Deferment of Rents and Mortgage Payments – The Zimbabwean

The Law Society Statement on the Deferment of Rents and Mortgage Payments (SI 96 of 2020)

On the 3rd May 2020, the Law Society of Zimbabwe published a critique on the impact and legitimacy of SI 96 of 2020.  The Law Society’s critique is reproduced here with the kind permission of the Executive Director of the Law Society, Mr Edward Mapara.  Statutory Instrument 96 of 2020, inter alia, allows for deferment of rentals due to landlords during the lock-down period.  The statement reads as follows:

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Zimbabwe responded with measures to reduce its spread and impact on all citizens.  These include the declaration of a national lockdown which commenced on 30th March 2020 and was effective for an initial 21 days before it was extended by a further 14 days to May 3rd 2020.

In order to mitigate the impact of the national lockdown, on April 29th, 2020, the President promulgated Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) (Deferral of Rent and Mortgage Payments During National Lockdown) Regulations Statutory Instrument 96 of 2020.  The statutory instrument was gazetted in terms of Section 2 of the Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Act.  SI 96 of 2020 defers payment of rentals in respect of residential premises and all mortgage repayments.

This in the view of the Law Society of Zimbabwe, brings about an unjustifiable scenario where a commercial landlord who benefits from a deferment of mortgage repayments can still legitimately demand rental payments from his tenants of the same commercial premises.

In the preamble to the Statutory Instrument it is stated that the instrument was made in the interest of health and public safety, as provided in Section 2 of the Act.  The preamble then goes on to elaborate the situation forming the basis for the Statutory Instrument in the following terms, “on account of the lockdown many people are on forced leave from employment and therefore unable to earn the income necessary to pay for among other things, rentals for residential accommodation and mortgage repayments.”

It is the Law Society of Zimbabwe’s considered view that the above basis as stated in the preamble to the regulations does not meet the criteria set out in Section 2 of the Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Act.  The situation as given above does not address the interest of defence, public safety, public order, public morality, public health, the economic interest of Zimbabwe or the general public interest.  The situation describes an economic difficulty in respect of a section of the population and only in respect of a section of the national economy.  In this regard therefore the Law Society believes the regulations are ultra vires the enabling Act.

Given the foregoing the Society also believes that SI 96 of 2020 would, therefore, be irrational when measured against the principal law from which it draws its authority.  It also fails to take into account the effect of loss of income that would result from the implementation of the SI for individuals who solely rely on rental income.  At the same time, the individuals whose property rights are being interfered with are still liable to pay rates, insurance premiums and other expenses for the same properties.  They are also suffering the negative effects of the lockdown.  Instead of holistically solving the burden brought about by the lockdown, the SI seeks to take the burden from one citizen and thrust it upon another who may also be suffering the consequences of the lockdown.

It is the expectation of the Law Society of Zimbabwe, its membership and the general populace that government will cause public service providers like Zinwa, Local Authorities and ZESA to suspend or defer charging for their services which are basic needs if the inspiration behind S1 96 of 2020 was to cushion the public against the negative effects of the COVID19 pandemic.

The Law Society is deeply concerned that SI 96 of 2020 only interferes with contracts between parties in relation to residential properties and leaves out the contracts in respect of commercial properties for no apparent reason.  The LSZ believes Government could have approached this issue in a more holistic manner if indeed the rationale was to reduce the burden of COVID-19 effects on the populace.

It is important that during these difficult times and at all times, that every State action must be lawful, transparent, compassionate and conform to domestic and international human rights standards.

Law Society of Zimbabwe

“Committed to Justice and the Rule of Law”

Veritas endorses the views of the Law Society and would like to add some further points:

  • Veritas has always contended that the Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Act is unconstitutional, in that it gives the President primary or plenary law-making power in violation of section 134 of the Constitution.  If the Act is unconstitutional then SI 96 of 2020 is void.
  • Even if the Act is constitutional, section 3(1) of the Act says that the President must invite the public to make representations before he publishes regulations, “unless he considers it inexpedient to do so because of the urgency of the situation”.  The lock-down has been in force for over a month so the situation cannot be so urgent as to justify the President in publishing regulations without calling for representations.  His failure to comply with section 3(1) does not invalidate the regulations (see section 3(3)), but it suggests an arrogant disregard for the views of interested parties
  • If the President had solicited representations from the public, he might not have created the anomaly pointed out by the Law Society, that landlords of commercial premises can take advantage of the regulations and withhold payments on their mortgages while at the same time squeezing their commercial tenants for rent.
  • SI 96 of 2020 contains at least one other anomaly in addition to the one pointed out by the Law Society:  it does not prevent a landlord from terminating a lease for non-payment of rent.  If a landlord does so, he or she will be able to have the tenant evicted as soon as the lock-down ends.

Veritas is also concerned that SI 96 of 2020 will imperil the livelihoods of many people in poor urban areas who rely for part of their incomes on rentals from letting out rooms.  Veritas therefore joins the Law Society in suggesting that it would have been better for the Government to give people with low incomes, and also small businesses, at least relief from the burden of paying for water and electricity.  The Government should also act to reduce the high cost of fuel, which in turn leads to higher prices for basic necessities.  The cost of this relief would be borne by the State or its parastatals, rather than falling on ordinary citizens who are already suffering from food shortages and the inability to earn their livings because of the lock-down.

Veritas makes every effort to ensure reliable information, but cannot take legal responsibility for information supplied.

Post published in: Featured

Zimbabwe Fights Famine and Covid-19 With Little Hope of Aid – The Zimbabwean

On April 2, Zimbabwean Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube wrote to the International Monetary Fund and other leading multilateral lenders pleading for help.

More than half of the population needs food aid, the economy collapsed even before the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic and the country’s health service is in tatters, he said. To date, he’s had no response.

Zimbabwe’s plight highlights the dilemma that global lenders face. At a time when the coronavirus and its associated economic impact threaten illness, unemployment and starvation across much of the developing world, the IMF has barred from its relief program countries that haven’t kept up with their payments.

“If you look at all the countries, they are arguably the most ill-equipped to deal with the Covid outbreak,” said Jee-A van der Linde, an analyst at NKC African Economics in Paarl, South Africa. “My heart goes out to them. The people shouldn’t be held accountable.”

As early as March, the IMF said it would make $50 billion available to low-income and emerging economies to help mitigate the impact of the outbreak. While Zimbabwe has cleared its arrears to the IMF, it still owes $8 billion to foreign creditors including the World Bank and African Development Bank.

Ncube addressed his letter to the heads of the IMF, the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the Paris Club of creditors and the AfDB. While his country has just 34 confirmed coronavirus cases, it has only managed to carry out 920 tests and a lockdown has brought its economy to a standstill.

He admitted policy errors and promised measures ranging from electoral reforms to a market-related exchange rate if the organizations would agree to reschedule the payment of arrears and allow it to access fresh finance.

Still, these promises have been made before and haven’t been honored. In a staff report earlier this year, the IMF criticized everything from Zimbabwe’s reluctance to crack down on corruption to a failed currency policy. Still, it said the country would need hundreds of millions of dollars in donor money to avoid “a deep humanitarian crisis.”

The Paris Club declined to comment. The other organizations didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Corruption, Migration

A senior official at one multilateral organization said the groups are reluctant to help Zimbabwe because they aren’t confident that aid won’t end up in the hands of the country’s elite, rather than the people who need it. He asked not to be identified as public comments haven’t been made about Ncube’s request.

Officials in Zimbabwe’s Finance Ministry and presidency didn’t respond to requests for comment. George Guvamatanga, the director-general in the finance ministry, said earlier that it was unfair to expect Zimbabwe to deal with the consequences of a pandemic it didn’t cause.

Zimbabwe’s relations with its creditors have soured over the past two decades. It narrowly escaped being expelled from the IMF in 2006 for non-payment of arrears and a series of irregular and violent elections, along with erratic economic policy, have frustrated attempts at finding a solution.

The country’s agricultural and manufacturing industries collapsed, the government has at times been unable to pay doctors and teachers and millions of its citizens have migrated.

For those who are left, there is little hope of help from abroad or from their own government.

“The blockage on funding is wholly the fault of the Zimbabwean government,” said Derek Matyszak, an independent governance consultant in Harare, the capital. “There is no back up for the people who cannot work during the Covid crisis. The government is unable to absorb any shocks like Covid or natural disasters.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized With Infection, ‘Resting Comfortably’

(Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

When it’s Cinco de Mayo during the coronapocalypse and you hear something about Ruth Bader Ginsburg being hospitalized, you put down your taco and immediately get to work.

According a spokeswoman for the Supreme Court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 87, who has survived four bouts of cancer, underwent nonsurgical treatment for acute cholecystitis, a benign gallbladder condition. Here’s a relevent excerpt from the high court’s statement on her condition:

The Justice is resting comfortably and plans to participate in the oral argument teleconference tomorrow morning remotely from the hospital. She expects to stay in the hospital for a day or two.

Of course Justice Ginsburg will be working from the hospital. They don’t call her Notorious for nothing. We wish her well with her recovery.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘resting comfortably’ after nonsurgical treatment for benign gallbladder condition [CNN]

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Need To Take The Bar Exam A Second Time? You Might Be Screwed. — See Also

Repeat Bar Exam Test Takers Are SOL: The COVID crunch is real.

Vedder Price Lays Off Attorneys: The economic impacts of COVID-19 continue.

Massachusetts Joins New York: Giving priority to grads of local law schools for the bar exam.

Latest COVID SNAFU: Character and fitness reviews.

How To Weather The Coronavirus Storm: Advice on how to get through the uncertainty.

Bringing Lawyers Together Under Lockdown

With mass gatherings off the table for the time being, how can the profession continue to network in large numbers? When legal technology trade shows were canceled, Rocket Matter CEO Larry Port put together a two-day virtual conference offering COVID-centric practice insights and CLE for over 300 registrants — with proceeds going to charity. Joe and Larry talk about the process of putting together the Rocket Aid show and the dos and don’ts of running a large online event that Larry’s learned from this experience.

Mini-Mercer Building Mini-Breitbart In Mini-Bid To Reelect Trump, Start War With China

4 Best Practices For Biglaw Firms That Are Weathering The Storm Well

Based on recent headlines, a casual observer could conclude that Biglaw is in a state of meltdown — but that wouldn’t be correct. As I said in a recent interview with Bloomberg Law, although the legal industry currently faces “a time of uncertainty,” it’s “not in freefall.”

Take a closer look at the firms that have announced cost-cutting measures such as layoffs, furloughs, and compensation cuts. The roundups here at Above the Law and over at the American Lawyer list 76 and 70 firms, respectively. But a number of the mentioned firms are small firms, midsize firms, or even overseas entities. If you exclude those firms, you’re probably talking about, at most, a third of the Am Law 200.

The fact that most Am Law 200 firms have not had to implement any cost-cutting measures suggests that a significant number of Biglaw firms are weathering the current storm reasonably well. To be sure, the list of firms engaged in belt-tightening grows each week, and many analysts believe that we’re seeing only the tip of the iceberg. But it’s also worth noting that several firms feel comfortable enough with the condition of their coffers to announce to their employees that they will not be cutting salaries or conducting layoffs.

Now, these “no layoffs” assurances aren’t legally enforceable, and those of us who were around during the last recession can recall how some firms that made such promises wound up going back on them. But it’s safe to say that at least some firms will emerge from the current crisis relatively unscathed, as is the case with pretty much every downturn.

For firms that are in the fortunate position of holding up well, here are four recommendations for how to use the current crisis to enhance employee loyalty, burnish your firm’s reputation, and do the right thing:

1. Make gestures of generosity, if you can afford them.

These are trying times for many American families. And while households with at least one Biglaw lawyer or staff member are among the most fortunate, this doesn’t mean that they’re immune to economic difficulty.

Imagine a family of four where one parent is a Biglaw administrative assistant and the other parent just got laid off from a job as a restaurant manager. Or picture a family that’s a bit more privileged, a Biglaw associate married to a journalist who, while not laid off, just got hit with a pay cut. These families still have kids to support and bills to pay — and they could even have unanticipated new costs, such as medical bills related to coronavirus treatment.

They could use whatever help they can get from the firm. So kudos to those firms that have stepped up to the plate with such measures as bonuses to help out with unexpected expenses or technology stipends to help employees work more efficiently from home.

Even more modest measures go a long way in terms of increasing employee appreciation and loyalty. For example, some firms have sent meals or care packages to employees who they knew had, or had a family member who had, COVID-19. These gestures aren’t expensive, but they are deeply appreciated by those who receive them.

2. Be understanding and flexible regarding the challenges your employees face.

My colleagues and I speak to many associates in our roles as legal recruiters. These days, because lateral hiring of associates has slowed, many of our conversations are check-ins, as opposed to discussions about specific jobs.

I checked in recently with one associate who expressed some frustration about their firm. The firm seems to be doing well and hasn’t announced any austerity measures. But what this associate found frustrating is the firm’s acting as if it’s “business as usual” — when, for many associates, it’s not.

This associate is a working parent, and their spouse works as well. They have a young child and, because of the quarantine in New York, no child care. They’re both working remotely while also dealing with the added challenge of caring for their child, which means that getting work done is much harder than usual. It would be nice if the firm acknowledged the challenges that associates and staffers face right now — in terms of child care, elder care, or sick family members, to name a few — and reassured them that the current circumstances would be taken into account when evaluating performance.

For example, take the issue of billable hours. Should billable-hour requirements be waived or pro-rated to reflect the difficulty of accumulating billables while dealing with many other priorities? It’s an issue firms should start considering, even if the end of the year is still far away.

3. Communicate, communicate, communicate.

This point flows from the preceding one — and, unlike giving a tech stipend or pro-rating hours requirements, it costs a firm truly nothing. When in doubt, firms should communicate more rather than less; a little communication goes a long way.

Even during normal times, law firms have never gotten high marks for transparency. And in times of great uncertainty and anxiety for lawyers and staff, clear communications about where the firm stands and what its plans for the future are matter more than ever. We certainly know that associates at firms that have been more transparent greatly appreciate their firms’ honesty, openness, and reassurance.

4. Step up your pro bono game.

During difficult times like these, the need for pro bono work is greater than ever. And because of the slowness that at least some lawyers and practice areas are experiencing, many lawyers have more free time to spend on pro bono matters.

A number of firms have risen to the occasion. For example, some 34 law firms, including Kirkland & Ellis, Willkie Farr, Goodwin, and Covington, have joined together with the Lawyers for Good Government Foundation to help small business owners navigate the complexities of the federal government’s COVID-19 stimulus package (which isn’t easy to figure out, as explained in this client memo by Jesse Panuccio and Simon Leen of Boies Schiller). The small-business pro bono program got started here in New York City, where Kirkland & Ellis pro bono counsel Jacqueline Haberfeld and other law firm representatives approached the City Bar Justice Center with the idea.

As Brad Karp, chairman of Paul Weiss — a longtime leader in pro bono work, which in March launched an online Coronavirus Relief Center to help individuals and small businesses — put it in a recent Q&A with, “Millions of Americans face economic ruin; gratuitous actions by state and federal authorities put inmates, migrants and others at extreme risk; and our democratic institutions are being undermined. If we, as lawyers, don’t step up to safeguard the rule of law and those in need, who will?”

The answer should be: all law firms and lawyers. Yes, it’s important for law firms to look after and support their own people during these trying times. But it’s also critical for Biglaw firms, who are in a relatively privileged position compared to many other businesses and industries, to look beyond themselves and to help their communities and country.

At some point in time — hopefully sooner than later, although right now it’s anyone’s guess — the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout will be behind us. If you’re a law firm leader, you’ll be asked, “What did you and your firm do during the crisis?” So take actions today that will allow you to answer this question with pride tomorrow.

DBL square headshotDavid Lat, the founding editor of Above the Law, is a writer, speaker, and legal recruiter at Lateral Link, where he is a managing director in the New York office. David’s book, Supreme Ambitions: A Novel (2014), was described by the New York Times as “the most buzzed-about novel of the year” among legal elites. David previously worked as a federal prosecutor, a litigation associate at Wachtell Lipton, and a law clerk to Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. You can connect with David on Twitter (@DavidLat), LinkedIn, and Facebook, and you can reach him by email at

Day 53: Musings On The Quarantine Of 2020

It is Day 53 of my quarantine. I do not know about you, but I have been cooped up at home for too long. It has officially passed into the ridiculous zone. Human beings were clearly never intended to live in isolation. I mean, I do not mind being alone at times — alone with my thoughts, on some intractable task, or listening to Miles Davis. But this is getting nutty.

And the trouble is that there is no real end in sight. I watch and listen to a lot of news (I mix it up a bit to ensure I’m getting the full panoply of information), but I have not yet heard a single medical expert unequivocally say that we are anywhere near being in the clear. Worse perhaps are the predictions for when it may be safe to gather in groups at distances closer than six feet.

Twelve months, folks. That is the best estimate I have heard. I hope that is wrong. You see, they still do not have a clue how widespread this damn virus is. At least not to any level of certainty. It has impacted different places in disparately different ways. Attribute it to testing, to the diverse ways and places in which we live, or to logistics and supply chain. You could make the argument that the government response to this whole thing has been largely inept, but really, what is the point? Government is not going to solve this problem. It is a question of time and of science. We are going to have to ride it out.

In the meantime, flowers are starting to bloom in the yard and the grass has started to grow. Spring is here. And I just realized that my lawn mower went on the fritz last winter. So, I will have to figure that one out.

And with the warmer weather, people are beginning to venture out. I have noticed an unprecedented number of people in my neighborhood walking, jogging, riding bikes, with and without dogs. Couples holding hands and trios yapping it up as they walk down the block. People seem to be much more friendly and amenable to a kind “hello” as they walk or ride by. Yesterday, a van with the name of a church on the side drove by with five or six masked people inside, all of whom were yelling blessings out the windows at anyone they saw. That was a first.

People have been baking lots of bread — one of my favorite foods — and there is a lot more cooking at home. I bet that people who have never made more than a drip cup of coffee have now learned some basic cooking skills. Maybe.

Lots of virtual stuff going on, too. Virtual happy hours, virtual conferences, virtual meetings, and virtual interviews. We are all just virtual, now. The pandemic is real, though. Real illness, real lives — and some real heroes, too.

I have been fortunate. I have not had a need to go out often. But when I do, I mask up, wear gloves, and bring my homemade hand sanitizer. It is a mix of alcohol and hand moisturizer to reduce the dryness. I try to limit contact by going during off-hours when I know people are sleeping or eating. Thank goodness that most things we need I have been able to pick up curbside. I actually wear a bandana. And let me just say, there is something incredibly liberating about walking into a retail establishment wearing a bandana and carrying a small spray bottle.

Quarantine started for me on March 12, the day I flew home from the ASU/Ipro Tech Show. We were on the law school campus in downtown Phoenix for two days. People hugged and shook hands and we gathered in rooms for session. It was not until I heard March Madness was canceled, then professional sports, that I became the least bit alarmed. And even though the virus had been the subject of news reports, there were not yet any stay at home orders. I tried to get an earlier flight out of Phoenix. Did not happen.

In the wake of my return home, while the virus began to ravage the East Coast, I woke up every day for the two weeks following the conference wondering if that day would be the day I would start showing symptoms. I still wonder. But I have been fortunate.

Because I work in the legal industry, the pain and anguish the pandemic has brought upon the profession has been real, too. Family, friends, and colleagues — all have been impacted in different ways — but very real, nonetheless.

I feel fortunate. But I am getting tired of the virtual world.

Mike Quartararo

Mike Quartararo is the President of the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS), a professional member association providing training and certification in e-discovery. He is also the author of the 2016 book Project Management in Electronic Discovery and a consultant providing e-discovery, project management and legal technology advisory and training services to law firms and Fortune 500 corporations across the globe. You can reach him via email at Follow him on Twitter @mikequartararo.

Ohio Lawmaker Cannot Cover ‘God’s Image’ With Face Mask Because READ YOUR BIBLE, People!

No masks here.

Ohio State Rep. Nino Vitale is mad as hell, and he’s not going to take it anymore! He’s tired of all these liberals telling him how to live and talking about “public health”, and “bend the curve”, and “Hey, let’s do our very best not to kill Grandma, okay?”

“This is the greatest nation on earth founded on Judeo-Christian Principles,” the Urbana Republican wrote on his Facebook page. “One of those principles is that we are all created in the image and likeness of God. That image is seen the most by our face. I will not wear a mask.”

Vitale’s Facebook account was recently disabled after he posted disinformation on the coronavirus, but he’s back online now, and The Huffington Post reports that Vitale posted a video expanding on his sacred obligation for all Christians to appear in public bare-faced during a pandemic.

“When we think of image, do we think of a chest or our legs or our arms?” he asked. “We think of their face. I don’t want to cover people’s faces, Jim. That’s the image of God right there and I want to see it in my brothers and sisters.”

Sadly, Ohioans won’t get to hear Vitale flesh out his no doubt deeply considered and well grounded First Amendment argument against bog standard public health measures. On Sunday, Ohio’s Republican Governor Mike DeWine rescinded his order that face masks be worn in stores to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus because so many of his constituents found the requirement “offensive.”

“It became clear to me that that was just a bridge too far. People were not going to accept the government telling them what to do,” DeWine told ABC’s “This Week.” Although he did suggest that it might be a nice gesture to wear one anyway, just to protect “the folks who are stocking shelves in grocery stores.”

Safe to say that Rep. Vitale will not be heeding that advice. After taking flack last week for calling the state’s Jewish public health chief Amy Acton the “unelected Globalist Health Director,” he was at it again yesterday, exhorting his Facebook followers to “ignore the unelected Dr. Acton’s orders, open your counties now, before it’s too late. This is not based on logic, this is based on fear and propaganda and every statistical, data driven study done in the last 2 weeks says death counts are low, the models were wrong, and this is more like the flu.”

Then he arglebargled some nonsense about public health measures requiring a two-thirds vote by the Ohio legislature and went back to shouting that Bill Gates “wants to lock us down and profit by charging us for mandatory vaccinations.”

Seems like it was possibly a bad idea to turn public health measures into another front in our never ending culture war? That maybe pretending that scientific experts were part of an evil cabal of globalist, socialist, communists trying to enslave Americans by not letting them die during a contagious pandemic was counterproductive?

Just kidding. LIBERATE OHIO, full steam ahead.

GOP Lawmaker Opposes Coronavirus Face Masks Because They Cover ‘The Image Of God’ [Huffington Post]
State rep. won’t wear mask because faces are the ‘likeness of God’ [Ohio Capital Journal]
Ohio State Rep. Nino Vitale Calls Dr. Amy Acton, Who is Jewish, a Globalist [Cleveland Scene]

Elizabeth Dye (@5DollarFeminist) lives in Baltimore where she writes about law and politics.