Law School Student Governments Petitioning For Diploma-Privileged Admission

All the law school deans were able to get together to offer their thoughts on how New York should handle licensing in light of COVID-19, so it makes sense that the student governments of the New York schools would join forces too.

Student leaders from the 15 New York law schools have drafted a letter — a spiritual follow-up to the original mass law student letter — calling for a modified diploma-privileged admission system at best and a temporary waiver with the requirement that graduates take the exam within two years at worst. They’re asking students to sign on through this form.

The modified diploma-privileged regime the students outline, drawing a great deal from the work done in this paper, which they call “Diploma Privilege Plus,” shows a great deal of consideration into balancing the needs of the current crop of heavily indebted students stepping out into the unknown and the duty to ensure that licensed attorneys meet a high threshold of competence.

● Completion of online courses or exams that the state has developed to supplement the UBE. Both the MPRE and NYLE serve as models for the administration of such a program.
● Affidavit from an employer or externship supervisor that the candidate possesses the knowledge and skills to practice law with minimum competence. Law schools have developed rubrics for externships and clinical courses that could be used to guide that assessment.
● Completion of CLE programs. New York could, if desired, specify programs in areas of particular client need and/or avoidance of common entry-level pitfalls.
● Completion of specified CALI lessons. The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, “CALI,” maintains over 1,000 lessons on legal principles, including all subjects covered by most bar exams.

In past posts on this subject, I’ve off-handedly offered enhanced CLE requirements and apprenticeship models as the sort of supplements that a diploma system could require. The students have fleshed out those ideas into a real framework for consideration.

As for practice waivers — the proposal that seems to have support across the board at this point — the students note that it resolves the short-term problems they face, but puts an unfair burden on some down the road:

We note, however, that not all students will be well-positioned to negotiate the time off to study for the bar exam, putting them in the unenviable—perhaps impossible—predicament of preparing for the bar exam while working full-time. That disadvantage will likely fall heaviest on international graduates, as well as those employed by government, public interest organizations, and small law firms. Therefore, we repeat our call for this Court to adopt a diploma privilege plus rule to accommodate the qualified and hardworking members of the class of 2020 who would otherwise be left out in the cold.

The whole letter is 11 single-spaced pages long and has 36 footnotes — because law students have to law student — but don’t let the Law Review Note style distract you. There are solid, thoughtful arguments in here that the Court of Appeals should seriously consider.

Implementing such a drastic break from the bar exam process that we’ve taken for granted for decades is hard. But when you come to a crossroads like this, that’s the ideal time to open your mind to new, potentially better ways to achieve goals. Is the drive to postpone the exam in this case driven by the need to keep it around in its current manifestation or are we just uncritically tethered to tradition?

Mentally throw everything out and ask, “how do we ensure that licensed attorneys have the knowledge and practical skills — or at the very least a clear path to achieving each — to serve clients?” and work from scratch. My guess is the bar exam, at least as we know it, doesn’t make it into that exercise.

And whatever does can go a long way to forging the right solution for the class of 2020.

Earlier: Law School Deans Call For Major Changes To Bar Admission
Over 2,000 Law School Students Sign Letter Seeking Diploma-Privileged Licensure

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Biglaw Layoffs In A Pandemic: Opportunistic Or Necessary?

Are law firms laying off associates and staff as a sword or a shield in this COVID-19 pandemic? This question predicates on whether we are headed for another protracted recession a la 2009, or if ultimately this is just a short-term blip. The answer is a moving target; ultimately, we do not know how the virus will play out. Optimistic models hope for a swift return to normalcy, while more pessimistic counterparts forecast many more months of lockdowns. Regardless of the ultimate answer, firms are preparing for the worst case scenario, as they hope to avoid the same pitfalls that toppled Howrey and Dewey & LeBoeuf during the last recession.

Although the financial crisis is more closely associated with 2009 for Biglaw, the crisis actually started in the spring of 2007. It took time for the full brunt of the downturn to propagate to Biglaw. As we can see, the ratio for lateral moves to lateral leakage (attorneys existing Biglaw altogether) hit its nadir for partners in 2010, declining year for year starting in 2007.

Despite hitting its low point three years after the recession again, the market quickly resurged the following year as lateral movement increased relative to leakage. Associate movement is often a more sensitive barometer for market conditions as associate laterals take less time to execute and swarms of partners are insulated from recessions if they have strong portables or are in key practices. If we look at just associate leakage, and add further granularity to the best fit model, we see that market conditions actually started improving in 2010.

There is one caveat, this “growth” was driven not by an increase in appetite, but rather a decrease in associate layoffs.

Data supports the consensus that 2009 was the year of mass layoffs, as March of 2009 saw over 1,400 attorneys leave Biglaw altogether. Though associate movement increased a paltry 25 percent, compared to the 128 percent from 2010 to 2011, but the mass exodus of attorneys in 2009, seemed to assuage the concerns of most firms on their financial position.

The question on everyone’s minds is, what will firms do this time?

Generally the consensus is split; some firms are opting for austerity measures in the form of pay cuts and frozen partner distributions. These moves suggest that those firms believe this is a short-term crisis, and are deferring risk onto its members in a bid to avoid a repeat of 2009 style layoffs. The less optimistic firms are already resorting to layoffs and furloughs for associates and staff in hard-hit practice areas like M&A.

There will not be a one-size fits all approach, and the firms more diversified, especially in counter-cyclical practice areas like L&E, restructuring, litigation, and tax, are better equipped to weather the storm. Firms like Hueston Hennigan with strong litigation pipelines have actually announced bonuses instead of cuts, on top of their market-busting bonuses. Hueston Hennigan doesn’t need to address slowing corporate practices with highly paid M&A associates and partners waiting for deal flow.

We generally expect to see firms with entrenched corporate practices suffer the most. White-shoe firms like Simpson Thacher, Cadwalader, Davis Polk, Cravath, Goodwin, Wilkie, Ropes & Gray, Shearman & Sterling, will be hard hit by an extended recession as their large domestic corporate footprint exceeds 40 percent of their domestic practice share.

We expect many of these firms to begin retooling their associates – something Lateral Link’s very own Jon Kahn experienced when corporate work dried up at Fried Frank when he started in 1990. Firms will continue to bolster practices with stable demand, and we expect to see the lateral market resemble a mosaic as demand increases for certain specialties (especially among partners) and demand otherwise slows for other practices and level of experience niches.

For those that don’t have the capabilities or flexibility to retool their associates, we expect to see layoffs as associates represent a fixed cost for the firms. Because partners are the profit drivers in the Biglaw model, and associates are either profit sources or cost centers depending on their billable revenue generated, firms will protect their partners as much as they can while coveting other firm’s profitable partners. Additionally, layoffs represent a proven financial tool to weather declines in profitability that saw success in the 2009 crisis.

A precipitous drop was avoided in 2009 as firms boosted their PPP by laying off associates in dry practice areas. The reduction in partner profits was offset by the reduction in fixed costs in the form of associate pay. Nonetheless, the move has long-term consequences as it handicaps the profitability and strength of a firm’s practice once it ultimately re-engages its cyclical practices. Though some firms have a head start on layoffs, ultimately we expect firms to opt for a more conservative pruning relative to the deep Edward-Scissorhandesque cuts we saw in 2009 to minimize the opportunity costs associated with hemorrhaging attorneys right before the market reopens.

With such granular demand that differs by specialty and experience, your best bet for making a lateral move right now is to team up with an experienced recruiter who can help you navigate this mercurial market. If you are a partner or firm chair interested in discussing the state of the market, I am happy to discuss what our full-service recruiting firm is seeing in the trenches. If you are a partner, counsel, or associate looking for lateral opportunities, our recruiters are happy to help you take advantage of unique market conditions to achieve your career and lateral goals.

Ed. note: This is the latest installment in a series of posts from Lateral Link’s team of expert contributors. Michael Allen is the CEO of Lateral Link. He is based in the Los Angeles office and focuses exclusively on Partner and General Counsel placements for top firms and companies. Prior to founding Lateral Link in 2006, he worked as an attorney at both Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP and Irell & Manella LLP. Michael graduated summa cum laude from the University of California, San Diego before earning his JD, cum laude, from Harvard Law School.

Lateral Link is one of the top-rated international legal recruiting firms. With over 14 offices world-wide, Lateral Link specializes in placing attorneys at the most prestigious law firms and companies in the world. Managed by former practicing attorneys from top law schools, Lateral Link has a tradition of hiring lawyers to execute the lateral leaps of practicing attorneys. Click here to find out more about us.

Ex-FCC Staffer Says FCC Authority Given Up In Net Neutrality Repeal Sure Would Prove Handy In A Crisis

It’s worth repeating for the folks in the back: the FCC’s hugely unpopularfacts-optional and fraud-slathered repeal of net neutrality did a lot more than just kill “net neutrality.” It gutted the FCC’s already dwindling authority over giant telecom monopolies, shoveling any remaining authority to an FTC that lacks the authority or resources to police the US telecom sector (the whole goal of telecom lobbyists). As a result, you’ve now got ISPs free to engage in problematic behavior (like bullshit fees, or charging people “rental fees” for modems they already own) that the government is incapable and unwilling to address.

And the government’s decision to ignore the public and pander to the telecom lobby has deeper ramifications as well. As telecom lawyer and former FCC staffer Gigi Sohn writes in an editorial at The Verge, there has been a multi-decade effort to kill telecom oversight under the (clearly false) claim that the miracle of the free market will somehow magically fix a sector that’s been clearly broken for decades:

“This digital divide did not happen by accident. It is the result of years of scorched-earth deregulation and consolidation pushed by large cable and broadband companies and a government that, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, believes that somehow the so-called “free market” will take care of the unconnected.”

Of course the telecom Utopia that’s promised never actually arrives despite decades of this game of deregulatory theater. Deregulated telecom monopolies, too big to fail, fused to the NSA, and constrained by neither government oversight nor competition, just wind up doubling down on the same bad (or worse) behaviors. There’s a segment of telecom policy “experts” who enjoy denying this factual reality, but the facts on the ground (more than 50 million Americans lack access to more than one ISP at speeds of 25 Mbps, and US consumers pay some of the highest prices for data in the developed world) don’t lie.

Deregulation can certainly spawn innovation when you’re talking about functioning, competitive markets. But U.S. telecom, where a handful of giants dominate most U.S. markets and all but own state and federal lawmakers, has never been that. That we keep pretending otherwise is a stunning level of denial driven largely by partisan ideology. Sohn goes on to note that the FCC’s decision to neuter itself at telecom lobbyist behest left the FCC to adequately police the sector during a pandemic:

“One might think that during a national emergency, the chairman of the FCC wouldn’t have to plead with broadband providers to do what is necessary to ensure that every American is connected. But in 2017, at the behest of cable and broadband companies, the Trump FCC abdicated its responsibility to protect consumers and promote competition in the broadband market when it repealed its network neutrality rules. Not satisfied with simply eliminating the rules, which prohibited broadband providers from blocking, throttling, and otherwise favoring certain internet content and services, the Trump FCC blithely threw away its legal power to oversee the activities of these companies by reclassifying them as unregulated “information services” rather than regulated “telecommunications services.”

So while certain folks like to make claims like “the internet didn’t implode therefore repealing net neutrality wasn’t important,” that’s a simplistic, dumb, or just plain disingenuous way of framing what actually happened. This is what actually happened: the FCC ignored the public, ignored rampant fraud, and ignored all hard data to neuter itself at the behest of giant telecom monopolies. That should never, ever get lost in the partisan bickering over policy.

With less authority than ever, the FCC was forced to recently resort to a sort of stage play to try and keep ISPs from ripping off financially-constrained broadband customers during a pandemic. That included a recent FCC “Keep Americans Connected Pledge” that involves ISPs pinky swearing that they won’t kick U.S. telecom customers suffering from financial hardships offline during the COVID-19 quarantine for 60 days. But while the promise isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s entirely voluntary, and the FCC has no real authority to police ISPs that don’t behave. It’s policy theater, Sohn notes:

“A voluntary pledge isn’t adequate to ensure that Americans can work, learn, have access to health care, and communicate during this trying time. Without legal authority over broadband providers, the agency cannot hold any of those companies to their promises — they can simply walk away after 60 days or before. Nor can the FCC require broadband providers to take critical steps beyond the pledge, like relaxing data caps, providing low-cost or free connectivity, or other steps that would help those desperately in need during this crisis, if even on a temporary basis. The Communications Act of 1934 gives the FCC a great deal of flexibility to ensure that the public is protected during a national emergency. But when it comes to broadband internet access, this FCC is powerless.”

On the Libertarian end, this neutering of the FCC is usually applauded alongside ample fear mongering that a potent FCC would run amok. But decades of U.S. broadband policy has never supported this empty assertion. For a generation now the U.S. FCC, under both parties, has (with a few exceptions like Wheeler) almost uniformly pandered to the interests of U.S. telecom monopolies, stripping away authority and consumer protections under a steady parade of promises that never materialize. For most of us (especially the less affluent), the end result of feckless telecom oversight and ceaseless pandering should be fairly obvious.

Again, with neither competition (a problem opponents of Sohn’s arguments simply ignore or downplay at their convenience) nor regulatory oversight, telecom giants like AT&T and Comcast have been free to charge some of the highest rates in the developed world, engage in clear and repeated billing fraud, deliver some of the worst customer service in history (with no pressure or incentive to fix it), be utterly non-transparent, crush or acquire competitors through mindless consolidation, engage in rampant privacy abuses (again with little or only tepid repercussions), and so much more.

Folks claiming it’s the FCC that is running amok or has too much power in this equation are engaged in some potent head-in-the-sand denialism. These companies are so powerful they’re literally writing state and federal telecom law with an exclusive eye on protecting their revenues from accountability and competition. That was a problem during the best of times, but it’s going to be doubly so as America enters a protracted crisis where broadband connectivity has shifted from “nice to have” to utterly essential to survive.

Pretending the U.S. broadband market isn’t broken, and that regulatory capture and rampant corruption didn’t play a massive role in that dysfunction, is disingenuous, dangerous folly whose multi-decade tenure as a dominant policy paradigm needs to be put out to pasture.

Ex-FCC Staffer Says FCC Authority Given Up In Net Neutrality Repeal Sure Would Prove Handy In A Crisis

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Jones Day Puts Out Promotional Video About Their Arsonist Space Program Or Something

Before Better Call Saul, there was Mr. Show. The brainchild of Bob Odenkirk and David Cross, who would go on to another legally themed show in Arrested Development, Mr. Show produced some of the greatest comedy sketches of all time. And one of their greatest centered on a pair of ad executives pitching GloboChem, a soulless multinational, on a series of ads to shore up the company’s image that all followed the hackneyed style of contemporary advertising… but with jarringly unnecessary profane. The last one just zoomed out to show the Earth from orbit — the image corporations unimaginatively embrace to convey either a worldwide approach or because their contribution to environmental and human misery is less visible from there.

That skit is top of mind after seeing GloboChem’s real-life Biglaw analog, Jones Day, put out an introductory video on their website. Roll On Friday has a shot by shot breakdown that cannot be matched, so you should definitely read that. But in a nutshell, Jones Day clearly hired some ad executives who asked what exactly it was that Jones Day did and when they heard it was stuff like this, and this, and this, they responded, “Well, screw that, let’s just put entirely random stock footage together and hope it flies.” And then they contemplated the existential dread that follows first learning about Jones Day.

Why are they watching the Space Shuttle? As well-oiled as the revolving door between Jones Day and the Trump administration is, NASA is one of the agencies their alumni aren’t running. See what I mean about the superficial corporate imagery? Mission control is a team, so this conveys that Jones Day is a team too! In a way that actual Jones Day footage never could because… stuff like this.

Just to be clear, Jones Day is just a 5-year-old boy being asked what they want to be when they grow up. It’s a fitting homage to how Jones Day likes to say anyone can be firefighters, like when Jones Day partner Kevyn Orr took over Detroit in an undemocratic coup executed by Michigan’s governor and filled the drastic loss of experienced firefighters by rush training a bunch of people. Very meta.

There’s a symphony orchestra in there for some reason too. What a glorious acid trip we’re on together!

The only thing it’s missing is a cute, non-threatening mascot like Pit Pat. Where’s Don McGahn when you need him?

Bonkers Law Firm Website: Jones Day goes large [Roll On Friday]

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Donald Trump’s Amazing Cease & Desist Letter
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One Of Vault’s ‘Best Law Firms To Work For’ Slashes Salaries By 20 Percent

(Image via Getty)

The COVID-19 outbreak has officially infected law firms across the country with salary cuts. Some are more extreme than others, but this seems to be the way that firms think they can come out on the other side of the pandemic relatively unscathed.

The latest cuts come from a California-based firm that was recently ranked as one of Vault’s top 10 best midsize firms to work for. Yikes. That’s awkward.

Downey Brand, Sacramento’s largest law firm, will be cutting salaries firmwide. The Sacramento Business Journal has the details on the firm’s decision:

[The firm’s] attorneys and salaried staff will see a 20% cut to their salaries for a four-month period ending July 31, and hourly staff will transition from working five days a week to four, [managing partner Scott] Shapiro said. The compensation cuts equate to a 6.7% reduction on an annual basis, he said. …

“There are layoffs and furloughs going on across the industry, and we don’t want to do that,” said Shapiro, on Downey Brand’s salary cuts. “We have an amazing team of talented people. We consider them our family and they’re the people that help our clients.”

Sources have told us that the 20 percent cuts apply to counsel and income partners, and that equity partners have taken a hit as well. We reached out to Downey Brand for additional comment, but have not yet received word back.

Best of luck to Downey Brand as they try to weather this storm. Hopefully the firm will live up to its top 10 ranking for overall satisfaction after this crisis subsides.

If your firm or organization is slashing salaries, closing its doors, or reducing the ranks of its lawyers or staff, whether through open layoffs, stealth layoffs, or voluntary buyouts, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Our vast network of tipsters is part of what makes Above the Law thrive. You can email us or text us (646-820-8477).

If you’d like to sign up for ATL’s Layoff Alerts, please scroll down and enter your email address in the box below this post. If you previously signed up for the layoff alerts, you don’t need to do anything. You’ll receive an email notification within minutes of each layoff, salary cut, or furlough announcement that we publish.

Furloughs, salary cuts hit Sacramento’s largest law firms [Sacramento Business Journal (sub. req.)]

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Am Law 200 Firm Goes With A Sampler Platter Of Cost-Cutting Measures

Strap in, it’s going to be a bumpy ride in Biglaw. The trend of Biglaw firms tightening their financial belts in order to survive the economic upheaval surrounding COVID-19 continues, the most recent example comes from the growing Am Law 200 firm of Clark Hill.

As reported by, Clark Hill has instituted a potpourri of cost-cutting measures designed to help the firm weather the economic downturn. That includes a pay reduction for attorneys and staff, a freeze on discretionary spending, and revision of certain benefits (Above the Law tipsters say 401k matching is suspended). And, not to bury the lede, but the firm has also instituted furloughs of some employees. Oof.

According to a firm spokesperson:

“We hope that this will be a temporary measure, and anticipate that as we emerge from this period of global health and economic crisis, we will be able to revisit these difficult decisions.”

ATL joins the firm in hoping all this mess across the whole industry is temporary, and the jobs, salary, and benefits lost during COVID-19 rematerialize. But we won’t be holding our breath.

If your firm or organization is slashing salaries, closing its doors, or reducing the ranks of its lawyers or staff, whether through open layoffs, stealth layoffs, or voluntary buyouts, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Our vast network of tipsters is part of what makes Above the Law thrive. You can email us or text us (646-820-8477).

If you’d like to sign up for ATL’s Layoff Alerts, please scroll down and enter your email address in the box below this post. If you previously signed up for the layoff alerts, you don’t need to do anything. You’ll receive an email notification within minutes of each layoff, salary cut, or furlough announcement that we publish.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).

Closing Folders: The Better Way To Close Your Next Transaction

Deal closings are one of the most important parts of corporate practice, but also one that creates some of the most tedious and repetitive work for lawyers, particularly junior associates. Between the monitoring of tasks, tracking consistency, wrangling signature pages, and compiling closing sets, closings are not only massively time-consuming, they’re also ripe for costly error when handled manually.

Managing your transaction doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. The folks at Closing Folders have changed the game when it comes to closings by automating all the crucial steps of the closing process. What was once possible only through countless hours of manual work can now be accomplished through seamlessly integrated software that manages your closing from start to finish, accomplishing complex tasks through simple clicks.

Closing Folders is a lifesaver for junior attorneys who are handling the time-intensive grunt work, and a critical way for senior attorneys overseeing deals to obtain unrivaled transparency into transactions. It’s also great for clients who no longer have to wait hours for status updates and months for closing books. With Closing Folders, you’ll never dread the closing process again.

How Closing Folders Is Changing the Game
Closing Folders is an entirely web-based system that significantly streamlines the closing process through impressive automation and collaboration tools, allowing lawyers to spend less time on tedious tasks and more time on higher-value work for clients.

1. Checklists
As soon as you log in to Closing Folders through your browser, you see a list of the deals you can access – either deals you’ve created yourself or deals for which you’ve been granted access. Clicking into any given deal pulls up your deal checklist.

The checklist looks a lot like what most deal teams have traditionally accomplished through tables in Word documents, only in Closing Folders it’s automated, interactive, and exponentially more helpful.

The checklist columns provide information on the title of your deal items, whose responsibility they are, what the schedules are, whether you need and have obtained signatures, what versions of the items exist, and any notes input by your team on given items.

Whenever you create a new deal, you’ll have the option to import your own checklist, use a precedent checklist your firm has provided, or simply request Closing Folders’ team to import your Word document checklist into the application.

2. Deal Items
Once your checklist is up, it’s always fully modifiable. You can take a checklist snapshot at any time to share with others, and snapshots from different moments in time can be compared directly within Closing Folders to see how your deal is progressing.

The Versions column of your checklist tells you if documents have been added to a deal item yet or not. If they have, you can see details on any documents added, including their original name, who added them, and when they added them. If you need to add documents, you can do so individually or in bulk.

When you add documents, Closing Folders employs smart matching to help you pair uploaded files to checklist items, automatically guessing where the files might go and giving you three suggestions for matching them to your checklist. On the off chance that Closing Folders guesses wrong (which rarely happens), you can assign the document to the correct checklist item. When it’s in the right place, just confirm that you want to bring in the document as a new version, and it’s now an interactive part of your checklist.

Closing Folders also comes with a handy comparison feature that compares different versions of a given deal item much faster than outside comparison software can. For any new version, the comparison is automatic to the previous version, and you have the option to compare any version to any other version of that document.

3. Signatures
When you add documents to your deal in Closing Folders, it will scan them to identify and mark with a green check mark anything it thinks might be a signature page.

The scan uses artificial intelligence to identify signature pages based on the structure of a page itself, not on the text of the page or its position in the document. This makes Closing Folders’ signature page identification highly accurate. The system not only identifies pages, but tags potential signatories as well, matching them up with signatories for your deal. As with everything in Closing Folders, you can always adjust the selections as needed.

Alternatively, Closing Folders gives you the ability to generate your own signature pages right within the software under the Signatories tab, without uploading documents. In addition to not having to manage differing signature pages in a large number of documents, this functionality provides the benefit of creating multiple, customizable signature pages at once, ensuring that formatting across your entire closing set is consistent, all in a few seconds with some simple clicks. Updating signatory information is just as easy, with the ability to make global changes that automatically update across Closing Folders.

Back in your checklist view, you’ll see that your Signatures tab has updated, showing fractions for each item that indicate how many signatures are needed and how many you have. Clicking in on the fraction tells you which signatures are still needed.

4. Variables
All too often, it’s the most important details of a deal that aren’t finalized till the very end. Trying to enter and ensure the consistency of critical terms like the closing date or final share price as a deal is rushing to close is highly stressful.

Closing Folders alleviates that stress through variables. These are placeholders that you name and use consistently throughout your deal items as the deal is being negotiated.

Later, when the important terms are agreed, you can simply swap those values in for the variable placeholders and Closing Folders will ensure they appear consistently across all items within your deal, saving you hours in the final crunch time of your deal.

5. Signature Packages
Obtaining final signature packages in Closing Folders is a breeze thanks to their seamless integration with DocuSign. Within Closing Folders, you simply select the signatory for whom you’re compiling your signing package and those documents are made available for the signer through DocuSign, even if they don’t have a DocuSign account.

For signature pages that were imported, you’ll have to make sure the signing tags line up with the signature lines. For signature pages you generated within Closing Folders, the tags will automatically be in the right places.

If your clients don’t want to sign via DocuSign, Closing Folders makes it easy to generate PDF signing packages. When the packages are executed, DocuSign pages automatically sync back to Closing Folders. PDF pages are uploaded to Closing Folders and the application automatically sorts them by document and by signatory.

Every step of the way, you can see and customize exactly what’s included in each signing package before you send it off. Once it comes back, the signatures column in your Closing Folders checklist will be automatically updated. You can also generate a signing matrix that shows everything that’s going on in your deal in terms of which signatures are needed and which have been obtained. The best part is: the signature pages are related to the checklist item, but they are not inserted into the document until you say so. As is often required in complex deals, you are free to revise the documents even though you have received executed signature pages.

6. Closing Books
Compiling final closing versions of deal items has notoriously been a painful process of taking your signed pages, printing out a copy of each agreement, slip-sheeting signature pages into the right location, and scanning the whole thing back in when you’re done.

Closing Folders is significantly easier. The signature pages you obtain are inserted into your documents and you finalize items with just a click. You can reorder pages, add schedules, or do whatever else you need to create your complete closing versions of your items, and then Closing Folders gets to work creating closing books for you.

In Closing Folders, you can create as many closing books as you want. The process is simplified into three steps: confirming the final contents, setting your formatting to be branded with whatever firm or client logos, text, or summaries you want, and customizing your cover page to look the way you want.

In contrast to tedious manual methods, Closing Folders saves you hours of time, quickly creating beautiful closing sets that are generated as interactive PDFs with indexes that link to the various components of your deal. Better yet, the closing book is custom branded for your firm.

The amount of time and stress that Closing Folders saves throughout the deal closing process is nothing short of game-changing. Manual processes are a thing of the past. Try Closing Folders for your next deal, and you’ll never think about a closing the same way again.

Tomorrow Is Here

Although the coronavirus may have slowed our economy to a standstill, it’s quietly catalyzing a whirlwind of fast-paced changes for the legal industry. Whether you realize it or not, a long chapter in our profession is coming to a close. For firms that started preparing years ago and that continue to adapt, these seemingly bleak times will give way to brighter days soon. Firms that spent the past few years with their heads in the sand will be lucky to make it out of this at all; if they do, unless they pivot hard now and start sprinting, they may find darker days ahead for the foreseeable future.

We Knew Something Was On Its Way

I’ve long argued that a reckoning is coming for the legal industry, but I always figured it would be a gradual process of changes accreting over a few years. The signs of malaise and stagnation have long been evident. The legal industry felt the Great Recession’s impact as hard as most any other profession. Yet despite twelve subsequent years of the larger economy bouncing back and thriving, the legal market had barely gotten back to where it was before the bubble popped in the first place.

Why did this happen? In large part, it’s because Biglaw spent the better part of the past decade meandering along behind the curve. Law firms are notoriously slow adopters of technology. How many law firms with eight-figure annual revenue streams or more are still maintaining paper libraries? How many partners are still dictating letters into miniature tape recorders? Progress comes slowly in the legal industry — and often with ample resistance.

So, yes, we’ve long had reason to expect the legal profession was teeing itself up to get fundamentally altered, and there have been any number of candidates we expected to force the issue. The Big Four accounting firms and Alternative Legal Service Providers like Axiom and Kira Systems are all making plays to eat up Biglaw’s traditional market share. Clients are continually pressuring us — and turning to our competitors — for efficient delivery, price certainty, and lower fees. The changing demographics of Biglaw itself also augured change, as Millennials increasingly step into firm leadership, Gen X takes the reins, and some Boomers transition practices. We knew the profession was going to go through some fundamental changes, but that always seemed like a problem for tomorrow.

And then came the coronavirus, and suddenly tomorrow is here.

A New Era

I’m writing this piece from home, and I’d bet dollars-to-donuts you’re reading it at home as well. Almost all attorneys and legal professionals I know are either fully teleworking or under orders to strictly limit in-office time. The changeover seemed to come out of nowhere for many, and it brought with it a host of follow-on problems.

Most firms have had work-from-home options available for their attorneys for years, but few, if any, had the infrastructure in place to handle the entire roster of attorneys logging into their VPNs at once. Further, many of those work-from-home systems assumed that professional staff would remain available in the office to turn our Word docs and PDFs into actionable product. My firm was lucky enough to have administrators with the foresight to ramp up our teleworking capacity a few months back. Others have been forced to play catch-up and absorb the weeks of lost productivity and lost revenue that comes with it.

Logistical problems like that are likely just the tip of the iceberg, however. All signs are pointing to an economy that will feel the residual effects of the COVID crises for years to come. In the short term, firms are going to feel crushing financial pressure. Forcing an entire workforce not accustomed to teleworking to do so interferes with productivity in the best of times. And these are not the best of times. Most firms will take a revenue hit this year.

But it’s not just the short-term impact of the coronavirus lockdowns that might rock law firms in the coming months. That may be just the beginning. If the economic pain deepens, as many economists believe it will, more businesses will close their doors. Others will tighten their belts and keep work in-house, or shop around for different providers and better rates. Slow-pay and no-pay clients may become increasingly the norm. All of these realities threaten to further squeeze the bottom line of an industry that was finally getting back into fighting shape. Depending on the scope and duration of the downturn, expect to see firms that are slow to respond — or that were already weak — begin to collapse.

The Survivors

Not everyone is looking at the new normal as gloom and doom, however. I coincidentally spoke to the founders of cloud-based, distributed law firm FisherBroyles a few weeks back, following up on my piece a couple of years ago profiling their model. They’re knocking on the door of the Am Law 200, and surprisingly this crisis might be what puts them over the top.

“[E]very other law firm tries to pretend that they can work remotely and avoid the coronavirus, when we are the experts at working remotely,” said founder Kevin Broyles. It’s hard to argue with him. Cloud-based firms that have already folded social distancing into their day-to-day practice were able to shift into virus-mode without a blip.

Equally important, though, is the firm’s potential to leverage its strengths and actually grow during this time. “We’re not just recession-proof. We thrive when there’s a recession,” said co-founder James Fisher. The firm’s streamlined overhead model allows the firm to offer clients lower, appealing rates in these tough economic times. Because the firm pays its lawyers a percentage of revenue only after its collected, the firm doesn’t need to worry about adjusting salaries to match production.

FisherBroyles surely isn’t the only entity looking at this pandemic as a chance to shine. Firms that have failed to keep up with the times are going to face painful realities, as the coming months separate those firms that have been preparing for the future from those that thought momentum would carry them forever.

Best of luck out there, everyone. We’re going to need it.

James Goodnow

James Goodnow is an attorneycommentator, and Above the Law columnist. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and is the managing partner of NLJ 250 firm Fennemore Craig. He is the co-author of Motivating Millennials, which hit number one on Amazon in the business management new release category. As a practitioner, he and his colleagues created a tech-based plaintiffs’ practice and business model. You can connect with James on Twitter (@JamesGoodnow) or by emailing him at

The Am Law 100 COVID-19 Furloughs Continue

It’s a new day, but outside the pandemic still rages. COVID-19 has brought radical changes to our day-to-day lives and uncertainty reigns supreme. Beyond the downright scary health implications the virus has brought, the financial impact has been severe. Unemployment has skyrocketed and Biglaw is not immune from the trend.

We’ve been tracking exactly how the economic downturn is impacting the legal industry, and, unfortunately, we don’t expect the cost-cutting measures to end anytime soon. And yes, that means we have more to report.

Blank Rome is the latest firm on the furlough bandwagon. A firm spokesperson confirmed that, “Like many firms, in response to these unprecedented times we are looking at proactive measures to address the ongoing business and financial impact of COVID-19.” And as a result, the firm has “furloughed a small number of support staff.” But they clarify, “No attorneys have been furloughed.”

While that’s good news for attorneys at the firm, it must really suck for however many staff members are now shouldering the load of the firm’s COVID-19 austerity.

If your firm or organization is slashing salaries, closing its doors, or reducing the ranks of its lawyers or staff, whether through open layoffs, stealth layoffs, or voluntary buyouts, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Our vast network of tipsters is part of what makes Above the Law thrive. You can email us or text us (646-820-8477).

If you’d like to sign up for ATL’s Layoff Alerts, please scroll down and enter your email address in the box below this post. If you previously signed up for the layoff alerts, you don’t need to do anything. You’ll receive an email notification within minutes of each layoff, salary cut, or furlough announcement that we publish.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).