re used to seeing exactly what you’ll get and what you’ll pay up-front when booking a vacation rental, why would you expect any less when working with a law firm?”

Yet many lawyers are still taxi drivers in an age of rideshare. They stubbornly cling to old ways of doing things and protest when innovators challenge their turf.

This has created an anomalous gap: Clients are not happy with the experience they get from lawyers, and many avoid even using a lawyer for their legal issues, while lawyers spend a lot of time trying to get more clients and are concerned about not having enough.

The solution, Newton argues, is simple and lies in proving a better client experience.

“If lawyers focused on giving clients the simplified experience they wanted, their clients would be happier, more likely to engage with a lawyer, and more likely to encourage others to do so as well,” he writes. “All of this would mean better reviews and more referrals for law firms, improving bottom lines. Law firms need to change their business models to match an environment where experience is king.”

Of course, providing a better client experience is easier said than done. It is one thing for a firm to want to change. It is quite another to figure out how to change and make that change endure.

That is the goal of this book. As Newton describes it, “This book is both a rallying call for a tectonic shift in the legal industry and a handbook for becoming a client-centered law firm.”

The book is organized in three parts:

  • Part 1 is that rallying cry — an overview of how and why the legal market is changing and why it matters for firms to adopt a client-centered approach.
  • Part 2 is definitional — discussing what it means for a firm to be client-centered and how a firm cultivates a client-centered mindset.
  • Part 3 is the blueprint — a manual for designing processes, shifting culture, getting internal buy-in, and measuring success.

For firms that become client-centered, the opportunity is enormous, Newton argues. While estimates put the size of the U.S. legal market at $437 billion, that does not take into account the estimated 77% of people in the U.S. who, according to estimates from the World Justice Project, did not get help for their legal issues in 2018. While the causes of this are many and complex, it is at least partly due to poor product-market fit.

“If innovative legal practitioners can create a better product-market fit between the services lawyers offer and how consumers want (or need) to buy them — for example, by making services more efficient and affordable — they’ll gain more clients and grow their firms like never before,” Newton argues.

Who is Jack Newton and what qualifies him to write a book such as this? As cofounder and CEO of Clio over the past dozen years, he has built an enormously successful practice management company, one that last year raised a jaw-dropping $250 million funding round — one of the largest investments ever for a legal technology company.

Clio is also home to the annual Legal Trends Report, a data-driven analysis of what fuels law firm growth and success, how clients find lawyers, and how legal services are delivered. In this book, Newton regularly taps into this rich resource to substantiate his arguments.

On top of all that, he is someone who has come to know the legal profession well and many lawyers and firms on a first-hand basis. Throughout this book, he is able to provide real stories of real firms that illustrate his points. He cites, for example, the Tacoma, Wash., firm Palace Law’s creation of a chatbot to help assess worker-compensation claims.

The most significant lesson of this book is that becoming client-centered is not about simply adopting some flashy idea that makes a big splash. It is about embracing change as a constant and ongoing state, about what Newton describes as setting in motion a flywheel within your firm that generates a perpetual process of growth.

“If you commit to staying open to change, and keep putting effort in to iterate on the way your firm operates, your flywheel will only spin faster and faster, and you’ll succeed in the modern era of law firms,” Newton writes.

Becoming client-centered is a state of mind, as much as anything – how you think about your clients, your services, your firm, and yourself – and one that is crucial, he argues, to avoiding becoming a dinosaur.

“Provide a better experience by paying attention to what your legal clients truly need, and you’ll generate more revenue, outperform your competitors, and earn more positive referrals,” Newton says. “Ignore what your clients want, and your firm may go the way of Blockbuster.”

Robert Ambrogi is a Massachusetts lawyer and journalist who has been covering legal technology and the web for more than 20 years, primarily through his blog LawSites.com. Former editor-in-chief of several legal newspapers, he is a fellow of the College of Law Practice Management and an inaugural Fastcase 50 honoree. He can be reached by email at ambrogi@gmail.com, and you can follow him on Twitter (@BobAmbrogi).

Biglaw Firm Announces Bonuses Topping The Market Scale

If you’ve got to wait until January to learn about your bonus, the least the firm can do is toss you a little extra to make it worth the wait.

Latham & Watkins is a January bonus player who understands the pain of waiting while your peers at other firms celebrate holiday bonuses. So again this year, Latham is offering a sliding scale of bonuses that top the market base for most associates.

Here are the median and top bonuses by class year announced in the Latham memo. Bonus payments kick in at a 1900-hour minimum:

Comparing these numbers to last year, there’s definitely a bump for the big revenue firm. Taking the median bonuses of each year:

2019 Median 2020 Median
1st $15,000 $15,000
2nd $25,000 $25,875
3rd $52,500 $53,000
4th $68,500 $71,500
5th $85,000 $88,500
6th $97,500 $100,000
7th $107,500 $116,000

Last year, the table included one more class year at $110,000. They appear to be sucked up into the 7th year plus class this time around. Otherwise, the firm is showing off another strong year of growth.

Please help us help you when it comes to bonus news at other firms. As soon as your firm’s bonus memo comes out, please email it to us (subject line: “[Firm Name] Bonus”) or text us (646-820-8477). Please include the memo if available. You can take a photo of the memo and send it via text or email if you don’t want to forward the original PDF or Word file.

And if you’d like to sign up for ATL’s Bonus Alerts, please scroll down and enter your email address in the box below this post. If you previously signed up for the bonus alerts, you don’t need to do anything. You’ll receive an email notification within minutes of each bonus announcement that we publish.

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Morning Docket: 01.27.20

* Elizabeth Holmes, the former CEO of Theranos, is now representing herself after her lawyers quit for lack of payment. [Fox Business]

* President Trump’s impeachment lawyers began their defense over the weekend, and the impeachment trial is scheduled to resume today. [Washington Post]

* Jon Lovitz played Alan Dershowitz on SNL this past weekend. Seems like SNL could find someone who looks a little more like Dershowitz… [Daily Beast]

* A gamer has lost a lawsuit claiming human rights abuses for being muted on a popular online game. [Vice]

* The Supreme Court of Canada just heard a case about whether corporations have protections against cruel and unusual punishment. Can’t wait for that argument to be made in the States. [The Conversation]

Jordan Rothman is a partner of The Rothman Law Firm, a full-service New York and New Jersey law firm. He is also the founder of Student Debt Diaries, a website discussing how he paid off his student loans. You can reach Jordan through email at jordan@rothmanlawyer.com.

Cross-Border Runners Brave Borders With Bribery in Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwean

INTERNATIONAL – Farai Mapondera sits at a Shell filling station about 500 yards from the Beitbridge border post that separates South Africa and Zimbabwe. 

It’s 3 p.m. and 40 degrees (104 Fahrenheit) so he’s slouched against his battered Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van, waiting for the sun to set before he tackles a crossing plagued by delays, corruption and chaos.


Beitbridge is one of Africa’s busiest land border crossings. 

About 25,000 people and 500 heavy trucks cross every 24 hours and, in summer, the temperatures are searing. 

Mapondera is a runner, or malaicha, a slang term meaning “deliverer of goods.” Twice a week he transports items between South Africa’s commercial hub, Johannesburg, and Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare.


But delays at the border and breakdowns can reduce his trips to as few as three a month. If it’ll fit in his van or on the over-loaded trailer he tows, he’ll take it. The trailer towers over the Sprinter and it looks precariously balanced, tied down with bits of rope and netting. The 1,200 kilometer (745 miles) journey takes him about 24 hours — if he’s lucky.


“If there are delays you can spend a whole 24 hours trying to cross” the border, Mapondera said. “The roads in Zimbabwe are terrible, so punctures are common, also breakdowns, so sometimes it can take much longer.”


The malaicha exist because Zimbabwe’s economic crisis has destroyed much of the normal infrastructure of trade and foreign currency is scarce. That, and a drought, have made it even more difficult to acquire basic consumer goods.


While it’s impossible to put a value on the goods runners move across Africa because they avoid duties and taxes, they are organized and efficient. They even have a website and an app. They’re used by rich and poor to bring in goods at the lowest possible price and will deliver to your door anything from a freezer to a mobile phone — and even an envelope stuffed with cash.


Three Border Crossings

Parked next to Mapondera, Josiah Banda is underneath an old Iveco van, tying the exhaust to the chassis with wire. He’s on his way to Blantyre, Malawi’s economic capital that’s another 1,200 kilometers northeast, and he faces two more border crossings.


“It’s hard to say who are worse,” Banda says, rubbing his soot-covered hands on his trousers. “South African immigration can make you move from one queue to another for no reason. They’re very rude.”


Driving in Zimbabwe isn’t too bad, but once you hit Mozambique you’re expected to pay bribes at the border and to police along the road, he said.


“In Malawi, people complain that everything is expensive; well, this is why everything costs so much.”


Typically, runners taking goods to Zimbabwe charge between 25% and 30% of the value of the items as their fee. That’s considerably less than the import duties they’d normally have to pay, but there are ways to wiggle for profit.

The runners have arrangements with the bus drivers who cross the border and officials from the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority. Instead of declaring the goods themselves, they spread it between the 80 passengers on each bus and, with a $200 duty-free allowance per person, the runners end up paying very little.

A malaicha who says his name is John Madzibaba is heading for Chipinge, a small town on Zimbabwe’s frontier with Mozambique. His trailer is sagging under the weight of bags of cornmeal, plastic chairs and suitcases. He’s waiting for a shift change on the Zimbabwe side when “my customs guy will be on duty,” he said.

Madzibaba does between four and six trips a month, each turning over about 20,000 rand ($1,384). From that he must pay his loading assistant and bribes, buy fuel and maintain his vehicle, he said.

Endless Forms

Border infrastructure in South Africa and Zimbabwe was built in a time when far fewer people and less freight crossed the Limpopo River between the two nations. The South African side is mainly orderly but slow, with lines of people waiting in the sun. The Zimbabwean side is frenzied, chaotic and without any obvious order, but can often be quicker.

Both sides maintain archaic police and vehicle checks, endless forms and waiting. Sometimes fights break out when someone jumps the line and tempers become frazzled in the heat and impatience with corruption.

It’s a far cry from the vision of leaders who signed the African Continental Free-Trade Agreement, aiming to lower or eliminate cross-border tariffs on most goods and ease the movement of capital and people across the whole continent.

Back at the Shell filling station, Mapondera affirms this.

“When politicians talk about African trade, they’re talking for the sake of talking,” he said, dismissing chances of governments ever agreeing to open borders. “What we do, we runners, is how most of Africa trades.”

Shunned by the West and China, Zimbabwe turns to UAE – The Zimbabwean

Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa arrives for the inauguration of Cyril Ramaphosa as South African president, at Loftus Versfeld stadium in Pretoria, South Africa, May 25, 2019. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko/File Photo

Sanctioned by the West and spurned by China, Zimbabwe has turned to the United Arab Emirates in its latest bid to find a saviour that can arrest the collapse of its economy.

Zimbabwe’s government has approached the UAE in hopes of selling a stake in its national oil company, according to three company and government officials familiar with the plan.

It also wants companies in the UAE to buy more of its gold, they said.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said UAE investors will build solar plants in Zimbabwe, and UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan a year ago issued a decree to open an embassy in Zimbabwe. Dubai also contributed to relief efforts when Zimbabwe was hit by a cyclone last year.

Zimbabwe’s economy is in free-fall: It likely contracted by more than 6% last year, according to government estimates.

Half the population is in need of food aid, inflation is running at over 500% and its currency has depreciated by more than 90% against the dollar since a 1:1 peg was abolished in February last year.

“They need investment desperately,” said Jee-A van der Linde, an economic analyst at NKC African Economics in Paarl, South Africa.

“It’s been snowballing. I don’t know where it’s going to end up. I don’t know how that would be appealing for the UAE.”

Oil companies in the UAE said they were unaware of the interest.

Belarusian Buses

The UAE’s foreign ministry didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The UAE is not the only country Mnangagwa has targeted for potential investment. Since taking power from Robert Mugabe in a November 2017 coup, he has crisscrossed the globe repeating the mantra ‘Zimbabwe is open for business.’

Two trips to Russia and former Soviet republics revived interest in a platinum project and a fleet of second-hand Belarusian buses now ply the streets of the capital, Harare.

By May 2019, investment pledges worth $27bn had been announced in projects ranging from steel mills to abattoirs. There’s little evidence that they are being developed.

A visit by Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister in January ended with only pledges of further infrastructural projects being carried out by China. There was no mention by the “all-weather-friend” as Zimbabwe likes to describe China, extending any financial bailout.

Zimbabwe wants to sell a stake of as much as 25% in the National Oil Infrastructure Company of Zimbabwe, the people said, declining to be identified as the plans haven’t been disclosed.

NOIC owns storage depots at the port of Beira in neighboring Mozambique as well as five locations in Zimbabwe. It also owns gas stations and the pipeline that brings oil products from Beira to Mutare for companies including Puma Energy BV, in eastern Zimbabwe.

Fuel Shortages

Zimbabwe is prone to frequent shortages of motor fuel and sees a relationship with the UAE, possibly through the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, as a way of securing supply, one of the people said. The southern African nation consumes 1.4 million liters of gasoline and 2.5 million liters of diesel daily, according to the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority.

“We are working toward establishing a permanent arrangement with friendly countries and that also includes the UAE,” said Fortune Chasi, Zimbabwe’s energy minister, declining to comment directly on whether Zimbabwe had approached the UAE.

Climate change is a real issue within Zimbabwe: how drought is affecting the country – The Zimbabwean

A woman stands by the remains of a building destroyed by Cyclone Idai (Photo: Idzai Murimba/Tearfund)

The situation in Zimbabwe is dire. Zimbabwe is double the population of London, standing at 16.83 million, and approximately half of the population is in a dangerous, dire and desperate situation.

That half do not have access to proper food at this moment in time. The drought has struck 8.5 million people, with over half of the population going hungry. In southern Africa, a record 45 million people are in desperate need of food. According to local newspaper NewsDay, we have less than a month’s supply of food left.

The drought has been compounded by economic issues. More than three-quarters of the population do not have formal jobs, and because of this, they don’t have the money to buy the basics of survival, like food. Basic necessities are not making it to the table.

Over half of the population going hungry

One lady I have been helping is named Esther. Esther has HIV, and needs to take ARV medication to treat her illness. Eating a good, calorific diet while taking ARVs is essential, and without any food, the side effects of the drugs increase. It can be as little as a headache, but after a while, the drugs make you feel incredibly hungry, causing stomach pain, dizziness, shivers or tremors, loss of energy, fainting, sweating, and a rapid heartbeat. Some people stop taking the drugs because the pain gets too much.

Esther takes ARVs, but she has been struggling. She lost most of her stuff during the cyclone, but because of the crisis, she doesn’t have regular access to food, or any belongings. Esther’s food was washed away in the natural disaster. Her goods were washed away. Now, in my role, I’ve been able to show her basic farming techniques, which means she won’t just depend on emergency supplies, but will be able to grow a crop on her own. It is a technique that are beginning to pull people from a difficult situation.

‘People are waiting up to four hours to buy food’

But farming isn’t as productive as it used to be. It’s a real struggle. Years ago when I was a boy, with one piece of land, we could produce 30-50 bags of maize. Now, we can only produce 1-2 bags with the same sized plot. There are changes that are happening and they cannot be ignored.

Mtshale Nyoni stands at his now barren farm which he describes as a semi-arid desert (Photo: David Mutua/Tearfund)

If we were to draw the same parallel in an urban area, people are currently waiting up to four hours in queues to buy food. When a lot of business, trading and markets, relies on a car to get around and as a space to sell, a lot of people are struck in a difficult place. They can’t stay that long and lose out on business, otherwise they can’t buy the food, but they won’t be able to eat again if they don’t drum up business.

Food prices are going up by the day. The rising prices make it even harder for people to access food. And when it all falls down, and people start to get hungry, and starving, they can’t afford to see a doctor, never-mind find one, because they’re not available. We’ve lost a lot of people because there haven’t been doctors available. Unless you have the money for a private clinic, it can feel like you’re on your own.

‘There’s so much pressure on the land’

I’m grateful of some of the innovations Tearfund is implementing. I think there is a saying that if you give someone fish, they will come back for the fish. If you give them a rod, they will get a fish, and If they own a pond, and a line, you are providing them a more sustainable way of living. They are able to put food on the table, get an education, and access basic care.

When I was a boy, my school was 3-4km away from home. I couldn’t see my school, because there were so many trees en route. But today, walking the same path, you can count 2-3 trees – most of them have been cut. Now I can see the building as clear as day from my own home. People need firewood, so they’ve cut the trees down, and need to sell them to get an income. There’s so much pressure on the land. These are changes taking place over the years, and we’re visibly seeing the impact the deforestation.

Earnest Maswera – Zimbabwe CD of Tearfund (Photo: Tearfund)

In some communities, we are already beginning to promote the planting of trees. They take care of one tree, one tree per church member. I don’t know how many trees we can replant, but on average, 62 per cent of Zimbabweans attend church. A church is present in communities, almost in every community. If we begin to promote and scale these initiatives, we can gain ground against climate change.

And when we gain ground, we will be able to against this life-threatening emergency and push back.

Post published in: Featured