Make Money Mondays [late]: Tips for Generating Business While Waiting on a Long Line

This past Monday, I showed up bright and early at the United States Supreme Court hoping for a seat to view the argument in this case where my clients filed an amicus brief .  Knowing that I would have considerable wait time, I tried to come up with ideas on how to spend it productively. After all, since I wasn’t arguing the case, I didn’t really need to review the briefs.  Nor could I use the wait time  to return phone calls since the line formed so early and most of my clients or colleagues wouldn’t yet be available.  Sure, I could have plugged in my headphones and turned on an audio book or buried myself in my Facebook feed – but I could partake in those activities anytime 

So what could I do to maximize use of time spent on line? Here’s what I came up with.

Video Dispatches  Anticipating that I’d be waiting outside the courthouse, I originally planned on recording mini-news style videos and FaceTime lives to provide updates on the case and the pipeline work that I do. Video is a great way to make use of that kind of downtime and helps viewrs feel as if they’re part of the action.

Unfortunately, in my case, my video plan never came to pass because just a few minutes after arriving at the Court, I was ushered inside for the bar members’ line where video recording wasn’t permitted.  Likewise, I’d hoped to squeeze in a few recordings after I left but instead, met up with my clients who had traveled three hours to the Court. Still, video remains a good use of line waiting time and I hope I have a second chance to give it a try.

Twitter Dispatch  Tweeting while waiting online is practically a no-brainer. If you’re on a line where you can share your location and details of a case without breaching confidentiality, by all means do so as you may attract attention from potential clients and reporters following the matter.  If you can’t disclose location or subject-matter, you can use the line time more generally to catch up with social media postings – and for me, Twitter and/or Facebook are the easiest to engage through a phone.

Write a Post Mortem  After the case is over, chances are you’ll want to summarize the argument for a blog post or newsletter.  You can use the wait time to start an outline of an article, jot down notes, document first hand impressions that you can later incorporate into your story.  In other words, you can use the wait time to get a jump start on your eventual post-mortem of the events.

Brand Yourself  Lines are a great place to display brand. If you have a neat coffee cup, striking bag or other branded swag, wear it proudly online because someone might ask you about it – or remember it later on if they’re trying to think of the name of a law firm. And if you’re really ambitious, you could pass out snacks on line branded with your logo. Who doesn’t like a little food during a long wait?

Strike Up A Conversation  OK – this one is so very old school but striking up a conversation just plain works.  So as I stood on line, I looked for opportunities to chat with others, opening up the conversation by asking them about their interest in the case.  I wound up talking to a former FERC Commissioner whom I’d known for years but had never met and ran into a frequent opponent in my appellate gas cases. We caught up on the issues, discussed the cases and I followed up with a short thank and request for referrals after. Two more seeds planted.  

Just Show Up  All of us are busy and it’s tough to make time to appear at an argument that’s important for your industry or one of your colleagues. And these days, so many arguments – though not at SCOTUS – can be heard contemporaneously online so there’s little reason to occupy your morning with a physical trip.  But sometimes just showing up  to wait on a line to attend can be the best opportunity of all.  

As a young lawyer, I’d court watch all the time and introduce myself afterwards to the superstars in my field. But even now, thirty years into my career, I still benefit from face time.  In this instance, on the way out of the court, I ran into one of the leaders in the pipeline landowner opposition and said hello.  I know that the fact that I took the time to show up for this case reinforces my credibility in the landowner community.  Plus, I also snagged the benefit of a photo opp – a photographer hired by one of the non-profits that does this work snapped a few pictures of me which can be useful for my social media posts or newsletter.

By the way, these tips don’t just apply to lines for professional activities like hearings.  You can make use of wait time similarly whether you’re on vacation with your family at Disney, hoping to snag cheap Broadway show tickets at the TKTS booth in Times Square or simply on a daily pick up line at your kids school.  

Most of us groan at the thought of waiting on a long line. And while I don’t always have the time to wait, when I don’t have a choice, why let a good long line go to waste?

What are some of your line waiting business development ideas?  Post your comments below.

Larry Kudlow Proclaims Coronavirus Epidemic Fake News, Markets Promptly Resume Tanking

African Development Bank Executive Directors conduct consultative mission, tour project sites – The Zimbabwean

The delegation also met officials from various ministries, civil society, private sector and multilateral financial institutions, during which they were briefed on the current macro-economic, social and political environment in the southern African nation.

During the meeting with President Mnangagwa, the delegation appreciated ongoing reform efforts initiated since January 2019 as part of the government’s Transitional Stabilization Program 2018 -2020 under the IMF Staff Monitored Program (May 2019 – March 2020). They welcomed the president’s pledge to recalibrate the Program, which aims to implement a coherent set of policies that facilitate a return to macroeconomic stability.

The reforms include introducing necessary policy and institutional reforms for private sector-led growth, addressing infrastructure gaps, and launching quick-wins to stimulate and restore growth.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the Bank for the commitment towards Zimbabwe. We need more assistance as a country, more so, as we embarked on substantive economic reforms based only on domestic resources without help from the international community,” said President Mnangagwa.

The directors noted that despite some positive results, reform coordination in the country remains a challenge, against a backdrop of a continuing general rise in poverty levels, especially in the urban areas.

Zimbabwe is also still feeling the after effects of Cyclone Idai, which hit the country in March 2019, and the 2019/20 drought, which has left more than 8.5 million people (3 million of whom are in urban areas), food insecure.

The delegation also visited several Bank-funded projects, including the Post Cyclone Idai Emergency Recovery and Resilience Programme (PCIREP), implemented in the Chimanimani district, which was severely affected by Cyclone Idai. The project, funded to the tune of 24.7 million, focuses on public infrastructure interventions aimed at re-establishing sustainable livelihoods and kick-starting economic activities of the affected population.

They commended the government’s rebuilding efforts in Chimanimani and other parts of the country, and reiterated the Bank’s commitment to the people of Zimbabwe and the country’ economic development agenda.

The group urged perseverance in the implementation of reforms and called for early normalization of relations with development partners, which would help unlock more substantive external resources for Zimbabwe, including from the African Development Bank.

Travelling to Zimbabwe were Mbuyami Matungulu who represents a constituency covering Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo); Judith Kateera representing Angola, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe; Kenyeh Barlay for Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Sudan; Paal Bjornestad for Denmark, Finland, India, Norway and Sweden; Amod Kipronoh Cheptoo, for Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda); and  Mmakgoshi Lekhethe, for Eswatini, Lesotho and South Africa.

Eugenio Paulo, Senior ED Advisor, and Josephine Ngure, Acting Director General (RDGS) also participated in the mission.

Post published in: Featured

Morning Docket: 02.27.20

* Stephen Barnes’s girlfriend is suing his ex-partner Ross Cellino and Cellino & Barnes over a bonus she is allegedly owed. Hopefully she gets the infamous jingle in the settlement. [Buffalo News]

* Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer has suggested he may not favor releasing Weinstein since Weinstein might get arrested on different criminal charges when released. [Bloomberg]

* A Utah woman who was seen topless by her stepchildren has taken a plea deal to avoid being labeled a sex offender. Her topless husband was standing next to her and wasn’t prosecuted…seems like a double standard. [Fox News]

* President Trump’s re-election campaign is suing The New York Times for libel over an opinion piece about Russian interference in the 2016 election. [USA Today]

* Joe Biden has announced that he intends to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court if he is elected president, and some see parallels to a promise Reagan made during the 1980 presidential campaign. [Washington Post]

* The New Hampshire Supreme Court rejected a lawyer’s claim that his sleep apnea was to blame for his professional misconduct. Got to hand it to this lawyer for coming up with a creative argument. [AP]

Jordan Rothman is a partner of The Rothman Law Firm, a full-service New York and New Jersey law firm. He is also the founder of Student Debt Diaries, a website discussing how he paid off his student loans. You can reach Jordan through email at

Currency policy contradictions biting citizens – The Zimbabwean

Mthuli Ncube

At the epicentre of the cash challenges are the rent-seeking activities and contradictions surrounding the exchange control. A misplaced introduction of bond notes in 2016 was the genesis of the financial crisis, a backfiring attempt to monetise a deficit created by fiscal indiscipline in which the Zanu PF administration under Chinamasa had spent beyond the government’s means.

The trend has continued under Mthuli Ncube, with the government raiding NOSTRO accounts, printing money, incurring new debts outside Parliament and issuing toxic treasury bills. It was bound to happen that the need to monetise the fiscal deficit would push the government to revert to a currency they can print. This was a misinformed decision because a full introduction of a local currency ought to have been supported by proper economic fundamentals.

In any case, a currency is a relationship between your imports and exports or your trade position. Countries with a stronger trade position tend to have stable currencies. An abused citizen rejects the authority of the government and a country’s currency becomes an immediate casualty, as has become the case in Zimbabwe where people have organized themselves outside the realms of the State, creating what is loosely called the alternative market.

It is, however, important to note that what is called the black market is a second-generation problem emanating from a first generation problem of shortages. The shortages are a result of unreasonable exchange controls. In the Zimbabwean case they are compounded by government expenditure.

We have a government which spends foreign currency which it does not earn. They raid accounts and impose unreasonable export retention laws which encourage exporters to evade the Zimbabwean banking system. A reasonable government would give incentives and not punish production.

Then comes the contradictions of several statutory instruments, including a misplaced ban on the use of forex when in fact the economy has dollarised. What has worsened the situation is another contradictory instrument that gives exemptions to some individuals and sectors exemption by allowing them to use forex, which the government purports to have banned.

More contradictory is the government’s affinity to levy taxes in foreign currency, which foreign currency the same government purports to have banned. Therefore, policy contradictions by the inept and illegitimate regime are at the epicenter of our national crisis. With the fundamentals not supportive of introduction of a local currency, coupled with policy inconsistency and lack of public confidence, it was predictable that the introduction of the Zimbabwean dollar was premature and unsustainable.

Inflation is sky rocketing to the extent that the government even barred publishing of annual inflation figures. Shortages of imported goods including mealie meal, fuel and electricity are now the order of the day. This has resulted in the unpalatable suffering of the Zimbabwean masses; prices have gone beyond the reach of many while the wages of the few that are still at work have remained the same. The value of the money in bank accounts has been eroded; pensions have been wiped out again while health insurance has been rendered ineffective. The MDC therefore restates its position that the following measures be taken:

We propose the following urgent remedies:

i) Immediate scrapping of the Zimbabwean dollar

ii) Returning to and strengthening the regime of multiple currencies in the short-term.

iii) Rationalizing the capital account.

iv) Increasing productivity and growing GDP in order to build substantive reserves in the country.

v) Ring-fencing USD Dollar balances in banks at a specific date to protect depositors against a second attack.

vi) Pay civil servants in US dollars

vii) Offer supply-side solutions to the crisis, increase productivity and shift from consumption-based revenue collection.

Post published in: Business

MDC to unveil Alternative Electoral Bill – The Zimbabwean

27.2.2020 11:31

The Movement for Democratic Change will this Thursday unveil its principles for an alternative Electoral Bill that should engender the holding of free, fair and credible elections in the country.

The Alternative Electoral bill is in line with regional norms and international best practice in the conduct of free, fair and credible elections that do not breed contested outcomes. The MDC’s Alternative Electoral Bill is a major step in the party’s pursuit for holistic electoral reforms that must precede the holding of genuinely free and fair polls.

The people of Zimbabwe contend that the government has dismally failed to align the Electoral Act to the Constitution adopted in 2013 after a referendum in which over 3 million Zimbabweans voted in support of a new supreme law for the land. At the epicenter of the challenges in the elections in Zimbabwe is the current Electoral Act which gives too much discretion to ZEC, a body of questionable integrity while at the same time permitting executive overreach into a supposed independent through the Ministry of Justice.

In the past, MDC has been lobbying for electoral demands in policy documents including Conditions for a Sustainable Elections in Zimbabwe (CoSEZ), Without Reforms No Elections (WRENE), Plan and Environment for A Credible Election (PEACE). In the party’s political road-map to a sustainable Zimbabwe titled RELOAD, the MDC stipulates that free and fair elections are important for a genuine reform agenda.

Post published in: Featured

ZACC revelations show its avarice and corruption, not sanctions – The Zimbabwean

27.2.2020 11:19

The revelations by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission that US$7 billion worth of cash and property has been stashed outside the country by the political and business elite have exposed unbridled avarice and corruption–and not sanctions—as being at the core of the national crisis.

Loice Matanda-Moyo

Now that they know, the challenge for ZACC is to show that it has teeth by prosecuting the well-heeled political and business elite that is at the centre of the national rot that has spawned the unmitigated suffering in the country. The ZACC chair Justice Loice Matanda-Moyo has stunningly revealed that former and current senior government officials as well as well-heeled business executives have stashed outside the country cash and properties worth over US$7 billion outside the country.

That the value of the massive bounty stashed outside the country by this criminal network is double the country’s national budget vindicates our position that at the centre of the national crisis is corruption and not this empty rhetoric about the so-called sanctions. The ZACC revelations expose State capture by a close-knit and well-heeled political and business elite that has bled our country dry. Now that they know, we await ZACC to show its fangs by arresting and prosecuting this crooked lot that has milked our country and brought this massive suffering on the people.

That is why the fight against corruption and sleaze is one of the five fights to be waged by the people in 2020, alongside the key fight against illegitimacy that must lead to the reclamation of the people’s government that Zimbabweans voted for in 2018. This unmitigated corruption is all the more reason why Zimbabweans will sonorously express themselves in the streets and in the valleys against this despicable national decay. #thepeoplesgovernment.

Post published in: Business

Government asks workers to subsidize other workers – The Zimbabwean

The government this week announced it will soon introduce subsidized garrison shops for soldiers that will be financed by a 2,5 per cent tax which will now be deducted from the remuneration of every government employee.

Nowhere in the world have workers subsidized other workers but in Zimbabwe anything is possible with this illegitimate government. Government workers that are not party of the garrison grave train should resist this despicable exploitation by an employer who wants to avoid dealing with the economy by introducing piece meal solutions. The other civil servants are also in the same predicament as soldiers. Their salaries are grossly inadequate to cover basics such as school fees, medical bills, rentals, water charges and all other expenses like the soldier who will enjoy garrison prices.

Why then burden other government employees with equally inadequate salaries to subsidize the soldiers?

This government should put its house in order and face the truth.

The truth of the matter is no tricks and gymnastics will work until this coup government faces the truth of its illegitimacy and the crooked and corrupt lot that has captured the State.

Civil servants should rightfully refuse exploitation by this illegitimate government by refusing these robbery schemes.

If this coup government wants to introduce these garrison stores they should not venture into other civil servants salaries. Those fallacious schemes should be financed by any other source of financing that does not prejudice other equally affected workers

Hon. Gideon Shoko
Secretary for Labour and Social Security

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