Toward A Post-Corona IP Culture (Part II)

(Image via Getty)

Last week’s column focused on how our intrafirm relationships must adjust to the “new IP litigation reality.” Even as we know that the pressure of challenging financial times will lead to certain firms being exposed for demanding that productivity should not suffer, COVID-19 be damned. That column also promised this week’s discussion on how a better “post-corona IP culture” will also require improved “dealings with clients and adversaries,” as well as more meaningful “interactions with the broader citizenry.” Let’s jump right in and start with how the current situation provides an opportunity for better dealings with clients and adversaries.

Clients first — as they should always be in our minds. Fortunate is the IP lawyer that has already benefited from the proverbial breaking down of walls between themselves and clients in this unprecedented time. Growing up in Biglaw, one of the competitive advantages my firm (and others) liked to talk about was the close links between firm management and key clients. Links that manifested themselves in annual client visits, or quarterly phone calls, or prized invitations to the firm’s summer golf outing. It seems quaint to think of that time, of the importance given to pressing the flesh, or of the need for firm leaders and relationship partners to hit the skies for personal visits with clients. Yes, those points of contact were no doubt important, if costly. But did they really deepen the relationship between client and firm?

Of course they did, if only at the level of showing appreciation to key customers for their patronage. At the same time, the total overnight collapse of geographic barriers between lawyers and their clients — even as many of us have seen our personal physical spaces become constrained due to movement restrictions — has enabled a new paradigm for deeper relationships with clients. The golf outing has been replaced with the Zoom call, or the text message, or the good old phone call. True, business talk is still paramount in attorney-client relationships, even as discussions of personal circumstances have become de rigueur in what seems like every contact we make with others during the day. But it would be silly of any of us to ignore the possibilities engendered by the current situation to show our clients not only how professional we can be in trying times — but also how empathetic.

The importance of empathy in professional relationships has perhaps never been as paramount a concern as it has been over the past months. And until the situation stabilizes — to the extent it ever does — the need for empathy will remain paramount. As IP lawyers, we can’t be blind to the business uncertainty affecting every single one of our clients, be they individuals or companies. Even those rare clients for whom this has been a boom time have to worry about the uncertain future, when the demand they are currently experiencing for their products and services begins to dissipate. And for those clients that have been hit hard — it has never been more important to try to put their interests before ours, while also continuing to provide our support in whatever way we can. So communicate with clients using all the new tools available. But do so pragmatically, wisely, and with deep empathy for the challenges that have been thrust upon them.

As with clients, so too must we cultivate an elevated, empathy-driven approach to our dealings with adversaries. Just as tolerance for “office bullies” is likely at an all-time low nowadays, so too should our collective tolerance for gamesmanship and professional discourtesy also be at its nadir. Not only is that behavior wasteful in an environment where clients are asking their counsel to get results with even more limited resources than usual, it is doubly wrong when the opportunity to do better is so plainly in front of us. This is not a call for any relaxation of our duty to engage in zealous advocacy of our client’s interests at all times. Instead, this should be a time where the balance between profiting from the errors of our adversaries, or taking actions that disadvantage them to no immediate benefit for our clients, should perhaps tilt toward a spirit of cooperation and cordiality in what is a trying time for all.

Litigators, for example, have no excuse for acting as if courts are operating as usual. Indeed, there have been calls from the bench around the country for assistance from the bar in helping courts address the docket management chaos caused by the pandemic. That call to action must be heeded. And those who choose to ignore it, by perpetuating disputes about tangential issues, or by trying to score cheap points against opposing counsel, should understand that such wasteful actions will likely face swift rebuke by those very same jurists calling for us to cooperate more. Again, those of us fortunate enough to have active litigation dockets would do well to remember that we rarely do our clients a service when our need to vanquish our adversaries is elevated over the client’s objectives in a dispute. That reminder, coupled with the clear call from the bench for cooperation between counsel, should be enough to foster good behavior among IP lawyers. A demographic that — for those who don’t know — was traditionally hailed for the cordial relationship between counsel, no matter how heated the dispute.

We can end with another call to action. If there were ever a time for IP lawyers to help aid in the economic recovery we all know is necessary, it is now. Whether that aid comes in the form of pro bono work for newly displaced workers (or even for businesses facing existential challenges), or in some other form is of no moment. We must all double our existing efforts in terms of making meaningful societal contributions, including by using the technological tools that have allowed many of us to keep our practices going. It is a safe prediction to suggest that IP rights will be even more of a factor in the restarted global economy than they were pre-COVID-19. If we as IP lawyers don’t use our voices and skills to help create a better post-corona IP culture the shame will be ours. If we start by improving our present, that brighter future will surely follow.

Please feel free to send comments or questions to me at or via Twitter: @gkroub. Any topic suggestions or thoughts are most welcome.

Gaston Kroub lives in Brooklyn and is a founding partner of Kroub, Silbersher & Kolmykov PLLC, an intellectual property litigation boutique, and Markman Advisors LLC, a leading consultancy on patent issues for the investment community. Gaston’s practice focuses on intellectual property litigation and related counseling, with a strong focus on patent matters. You can reach him at or follow him on Twitter: @gkroub.

SEC, DoJ Say Bill Ackman Was Right About Herbalife All Along

Harare Metropolitan Councillors meet: Chamisa remains in control – The Zimbabwean

12.5.2020 13:55

Just a few days after Victoria falls Councillors defy the rebels directive, today in Harare Metropolitan Councillors from Harare City Council , Chitungwiza and Epworth met separately to deliberate on the development post the Supreme Court judgement.

Harare City Council out of 45 Councillors, 41 Councillors remain with President Advocate Nelson Chamisa of MDC Alliance. In Chitungwiza Municipality out of 21 Councillors, 20 remain with President Nelson Chamisa. Epworth Local Board all 5 Councillors are with President Nelson Chamisa of MDC Alliance. All Councillors from the three Municipalities under Harare Metropolitan Province they have all agreed to defend the Party in their various wards.

It remains clear that public officials stand with the people and the leader of MDC Alliance despite having received threats of recalling via SMS from rebel leader Douglas Mwonzora & Morgen Komichi not to attend these meetings.

More updates to follow….

Post published in: Featured

Wetlands Invasion: Harare Mayor says council is in a fix – The Zimbabwean

Recharging point of wetland.

HWT contends that the destruction of wetlands goes against the sustainable development of Harare as wetlands are critical sources of water.

The HWT has put forward several proposals and held several engagements including with the Minister of Environment, Climate Change, Tourism and Hospitality industry on wetlands protection in Harare.

According to the HWT, legislative reform is also critical in protecting wetlands as well as a review of development permits allowing developments on wetlands in the absence of Environmental Impact Assessment Certificates (EIAs), public consultations as well as the approval of different catchment councils.

The Chairperson of the Harare City Council Environmental Management Committee, Councilor Kudzai Kadzombe is on record saying the council will be vigilant against wetland invaders and will not hesitate to demolish structures built on wetlands.

Harare Mayor, Herbert Gomba, is also on record saying that invaders were taking advantage of the current lockdown to settle on wetlands.

In an interview with this publication, he said invasions of wetlands will not be tolerated but the however council was in a fix with regards to the protection of wetlands in Harare.

He said the destruction of properties built on wetlands remains an option but highlighted that in some instances, council ends up taking the blame yet the invaders would have settled on the wetlands illegally.

“Council has the capacity to stop the invasion of wetlands but our people have not been clear as to what they really want. At one time they don’t want demolitions or would try to politicize them.

On the other hand, they also want wetlands not to be invaded and we are now faced with a contradiction if we are to use all of our municipal powers you get human rights lawyers and politicians calling. But if you don’t act they also start to call saying you are not doing the nation any good. Why can’t we agree as a nation on this? The way forward must be clear,” said Gomba.

Residents have however blamed council and officials for failing to walk the talk with regards to wetlands protection with some councillors being implicated on issues of wetlands invasion.

Post published in: Featured

COVID-19: EU gives Zimbabwe nearly R1.4bn in aid – The Zimbabwean

Despite Zimbabwe’s low Covid-19 infection and death rate, the lockdown is tearing through its fragile economy. The EU is providing nearly R1.4-billion in aid to help fight the virus. Zimbabwean journalist Zenzele Ndebele spoke to Dudu Ramela.

HARARE – Despite Zimbabwe’s low COVID-19 infection and death rate, the lockdown is tearing through its fragile economy.

The EU is providing nearly R1,4-billion in aid to help fight the virus. Aid has also come in money and medical supplies from the US, China, and private donators alike.

The country continues to face soaring inflation, as well as food and medicine shortages.

Journalist Zenzele Ndebele said with the Zimbabwean parliament suspended, there will be no oversight over the foreign aid and locals fear the money and supplies will not reach the people who need it most.

The Zimbabwean task force in charge of the country’s COVID-19 response has already been accused of purchasing luxury vehicles for task members.

“We are really in a fragile situation,” Ndebele said and explained most Zimbabweans are facing widespread economic scarcity and food instability due to the ongoing economic crisis in the country.

Desperate traders risk virus spread to smuggle bales into Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwean

Second-clothes are a major source of income for informal traders in Zimbabwe. PHOTO | FILE

In Summary

  • Cross-border traders, who make their living from buying and selling goods sourced from neighbouring countries, are defying lockdown regulations.
  • Zimbabweans suffering from hyperinflation trek to neighbouring countries such as Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique and South Africa to buy basic goods and most of them use illegal crossing points to avoid paying taxes.
  • The southern African country’s inflation rate soared to 676.4 per cent in March from 540.2 per cent the previous month amid a weak exchange rate and food shortages.
  • Two weeks ago the government introduced price controls, saying retailers were profiting from the coronavirus pandemic.

Zimbabwe is clamping down on second-hand clothes imports as cross-border Covid-19 coronavirus infections and smuggling surge.

Cross-border traders, who make their living from buying and selling goods sourced from neighbouring countries, are defying lockdown regulations to illegally cross into countries such as South Africa and Mozambique, according to authorities.

Monica Mutsvangwa, the Minister of Information, said smuggling activities especially along the vast Mozambique border pose a serious threat as imported coronavirus cases are on the increase.

“An increase in the smuggling of second-hand clothes into the country through border posts with Mozambique such as Mt Selinda and Sango poses unprecedented danger of spreading Covid-19 by to those who wear them,” Mrs Mutsvangwa said following a Cabinet meeting on the issue last week.

“The government will upscale the enforcement of the law banning the importation of second hand-clothes,” she added.

Zimbabwe first banned the importation of second-clothes in 2015 to protect the country’s textile industry, but relaxed the restrictions two years later as it is a major source of income for informal traders hit hard by the collapse of the economy. Traders source bales of the clothes from Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia to resell to locals whose shrinking sources of income make it difficult for them to buy brand new clothes.

Post published in: Business

Zimbabwe set to print high denomination banknotes – The Zimbabwean

HARARE, Zimbabwe

Pounded harder by hyperinflation, Zimbabwe’s Central Bank recently indicated that it will print high denomination banknotes, ostensibly to increase physical money supply and curb cash shortages.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), inflation in Zimbabwe hovered above 300% by the end of 2019.

Zimbabwean authorities from the country’s Central Bank, which is the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, recently approved the introduction of 10 and 20 Zimbabwe dollar banknotes worth around 600 million Zimbabwe dollar ($24 million) in local currency. The money, they said, will hit the market beginning this quarter.

The total amount of the local currency in circulation stands at around 1.4 billion Zimbabwe dollars ($56 million) in cash, which would add up to 2 billion Zimbabwe dollars after the injection of the new banknotes.

Meanwhile, the Southern Africa nation currently has banknotes for 2 and 5 Zimbabwe dollars and coins only in local currency.

“The plans are advanced and higher denomination notes will be made available to the public sometime later this month,” Eddie Cross, a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of Zimbabwe’s Central Bank, told state media over the last weekend.

Zimbabwe ditched the use of its own currency at first in 2008 following hyperinflation which eroded the value of the local currency.

In June last year, the Finance Ministry banned the use of foreign currency as legal tender in an apparent bid to combat inflation, which authorities claimed was being fueled by illegal money changers.

Cornered by yet another wave of inflation, this year in March, Zimbabwe reintroduced the use of multi currencies like US dollar, South African rand and British pound, which however did not push out the feared local currency.

COVID-19: Chinese experts depart for Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwean


China has sent 12 medical experts to Zimbabwe to help tackle the coronavirus pandemic, Zimbabwean local media reported Monday.

The medical experts who have left Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan province, for Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, will also bring medical supplies including ventilators, face masks and PPEs, according to Pindola News website.

The medical equipment will be provided as a donation by the Chinese provincial government to Harare, the report said.

Late last month, China’s embassy in Zimbabwe pledged to help Zimbabwe cope with the outbreak.

COVID-19 cases in the landlocked southern African country have risen to 36, along with four virus-linked deaths and nine recoveries, according to figures by John Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Centre.

Earlier this month, President Emmerson Mnangagwa extended the country’s lockdown, which began March 30, by two weeks to contain the virus.

In a televised nationwide address, Mnangagwa said more people in Zimbabwe were getting infected, and he feared the situation could get out of control.

More than 4.12 million cases have been reported in 187 countries and regions since the virus emerged in China last December.

A significant number of patients — more than 1.42 million — have recovered, but the disease has also claimed over 283,000 lives so far.

Post published in: Featured

The Moscow-Harare-Minsk Hotline – The Zimbabwean

Ever since Western Countries cut the supply of  military hardware to Zimbabwe 20 years ago, following sanctions imposed against the country’s negative human rights record under Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe has been struggling to bolster its arsenal. At the time, Zimbabwe was recovering from a hardware deficit following its 1998 military intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) war.

The economic and human rights abuse crises reached their peak during 2008 due to Mugabe’s money-printing activity, which ignited severe hyperinflation. Although the government provided multiple excuses throughout the decades, like the drought, the real problem remains poor governance and in-house corruption. Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe from 1980 to2017 and his successor, Emmerson Mnangagwa, has similar tendencies.

The US first imposed sanctions against Zimbabwe in 2001 bypassing the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZIDERA), which referred to sending troops to DRC, the private appropriation of public assets and the fast-track land reform program. In 2018, ZIDERA was amended to address new issues. The updated ZIDERA urged the Zimbabwean government to implement the 2013 constitution, specifically to respect and protect human rights, to account for diamond and mineral revenue, and to enforce the SADC Tribunal’s decisions on human rights and land compensation.

However, the government still fails to account for mineral revenues and perpetuates brutal violations of human rights. During his election campaign in 2017, President Mnangagwa stressed his aspirations to lead a business- friendly policy and restore Zimbabwe’s economy. After being elected, he proved to be incapable of doing any of the above. On the contrary, Mnangagwa’s administration decided to print its own faux money which naturally led to monetary collapse. Politically connected elites have been getting US dollars from the reserve bank and selling them at a profit on the parallel market, pushing down the value of the national currency. Meanwhile, banks in Zimbabwe have no US dollars, South African Rands, or Botswana Pulas currencies, and therefore cannot supply stores with the funds to carry on business activity.

The status quo continues, as does the looting of public resources and raids on bank accounts, with the government and Reserve Bank taking over private citizens’ forex savings. The government holds on to repressive laws and it condones violence by state security agents, protecting known perpetrators of serious violations. Tendai Biti, an opposition MP and former finance minister, complains that life has gone back to colonial times: “I’m washing in a bucket, my friend, as if it is Southern Rhodesia in 1923.”

Nonetheless, on January 10, 2020, Zimbabwe replaced its single-engine J-7 fighter jets procured from China with Russian-made $500 million MiG-29 and MiG-35 aircraft. In return, Zimbabwe mortgaged part of its vast mineral wealth to Moscow, including the Darwendale platinum reserve. The arms deal between the countries is part of their already existing $3 billion joint platinum project in collaboration with Rostec from 2014. The deal is one of many agreements signed during a trip to Zimbabwe by Russian Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergey Lavrov, on March 8, 2018.
Is the upgrade really necessary while, after decades of mismanagement and corruption, Zimbabwe is a wreck? Its economy is crashing, and its people are hungry. In fact, according to the UN World Food Programme, by the first half of 2020, the annual inflation will reach 500%, and about half of the population in Zimbabwe will not be able to provide food. The country is poorer than it has ever been due to its ruler’s greed. Nonetheless, other figures have tried to take advantage of the country’s resources. Among them are neighbouring governments, donors, and foreign stakeholders.

Over the past decade, Eastern European countries have filled in the gap left by the West. Zimbabwe- Russian trade reached its peak during 2017-2019. In 2019, the President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, together with over 40 other African leaders flew to Russia in hopes of taking better advantage of the newly established cycle. According to the Russian Government, over the first five months of 2019, Russia-Zimbabwe trade rose 9.5% year-on-year to US$18,5 million. Trade-in 2018 stood at US$45,9 million, down 13.6% from the previous year.

Many businessmen from Eastern Europe have been trying to take a bite of the increasingly flourishing commercial interest of Zimbabwe in Russia. One of them, a very significant connecting link between Zimbabwe and Eastern European countries, is the Belarusian businessman Alexander Zingman. Zingman can be seen a lot on the media at events with multiple figures of Africa’s political elite. Including Zambian President Edgar Lungu, Zimbabwe Minister of Lands and Agriculture, Perence Shiri, Zimbabwe Press& Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, George Charamba and others.

Zingman has an impressive track record of brokering several deals in Tanzania and Chad with his partner Witold Karczewski, Vice Chairman of the Polish Chamber of Commerce. Starting in 2017, he has been involved in many of the military purchases between Zimbabwe and other African countries with Belarus and the Russian defence industry, which has been under US sanctions in recent years. His business activity is focused on agriculture equipment, trade of arms, and military equipment.

Alexander Zingman is tied with a network of powerful people, both in East Europe and in the African Continent. One of his closest friends is, in fact, the President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa. Other than brokering deals between Mnangagwa and officials from Russia and Belarus, Zingman is often invited to Mnangagwa’s house to spend time with the family. Zingman is also in contact with the President’s son Emmerson Mnangagwa Junior, who has been involved in his father’s business with Zingman.

On March 3rd, 2018, Zimbabwe Vice President, Constantino Chiwenga, signed $68 million worth of deals as a part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for economic development and trade with Belarus Chief of Presidential Affairs, Victor Sheiman. Open-source media photos reveal that Zingman accompanied the delegation of Belarus. Zingman was among the figures that surrounded Sheiman and Mnangagwa, both sanctioned by OFAC. On March 29, 2018, a Zimbabwe delegation visited Russia’s Ulan-Ude Aviation Factory, a part of the Russian Helicopters group, to view the VIP modification of Mi-171E helicopters. According to the Factory Managing Director, Leonid Belych, the Zimbabwean guests, and the factory’s authorities, have discussed the terms of prospective sales contracts. Following these meetings, on May 2018, Alexander Zingman finalized a deal with Zimbabwe regarding a sell of two Mil Mi-17 helicopters through the company STAR Strategic Assets III LP.

It was not long before the three met again on September 12, 2018, after swearing in John Chamunorwa Mangwiro as Deputy Minister of Health. President Emmerson Mnangagwa hosted Sheiman and Zingman at State House in Harare for two days. Sheiman and Zingman, who arrived to follow up on several investment deals between the countries, presented Mnangagwa with a birthday gift of a sword inscribed his name and his popular slogan “Pasi neMhandu.” On November 2018, Zingman met with the Chief of Russian Helicopter Company “Baginski”, Andrei Ivanovich Boginsky.

On January 17, 2019, Mnangagwa took part in the opening ceremony of the Zimbabwe consulate’s office in Minsk, Belarus, and admitted Alexander Zingman as Zimbabwe’s Honorary Consul in Belarus. At the end of the ceremony, the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, invited the guests for an official lunch in honour of the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces. Among the participants were Zimbabwean Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement Perence Shiri, Press Secretary in the Office of the President of Zimbabwe George Charamba, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei and others.

In the same month of Zingman’s appointment, Zimbabwe replaced its single-engine J-7 fighter jets with the MiG-29 and MiG-35 aircrafts. The above sequence of events draws the conclusion that there is a high probability that Zingman was behind this purchase as well. If so, was Mnangagwa appointing him in order to protect his own activities and expand his manoeuvre range?

The thought of the splurge in upgrading the presidential aircraft while Zimbabwe suffers from hunger is a slap in the face for the country’s population. This goes to show that the leader of Zimbabwe still trades the country’s natural resources, and perhaps even distributes generous payments to his middleman, Alexander Zingman, while his nation starves to death.

Post published in: Business

Morning Docket: 05.12.20

* A strip club owner has sued New York Governor Andrew Cuomo over closures related to COVID-19. Cuomo should pay any settlement in dollar bills. [New York Post]

* The Georgia Attorney General has asked the Department of Justice to investigate the Ahmaud Arbery case. [CNN]

* The Federal Circuit wouldn’t give a lawyer a mulligan and affirmed a lower tribunal’s ruling that the attorney did not have the right to a golf patent. [Reuters]

* Almost 2,000 former employees of the Department of Justice have called on Attorney General Barr to resign. [Washington Post]

* A college that is accused of being a “sham” has recieved millions of dollars of relief related to COVID-19. Sounds like a bad sequel to the movie Accepted. [NPR]

Jordan Rothman is a partner of The Rothman Law Firm, a full-service New York and New Jersey law firm. He is also the founder of Student Debt Diaries, a website discussing how he paid off his student loans. You can reach Jordan through email at