The Five-Second Rule

My latest mental exercise is what I call the Five-Second Rule. The Five-Second Rule is that I only want people working for me if they would pass the following test, which I call the Five-Second Test because I am not especially creative today:

(1) A wizard, angel, genie, dragon, or other magical creature that is both credibly capable of granting wishes on a whim and has a reputation for capriciousness, walks into the room the subject is in.

(2) The magical creature offers the subject a choice between two options:

(a) At the subject’s request, the magical creature snaps his/her/its fingers, in which case there is a 1 in 1,000 chance that the subject will become one of the 10 best people of their generation at whatever they wish. Lawyer, baseball player, rock star, scientist, whatever they like. The other 999 out of 1,000 cases, the subject will instantaneously and painlessly die.

(b) The magical creature doesn’t snap any fingers, the deal is off the table, and the magical creature will not return.

(3) To pass the test, the subject must request that the magical creature’s fingers snap within five seconds or less after the creature finishes explaining the terms of the choice.

This is, importantly, not a test of one’s work ethic, dedication, or even whether the person likes being a lawyer at all. It’s instead a test of complacency, status quo bias, risk tolerance, and the ability to make important decisions quickly.

I’m still figuring out a way to work this into job interviews, as I figure if I ask people outright, they’ll just tell me what I want to hear. So, I need some way to simulate it, but realistically I’d probably need at least a smoke machine and some very elaborate costumes, and if nothing else, this would never play over Zoom.

Why The Five-Second Rule Is An Important Test

I’d be willing to be flexible here in some circumstances — as people get older, they tend to lose their edge for various reasons, plus the cost-benefit structure of the magical creature’s deal shifts — but attorneys in the first few years of practice really have no excuse. And it’s a great test because it hits four separate character traits that are important in order to be a good litigator.

First, the Five-Second Rule most directly tests complacency. No one wants lawyers — or anyone else — who are satisfied with mediocrity. As always in life, you have to go big or go home. You goals need to be total victory.

Second, it tests status quo bias. The expected value of asking the magical creature to snap his, her, or its fingers over not snapping them is objectively higher. Really, it’s all upside from the subject’s point of view because if they lose, they’ll be dead and will never know. But the test is set up so that the lower expected value position is an easy default to fall back on. Part of the magical creature’s presence in the test is to sell the credibility of the offer, but it’s also to shock the subject out of their comfort zone. Someone with an overly strong status quo bias will instinctively retreat to the safety of the default position, failing the test.

Third, the Five-Second Rule tests risk tolerance. Someone who is risk-averse will instinctively overweight the value of the the safe choice of no finger snapping, instead of correctly weighting the risk of each. Such people also will likely underweigh the cost of the years, even lifetime, of regret if they turn down the offer.

Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, the Five-Second Rule tests the subject’s ability to make decisions quickly. Five seconds is recognized by multiple other scientific rules as the time in which the human brain effectively makes quick decisions unhindered by further analysis. This also dovetails with Dan Kahneman’s System 1 versus System 2 thinking. And quick decision making is, of course, a crucial skill for litigators.

Applying The Five-Second Rule To Your Practice

Another great thing about the Five-Second Rule is that it’s easy to apply to your own practice. While a practical test is especially difficult in these times, you probably know your staff well enough to make an educated guess at how they would respond if put to the test. If you think they’d fail — or if you think you’d fail — take this opportunity to make some adjustments.

Matthew W Schmidt Balestriere FarielloMatthew W. Schmidt has represented and counseled clients at all stages of litigation and in numerous matters including insider trading, fiduciary duty, antitrust law, and civil RICO. He is a partner at the trial and investigations law firm Balestriere Fariello in New York, where he and his colleagues represent domestic and international clients in litigation, arbitration, appeals, and investigations. You can reach him by email at

3 Tips For The In-House Job Search

(Image via Getty)

These are challenging times for the legal profession, especially Biglaw firms and lawyers. But in-house counsel are not immune from the downturn, with many lawyers at major companies losing their jobs as well.

Contrary to the view of some Biglaw lawyers, in-house life is not some sort of professional paradise. In-house lawyers face many of the same challenges that their counterparts at law firms face, including layoffs.

That said, there will always be many Biglaw attorneys who wish to jump to the client side. Even during the current crisis, there are some in-house jobs out there. And once the current tough times are behind us, there will be even more such opportunities.

How can you get an in-house legal job? Here are three tips.

1. Network, network, network.

Yes, this advice is clichéd, but that’s because it’s true. Many of the best in-house positions get filled through networking. Sure, a Fortune 100 company looking for a general counsel might hire a headhunting firm to fill the role (and here at Lateral Link, we are happy to help companies find in-house talent). But a startup or emerging company looking for its first GC — a job that many Biglaw lawyers view as their “dream job” — will often fill it with someone known to a founder or someone in the founder’s network.

As longtime ATL columnist and in-house lawyer Mark Herrmann correctly points out, networking is no guarantee that you’ll find that job, but it certainly increases the chances. So even if you’re fairly happy at your current law firm, you should let your network know that you would be open to the right in-house opportunity if it came along. If your network doesn’t know, then they might not mention it to you when they see a great in-house job, thinking (erroneously) that you are firmly planted at your firm.

And when thinking about who’s in your network for this purpose, don’t draw the circle too tightly, e.g., by limiting it to your closest friends. Research shows that people frequently find new jobs through their weak ties as opposed to their strong ones. And of course you should try to expand your universe of connections — through networking.

2. Check the major job sites on a regular basis.

Whenever I meet an in-house lawyer, I ask her how she landed her job. And despite the importance of networking, as just discussed, you’d be surprised at how many in-house attorneys found their positions through responding to online postings — on sites including but not limited to LinkedIn, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) jobs board, GoInhouse, Monster, and Indeed.

Not every in-house legal job gets posted on such sites, but the ones that do get posted are (for the most part) real jobs. When I helped a friend of mine, the GC of a small but publicly traded pharma company, find a deputy GC last year, I posted the position on both LinkedIn and ACC.

When you’re slammed at work because of a deal or trial, it can be difficult to remember to check these sites. But the problem is that sometimes the best in-house opportunities are advertised online only for a limited time. Set a calendar reminder for yourself to check for online in-house jobs at a certain time each week or every other week and try to stick to it, even if you’re extremely busy.

3. Situate yourself at an in-house “feeder firm.”

When it comes to sending their lawyers into in-house jobs, not all firms are created equal. And perhaps surprisingly, it’s not the most prestigious firms that are the best at generating in-house exit options.

In fact, many of these firms are rather poor at preparing their lawyers for the in-house jump. These firms often engage in highly specialized work, while many corporations want their lawyers to have some breadth in their knowledge and skill sets. Also, the top firms often focus on “bet the company” deals or cases — but companies are often looking for lawyers who have familiarity with the more typical events in a company’s life cycle.

So if you’re at a firm that doesn’t seem to send many lawyers into in-house positions, consider moving to a firm that does — i.e., an in-house “feeder firm.” One of the most common ways for a Biglaw lawyer to make the transition to in-house life is to join a client, and in-house feeder firms are those with the best track records of sending their lawyers to clients (or to similar in-house opportunities). A knowledgeable legal recruiter can help you identify — and get hired by — an in-house feeder firm, so you can eventually move into the in-house job of your dreams.

If you’re already in-house and looking to add to your legal department, whether on a permanent or temporary basis — in times of tight budgets, hiring temporary lawyers on a contract basis can be especially attractive — recruiters can help as well. For assistance with your in-house hiring needs, please reach out to Monique Burt Williams, who recently assumed the role of CEO at Cadence Counsel, the in-house division of Lateral Link. She would be delighted to help you find top talent, especially candidates who would enhance the diversity of your organization to reflect a global economy, and she looks forward to hearing from you.

Ed. note: This is the latest installment in a series of posts from Lateral Link’s team of expert contributors. David Lat is a managing director in the New York office, where he focuses on placing top associates, partners and partner groups into preeminent law firms around the country.

Lateral Link is one of the top-rated international legal recruiting firms. With over 14 offices world-wide, Lateral Link specializes in placing attorneys at the most prestigious law firms and companies in the world. Managed by former practicing attorneys from top law schools, Lateral Link has a tradition of hiring lawyers to execute the lateral leaps of practicing attorneys. Click here to find out more about us.

Struggling Biglaw Firm At Crossroads. Again.

Things are changing in a big way over at Irell & Manella. According to an in-depth report at looking at the future of the firm, Irell is pivoting to focus on its intellectual property litigation practice, with most of the rainmaking falling on partner Morgan Chu and eschewing their transactional practice.

It seems the firm’s back was again the proverbial wall. Since 2014, the firm has lost 48 percent of its attorneys, down to just 82 lawyers from 159. That change has coincided with plummeting gross revenue from $247.5 million in 2014 to just $151.6 million last year. So yeah, some sort of change is needed.

“The writing was on the wall,” as one former Irell partner put it, when Jonathan Kagan, a member of Irell’s executive committee and chair of its hiring committee, wrote in an internal memo in early February that the firm would now focus solely on high-end IP and commercial litigation, abandoning most of its transactional practices.

It wasn’t an entirely deliberate pivot, as interviews with former partners, legal consultants and Kagan himself indicate. These sources describe a firm that has been struggling for years to define itself and trying to rebuild after a devastating spinoff that has led some partners to explore potential merger opportunities.

The struggle to define what is next for the firm is real. Kagan notes:

“For years we’ve been trying to evaluate what the options are for us,” he says. “There is a difference between exploring options and making actual decisions.”

He adds, “We’ve been gradually moving in this direction, then people figured out what we were doing.”

This isn’t the first time in fairly recent memory that the firm has had to switch up its strategic vision. In 2015, the firm lost ~1/6th of its attorneys over a two-day period when the litigation boutique of Hueston Hennigan was born.

The spinoff put Irell at a crossroads of sorts, with three paths emerging: It could have grown its transactional and commodity litigation practices, merged with another firm or retrenched. At the time, [former Irell executive committee member David Siegel] hinted to The American Lawyer that there was disagreement among the firm’s partners about the right approach: “Some of us would prefer to focus now on growing but doing it in a careful way,” he said. “Most of us—but not all of us—have that mindset.”

Since then, the firm’s strategy toward lateral partners is described by as “piecemeal” and that’s resulted in a partnership revolving door, with whatever attempts the firm made to build its transactional practice being thwarted. There’s been downward pressure on the firm’s revenue (though their profitability has remained stable at around 65 percent) and so, a change in direction and focus is needed.

Firm leaders remain optimistic about the new and improved focus, particularly in light of COVID-19:

The recent changes may leave the firm in a better position to weather the economic storm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, sources say. As of early May, Irell had avoided cutting pay or staff like many larger, higher-grossing law firms have done. The pandemic has affected some of Irell’s cases—Kagan says one of his trials was postponed—but every attorney at the firm is busy, which might not have been the case had Irell kept its transactional practice, Kagan says.

“In light of the coronavirus and the dislocation of the economy, Irell might have the last laugh on this whole thing,” one former partner says.

Best of luck to the firm as they try to weather the latest changes.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).

Court Tells Grandma To Delete Photos Of Grandkids On Facebook For Violating The GDPR

We’ve talked for many years now about the overreach of the GDPR and how its concepts of “data protection” often conflict with both concepts of free expression and very common every day activities. The latest example, first highlighted by Neil Brown, is that a Dutch court has said that a grandmother must delete photos of her grandkids that she posted to Facebook and Pinterest, because it violates the GDPR. There is, obviously, a bit more to the case, and it involves a family dispute involving the parents and the grandmother, but, still, the end result should raise all sorts of questions.

And while many EU data protections folks are saying this was to be expected based on earlier EU rulings regarding the GDPR, it doesn’t make the result any less ridiculous. As the BBC summarizes:

The case went to court after the woman refused to delete photographs of her grandchildren which she had posted on social media.

The mother of the children had asked several times for the pictures to be deleted.

The GDPR does not apply to the “purely personal” or “household” processing of data.

However, that exemption did not apply because posting photographs on social media made them available to a wider audience, the ruling said.

There are a few interesting elements in the actual ruling. First, the court notes that since no one made a copyright claim, it doesn’t sound like the parents hold the copyright on the images — which is notable only in that the court seems to think it’s natural to use copyright to censor a grandma proudly posting photos of her grandkids.

But on the GDPR question, it notes that the lack of evidence regarding the privacy settings the grandmother used leads the court to assume they were posted publicly:

The General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: AVG) protects the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular their right to the protection of personal data. However, this Regulation does not apply to the processing of personal data by a natural person in the exercise of a purely personal or household activity. Although it cannot be excluded that the placing of a photo on a personal Facebook page falls under a purely personal or household activity, in the preliminary opinion of the Court in preliminary relief proceedings, it has not been sufficiently established how [defendant] set up or protected her Facebook account or her Pinterst account. It is also unclear whether the photographs can be found through a search engine such as Google. In addition, with Facebook it cannot be ruled out that placed photos may be distributed and may end up in the hands of third parties. In view of these circumstances it has not appeared in the scope of these preliminary relief proceedings that there is a purely personal or domestic activity of [defendant]. This means that the provisions of the General Data Protection Act (AVG) and the General Data Protection Implementation Act (hereinafter: UAVG) apply to the present dispute.

And, then you combine that with the fact that children are involved, and the court says, yup, GDPR requires takedown:

The UAVG stipulates that the permission of their legal representative(s) is required for the posting of photographs of minors who have not yet reached the age of 16. It has been established that the minor children of [plaintiff] are under the age of 16 and that [plaintiff], as legal representative, has not given permission to [defendant] to post photographs of her children on social media. In the case of [child 1], his father did not give [defendant] permission either. In view of this the Court in preliminary relief proceedings will order [defendant] to remove the photo of [child 1] on Facebook and the photo of [plaintiff] and her children on Pinterest. In addition, [defendant] will be prohibited from posting pictures of the minor children of [plaintiff] on social media without permission (as referred to in the AVG and UAVG). The emotional importance of [defendant] to be allowed to place photographs on social media cannot lead to a different judgment in this respect.

Neil Brown, who highlighted this situation in the first place, has pondered that even if grandparents posting pictures of their grandkids is normal behavior, that doesn’t mean it’s good and it removes “autonomy” over our own data. I have a ton of respect for Brown, but this is a very European view that includes an assumption that we should have “autonomy” over anything about ourselves — which, when judged against the harsh light of reality, seems incredibly silly.

Yes, there are cases where people will have things posted online about themselves that they’d rather are not there. And I understand that this is an even more fraught area when it comes to children. But there are very real free expression concerns as well, and the ability to use this as a tool of blatant censorship seems way too likely.

Court Tells Grandma To Delete Photos Of Grandkids On Facebook For Violating The GDPR

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Michael Cohen Emerges From Prison To New World He Barely Recognizes

(Paskova/Getty Images)

First you hate ’em, then you get used to ’em. After long enough, you get so you depend on ’em. That’s “institutionalized.” — “Red” Redding

Former Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen entered prison in May 2019 to begin his three-year sentence for tax evasion, false statements to a bank, and campaign finance violations. At the time he told reporters that “I hope that when I rejoin my family and friends that the country will be in a place without xenophobia, injustice and lies at the helm of our country.” So, that didn’t work out for him.

Instead, Cohen, like so many that society has locked away, has emerged prematurely into a world that passed him by while he’s been on the inside. Since he’s become an institutional man, the streets of his New York City home are now largely empty, those high-priced restaurants where Cohen used to make power deals have all seemingly shuttered, and people have embraced a baffling fashion trend of growing out their hair and donning surgical masks while out on the town. This just isn’t the world he remembers.

Cohen will serve out the rest of his sentence in his family’s apartment. We wish him luck transitioning to life on the outside.

Seriously though, prisons are facing widespread outbreaks of COVID-19 because of the system and a serious purging of the inmate rolls is warranted. Back in March, I criticized attorneys for talking about the threat of COVID in prisons, not because it wasn’t a serious threat, but because prison conditions are already abysmal and deserve serious reform on their own merits and shouldn’t need a hot-button issue to spark changes. At least the Bureau of Prisons seems to be getting the memo. And while the federal system is broken, it’s a dream compared to the states. Exactly how responsibly are all those private prisons taking this? And where are the re-entry services for people coming out? They seem to be largely unavailable too.

And while the BOP should be commended for letting people out under these conditions, just watch as they inevitably release all the white-collar criminals in better-equipped prisons before worrying about the random non-violent marijuana possession guy. If for no other reason than people like Cohen, and Paul Manafort before him, have the crafty lawyers still fighting for them to seek release. Having expert witnesses in the form of medical specialists able to argue that they face a “heightened risk” is just icing on the cake. It’s as if the usual flaws of the criminal justice system are playing out in reverse: affluent white people get lighter sentences on the front end… and now they get first dibs on getting out.

It’s easy to chuckle at Cohen’s brief stay in prison, but it highlights the more important problem of dealing with the sorry state of the incarceration system that puts people at risk.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen released from prison into home confinement due to coronavirus concern [CNBC]

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Uber Conducts In-House Layoffs Due To COVID-19 Outbreak

(Image via Getty)

Thanks to COVID-19, no one in the legal profession seems to be immune from layoffs. To that end, if you left a law firm to go in-house because you thought the grass would be greener, the novel coronavirus is here to let you know you were very, very wrong.

You may recall that Technologies Inc. has been on a layoff spree, eliminating thousands of jobs — about 6,700, to be exact — over the course of just a few weeks. Among those who lost their jobs were members of the company’s in-house legal team. According to Corporate Counsel, earlier this week, at least people who worked in the legal department received their ride-hailing walking papers.

“I’m deeply sorry we’re facing these unprecedented circumstances that have required us to make some very hard, very tough decisions,” Chief Legal Officer Tony West said in an email to his team Monday. “Yet those decisions don’t diminish the important contributions our former teammates have made to building Uber, and I know the talent, skill, grit and optimism that made them valued members of Team CLO are qualities that will always be in demand—global pandemic or not.”

Not all members of Uber’s legal team were thrilled with West’s words. “I received a generic email and was only given a quick 15 min conversation without a chance to ask questions,” former product counsel Karen Kopel wrote on LinkedIn about the way she was let go. “My manager did not reach out to me to say goodbye or thank me. No reasoning was offered. I feel like someone gut punched me.”

Best of luck to those who lost their livelihoods during a pandemic.

If your firm or organization is slashing salaries, closing its doors, or reducing the ranks of its lawyers or staff, whether through open layoffs, stealth layoffs, or voluntary buyouts, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Our vast network of tipsters is part of what makes Above the Law thrive. You can email us or text us (646-820-8477).

If you’d like to sign up for ATL’s Layoff Alerts, please scroll down and enter your email address in the box below this post. If you previously signed up for the layoff alerts, you don’t need to do anything. You’ll receive an email notification within minutes of each layoff, salary cut, or furlough announcement that we publish.

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Tracking COVID-19’s Employment Law Impact: Compliance Concerns In The Return-To-Work Process

Q. What are the immediately apparent effects of the pandemic, and the drive to reopen nonessential businesses, on employment discrimination law practitioners?

Driven in large part by the staggering unemployment rate and a desire to restart economic growth, states throughout the month of May taken steps to reopen their economies. For employers, and the labor and employment practitioners who advise them, this presents a multitude of employment-law compliance issues. Not only are employers faced with tremendous safety concerns for their employees, as well their customers, every decision they face regarding their workforce—such as which employees to bring back first, which to furlough, and which to let go, how to implement social distancing—is fraught with potential discrimination issues. 

Competing obligations. To complicate things, the reopening process varies from state to state. Restrictions and obligations imposed on employers also may vary in regions throughout a state and by municipality, too.  

To mask or not to mask? 

Take the relatively “simple” issue of who should, and shouldn’t, wear face masks: While the CDC, in ever-changing guidelines, recommends for safety reasons that everyone wear a face covering in public, and OSHA recommends that workers wear face masks, must your employees wear them? If so, do you have to provide them? And if they won’t wear face masks, can you make them? 

Differing requirements. The answer to these questions varies not only by state but by municipality and by the type of business (for example, restaurants and retail businesses will have different obligations than construction companies or golf courses). In New York, pursuant to an executive order issued in April,  employees of essential businesses who are present in the workplace must wear face coverings when in direct contact with customers or members of the public. But in Texas, it is only suggested that employers consider having their employees wear face coverings—although numerous cities have more restrictive requirements.

How will employers keep up? Examples from a comprehensive list provided by Littler on state-wide face mask orders as of May 17 illustrate the differing requirements: 

  • Effective May 1, Delaware not only requires employees in public-facing roles to wear masks, employers are required to provide them—as well as hand sanitizer. In fact, Delaware requires all individuals to wear a face covering in specified public places (except where doing so would inhibit that individual’s health or where the individual is under two years of age), and a business must decline entry to an individual refusing to wear a face covering unless the business is providing medication, medical supplies, or food. 
  • In Florida, personal care services providers and employees must wear masks. They are also encouraged to provide masks to patrons and/or adopt a policy requiring patrons to wear masks.
  • Kentucky requires businesses to provide “PPE” to employees, but masks are not required “when masking would create a serious health or safety hazard to the employee or when the employee is working alone in an enclosed space.” Employers might have to provide gloves, too, to employees whose job duties include touching items often touched by others, and TO replace the gloves regularly.
  • South Carolina recommends that people wear masks in situations where social distancing may be difficult to maintain. 
  • In Utah, employers must require their employees to wear a face mask.

Keeping with all of these varying requirements is, no doubt, a daunting task for employment law practitioners. The COVID-19 Smart Charts, one of the resources available on Wolters Kluwer’s free Coronavirus Resources and Tools (COVID-19) website, and specifically the Employment/HR & Benefits “Back to Work” topic, provides brief summaries of state back-to-work requirements with links to full text regarding essential and nonessential businesses and other reopening mandates.

Accommodations under federal law. But don’t forget about the ADA. While the EEOC has indicated that employers may require employees to wear personal protective equipment (including face masks) during a pandemic such as the coronavirus, under the ADA, if an employee with a disability is unable to wear a face covering (or other types of personal protective equipment) due to a disability, an employer may have a duty to provide a reasonable accommodation, absent an undue hardship. 

And to complicate things, a face mask itself can be a reasonable accommodation for employees whose underlying health conditions make them more susceptible to the coronavirus.   

Addressing this concern, the EEOC, in its question and answer guidance on the pandemic, provides as an example an employer that requires returning workers to wear personal protective gear and engage in infection control practices. Some of its employees, however, ask for accommodations due to a need for modified protective gear. 

As the EEOC explains, while employers may require employees to wear protective gear such as masks and gloves and engage in regular hand washing and social distancing, “where an employee with a disability needs a related reasonable accommodation under the ADA (e.g., non-latex gloves, modified face masks for interpreters or others who communicate with an employee who uses lip reading, or gowns designed for individuals who use wheelchairs), or a religious accommodation under Title VII (such as modified equipment due to religious garb), the employer should discuss the request and provide the modification, or an alternative if feasible and not an undue hardship on the operation of the employer’s business under the ADA or Title VII.”

Retaliation for wearing a safer face mask? A lawsuit filed in March by a nurse against her hospital employer illustrates just one of the many issues facing employers. According to the complaint, the hospital not only required its employees to wear “face masks that were not Particulate Respirator N95 face masks,” it did not permit them to wear N95 face masks. Instead, she alleges, they were required to wear face masks that were less safe. She alerted not only her coworkers but also supervisors that the N95 masks were safer and more effective than the face masks distributed by the hospital and of her intent to wear the N95 face mask while working at the hospital. When she wore the N95 face mask to work, the complaint states, she was fired in retaliation for warning her “coworkers and/or supervisors that the distributed and mandated face masks were unsafe.”

New wrinkles on existing discrimination law

Regardless of where in the reopening process they are, employer must comply with federal, state, and local employment laws that impact so many of the day-to-day decisions they now face. For example, what if a returning employee is pregnant? What about older employees who are more at risk from the virus? And what about employees who may be afraid to come back to the workplace? While the same antidiscrimination laws that applied before COVID-19 still apply today, new issues are emerging as employers continue to adjust to an ever changing “new normal.” 

Q. As businesses reopen, how has client demand for legal services changed in the employment discrimination area?

The need for COVID-19 related information creates greater demand for employment practitioners, and the issues are presented in an unfamiliar and perhaps unprecedented context.  The EEOC is still updating and expanding its technical assistance guidance, What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws, addressing COVID-19-related workplace issues. 

Medical examinations. Employers likely never anticipated they would face so many questions about medical exams for their workers. The EEOC guidance explains that employers may ask employees whether they have tested positive for COVID-19, have taken a test for the virus, or have symptoms associated with COVID-19. Employers may even require employees to have their temperatures taken or to take a COVID-19 test before entering the workplace. 

But what is less clear is how, and to whom, employers may disclose an employee’s COVID-19 positive status. The ADA requires employers to maintain confidentiality of an employee’s medical information, and the EEOC guidance states that the confidentiality requirements apply to medical information that an employer may collect during the pandemic.

During a March 27 webinar, the EEOC advised employers that, depending on the workplace, certain members of an organization may need to know whether an employee has tested positive for COVID-19, as well as the identity of the employee. As businesses reopen, employers will likely be seeking guidance on when it is appropriate to disclose an employee’s COVID-19 diagnosis: Which individuals in the company or organization need to know, and why? 

Has what is considered a “reasonable” accommodation changed? How will the pandemic affect employers’ responses to accommodation requests? As businesses reopen, employees who have preexisting disabilities that put them at higher risk from COVID-19 may seek accommodations to limit their exposure to the virus. While employers clearly are not required to grant telework to every employee who requests it as an accommodation, the EEOC has encouraged employers to consider low-cost accommodations for employees who require reduced contact, such as one-way aisles and other barriers (plexiglass) to create distance between coworkers and customers. 

What about undue hardship? COVID-19 has not changed an employer’s obligation to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. However, the EEOC’s guidance acknowledges that some accommodations that would not have posed an undue hardship before the pandemic may pose one now. 

The pandemic has created enormous economic and operational difficulties for many employers; nevertheless, employers are still required to provide accommodations, absent undue hardship, and cost alone will not be enough to deny an employee’s request for reasonable accommodation. Practitioners need to prepare for employers that seek guidance on engaging in the interactive process and identifying affordable reasonable accommodations given their new budgetary and logistical limitations.

Modified PPE requests. As they reopen, many employers will, either by choice or because of state or local action, require employees to wear personal protective gear and observe infection control practices, such as social distancing. The EEOC guidance advises that in the event that an employee requests an accommodation from such requirements, the employer “should discuss the request and provide the modification or an alternative if feasible and not an undue hardship on the operation of the employer’s business under the ADA or Title VII.”

Shifting protocols. The answer to whether a specific accommodation poses an undue hardship may be different than it was before the pandemic. And, as more information about COVID-19 becomes available, employers will be seeking guidance on how changing infection control standards affect their response to reasonable accommodation requests and undue hardship analysis. The answers will be constantly evolving as public health officials learn more about the virus, potential immunity, and the effectiveness of infection controls. 

Q. What are some additional compliance-related concerns employers face as they return their employees to the workforce?

Caregiver responsibilities

While nonessential businesses may be reopening, schools and most daycares have remained closed, at least for now, and many summer camps are still deciding whether and when to open. For many working parents with young children, this has created childcare issues, which often impact women disproportionately. African-American women, single mothers, and low-wage earners may be especially impacted. 

And caregiving responsibilities are not limited to only children. They also include providing care for elderly parents, who are especially at risk during this pandemic, or relatives with disabilities. As with childcare, this is a responsibility that often disproportionately affects women. 

While no federal law expressly prohibits discriminating against an employee who is unable to work during the pandemic due to caregiving responsibilities, as an EEOC guidance points out, “Employment decisions based on such stereotypes violate the federal antidiscrimination statutes, even when an employer acts upon such stereotypes unconsciously or reflexively.” 

For example, discriminating against workers with caregiving responsibilities may violate Title VII’s prohibitions against gender discrimination or the ADA’s prohibition on discriminating against an employee who is associated with a disabled individual, such as a parent, child, or spouse. 

It’s actually pretty easy to imagine how this could occur during COVID-19. Examples include:

  • Hiring or promoting a less qualified individual who has no caregiving responsibilities over a more qualified employee or applicant who does have caregiving responsibilities.
  • Placing employees with caregiving responsibilities in lower-paying or less desirable jobs.
  • Firing employees with a disabled spouse or child, or who have elderly parents, due to concerns over absenteeism.

Of course, the FMLA and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) also provide childcare leave protections that employers must consider. For instance, the FFCRA, which applies to private employers with fewer than 500 employees, provides employees with paid sick leave and expanded FMLA leave in certain specified situations, including when the employee is unable to work because he or she needs to care for a child whose school or place of care is closed or whose child care provider is unavailable for COVID-19 reasons. In addition, some state and local laws may also provide caregiver protections.

Increased litigation. As a 2016 WorkLifeLaw report notes, even before the pandemic, lawsuits involving family responsibility discrimination issues increased dramatically over the last decade. And in the COVID-19 era? In April, a former director of revenue management for Eastern Airlines sued the company, its CEO, and its HR consultant under the FFCRA alleging she was denied leave and fired for requesting leave to care for her 11-year-old son whose school was closed for COVID-19 related reasons. 

According to the complaint, the employee had both oral and email discussions with her supervisors, HR managers, and other company officials about her child care options, her need to take two hours of flextime each day to accommodate child care, her continued need to work from home, and her request for leave under the FFCRA due to her son’s coronavirus-related school closing. However, her leave requests were not granted. Because she was discharged before the effective date of the new law, however, her right to relief is unclear. Nonetheless, her lawsuit should serve as a wake-up call to employers as they try to keep or get their businesses up and running. 

Older workers

According to AARP, in a January 2020 letter in support of H.R. 1230, the Protecting Older Workers Against Age Discrimination Act, more than six in 10 older workers “report seeing or experiencing age discrimination on the job. More than half of older workers are forced out of a job before they intend to retire, and even if they find work again, 9 in 10 never match their prior earnings.” And now, as the CDC points out, older adults have a higher risk of contracting a severe illness from COVID-19. 

While the ADA requires employers to accommodate employees with disabilities, the ADEA, which governs discrimination against employees age 40 and older, does not. Nor do employers, according to EEOC guidance, need to accommodate older workers who may not want to return to the workplace out of fear of contracting COVID-19 simply because they are older.

  • Underlying disability. What if an older worker has an underlying disability? Then the ADA may require the employer to provide an accommodation, potentially including working remotely, especially if the employee had already been working remotely as part of shelter-in-place restrictions.
  • Underlying condition but not a disability. What if an employee 65 or older has a medical condition, such as diabetes, that puts her at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, but the underlying condition does not qualify as an ADA disability? According to the EEOC, the employee must notify her employer that she needs “a change” for a reason related to a medical condition. 

Remote work as accommodation? The employer then may ask questions or seek medical documentation in order to determine if the employee has a disability and if there is a reasonable accommodation, barring undue hardship, that can be provided. But if there is no underlying disability, can the employee request, as an accommodation, to work from home if she had done so successfully during the employer’s required work from home phase? While this may be unclear, as the EEOC points out in its March webinar on EEO laws, if an employer is allowing other comparable workers to telework, it should make sure it is not treating older workers differently based on their age.

What if an employer, concerned for the safety of its older employers during the pandemic, instead requires that they stay at home rather than allowing them to return to the workplace? Even when the intention is to help, a policy that discriminates against older employees by requiring them to remain home while allowing younger employees to return to the workplace could be unlawful age discrimination. 

Pregnant employees

According to the CDC, there is currently no evidence that COVID-19 affects pregnant women differently than other individuals. It points out, however, that pregnant women are at greater risk of getting sick from other respiratory viruses than people who are not pregnant. What does this mean for employers? The Pregnancy Discrimination Act protects employees from discrimination based on pregnancy when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits such as leave and health insurance, and any other term or condition of employment. 

Same accommodations as others with temporary disabilities. Under the PDA, employers are required to accommodate pregnant employees in the same ways that they would accommodate other nonpregnant employees “with temporary disabilities.” In certain situations, such as high-risk pregnancy, the ADA also may provide protections for pregnant employees. More than half the states and a handful local laws may provide even more protection, requiring employers to provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant workers.

Would an employer’s concern about a pregnant employee being exposed to the coronavirus allow the employer to layoff or furlough the employee who is pregnant but does not have COVID-19, or even any symptoms associated with the disease? The answer, says the EEOC in its webinar on the pandemic, is no. Employment actions based on pregnancy are employment actions based on sex, so decisions about layoffs or furloughs, or other employment decisions,  should not be based on pregnancy. 

Employers might consider, however, allowing telework as a potential accommodation. In its guidance, the EEOC addressed whether an employer could postpone the start date or withdraw a job offer because the applicant is 65 years old or pregnant. Said the EEOC, “the fact that the CDC has identified those who are 65 or older, or pregnant women, as being at greater risk does not justify unilaterally postponing the start date or withdrawing a job offer. However, an employer may choose to allow telework or to discuss with these individuals if they would like to postpone the start date.”

Other potential accommodations might include: 

  • rearranging the workplace to provide for appropriate social distancing
  • modifying work schedules to reduce workplace contact
  • providing personal protective equipment, hand sanitizer, or air purifiers

“Chinese virus” fallout

Another area of heightened concern for employers is a potential increase in national origin discrimination claims. According to an April release from the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council, since March 19, there have been more than 1,100 reports of coronavirus discrimination (or as it’s been dubbed by some, the “Chinese virus”) from Asian Americans across the country. Similarly, a March New York Times article details numerous incidents of alleged harassment against Chinese Americans, including being yelled at, cursed at, spit on, and even physically assaulted by strangers. 

In its webinar, the EEOC also noted it had received numerous questions about potential national origin discrimination, including whether an employer can single out employees based on national origin and exclude them from the workplace due to concerns about possible transmission of COVID-19 or tolerate a hostile work environment based on an employee’s national origin because others link that to transmission of COVID-19. 

The answer, of course, is no. National origin discrimination is prohibited by Title VII and numerous state laws, regardless of any mistaken belief it is linked to the current COVID-19 pandemic. “Employers may wish to remind workers in these difficult times about policies on workplace harassment, and emphasize the broad nature of the prohibition against harassment—meaning that policies include a prohibition on any harassment based on national origin, among other bases, even if the harassment is linked to fear about the virus,” the EEOC advised.

Q. What lessons should employers keep in mind as they seek to bring employees back into the workplace?

Like employees who have continued to work in essential businesses, many employees just now returning to the workplace are concerned for their safety, especially if they must interact with the public. As the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, in an April statement, reminded employers, “it is illegal to retaliate against workers because they report unsafe and unhealthful working conditions during the coronavirus pandemic.” This statement from OSHA came shortly after a Washington Post article noting that thousands of complaints had been filed against companies related to safety concerns over the coronavirus.  

Deaths on the rise. In a statement announcing its May lawsuit against OSHA seeking an emergency temporary standard to protect workers, the AFL-CIO noted that “thousands of workers have been infected on the job through exposure to infected patients, co-workers and unscreened members of the public. As the economy reopens and people return to work, person-to-person contact will increase, and health experts predict the already shocking number of infections and deaths among workers will rise.” 

Lawsuits too. As deaths rise in an already overtaxed workforce, so do whistleblower and retaliation lawsuits. In an interview with Labor and Employment Law Daily, Kent Schmidt, a partner at Dorsey & Whitney, anticipates challenges for attorneys litigating these claims—both employers’ and plaintiffs’ counsel. “These cases will be unique, but the difficulty will also depend on the employer’s conduct,” he remarked. “Every trier of fact is going to bring their life experience as it relates to COVID-19, and there may be some degree of sympathy on how daunting compliance is. The question will be ‘Is this a true whistleblower or is this some who was discharged or laid off and trying to fit it in to COVID-19?’”

New bases for retaliation claims? The FFCRA amends the Family and Medical Leave Act to allow eligible employees to take leave to care for a son or daughter whose school or caregiver is closed or unavailable due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The FMLA’s anti-retaliation and anti-interference provisions presumably will apply to employees exercising these new leave rights. 

Similarly, the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) includes anti-retaliation and anti-discrimination provisions making it unlawful for an employer to retaliate against an employee who takes leave or files any complaint (or institutes a proceeding or testifies in a proceeding) relating to EPSLA. The new law states that a violation of EPSLA will be treated as a failure “to pay minimum wages” under the FLSA and that liquidated damages and attorneys’ fees are recoverable.

Q. The level of uncertainty about COVID 19 and resulting legal responsibilities has created unease among both employers and employees. Where is that evident?

Consider some of the lawsuits, and threats to file lawsuits, that have arisen since the beginning of the pandemic. COVID-19 has forced employers to take measures to protect worker safety and to navigate a time of economic uncertainty. In doing so, employers may not violate employees’ rights to be free from discrimination in the process. 

Layoffs and return to work. Almost all industries have been affected by layoffs and furloughs due to the economic effects of stay-at-home orders. It is critical to make sure that COVID-19 related layoffs or furloughs are not a pretext for discrimination. As businesses reopen, employers that are unable to bring back all laid-off or furloughed employees must require that legitimate business reasons drive the difficult decision of who gets to come back.

On May 7, an employee at a New York City law firm filed a lawsuit alleging that he was fired during the pandemic as part of his employer’s “plan to terminate their older employees in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic.” According to the complaint, on the day he was terminated, he was told it was for receiving kickbacks from vendors, but his employer allegedly “did not provide a single detail about these purported allegations against him, let alone give him an opportunity to defend himself.” As the second oldest person in his department, the employee alleged that his coworkers frequently made jokes about his age and he was first person to be terminated during the pandemic, while younger workers were subjected to “more favorable” cost-cutting measures such as voluntary leave or reductions in hours. 

Many employers may be unable to bring back the entire workforce for economic reasons, but employers could still face liability if employees are chosen to return on a discriminatory basis. In its April 2020 Labor & Employment Alert, the law firm Fox Rothschild suggests employers identify a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for choosing which employees to return to work, such as seniority or employees with no disciplinary history. 

Be aware of local requirements, too. On April 29, Los Angeles, California, Mayor Eric Garcetti signed an ordinance requiring covered employers in certain industries to make a written offer of recall to a qualified “Laid Off Worker” (defined in the ordinance) of any position which is or becomes available after the ordinance goes into effect. According to L.A. City Councilman Bob Blumenfield, one of the purposes of the ordinance is to protect older workers from being replaced “by newer cheaper labor once the economy rebounds.”

Discriminatory social distancing policy. EEOC Director Janet Dhillon recently issued a statement reminding employers to take steps to prevent race and national origin discrimination and harassment in the workplace after reports of increased physical and verbal harassment of Asian Americans. 

For example, an Asian-American employee filed a charge claiming not that she was harassed or threatened at work, but that she was singled out by her employer’s social distancing policy. A report by FOX 4 Kansas City highlighted the EEO charge in which the Asian-American employee alleged that she was the only person in her office who was required to move six feet away from her co-workers. When she complained about the unfair treatment, she said she was terminated for being “unhappy” with her job.

The allegations in the charge illustrate the need for employers to implement infection control measures in a nondiscriminatory manner or have a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for enforcing the measures for only a subset of the workforce. The charge also illustrates the need for employers to have a process of documenting and responding to complaints to avoid potential liability for retaliation.

Coronavirus exposure discrimination? On her YouTube page, attorney Lisa Bloom announced that she is representing a former front desk worker at a California medical facility who alleged he was terminated after his employer discovered he was exposed to a patient that had tested positive for COVID-19, despite the employer not providing PPE to front desk staff. The employee tested negative for COVID-19, but the employer terminated him because it perceived him as being infected, he claims.

Direct threat. The EEOC has not yet determined whether COVID-19 is a disability. It has advised employers that employees who test positive for COVID-19 can be prohibited from entering the workplace as they pose a direct threat to the safety of other employees, but the agency has not advised that employees can be fired for testing positive for COVID-19. Bloom has not yet filed a complaint on behalf of the employee, but she plans to bring her claim under state law, and she asserts that it will be the first lawsuit alleging that an employee was subjected to discrimination because of his COVID-19 status.

If so, this lawsuit may illustrate how a court addresses whether COVID-19 itself is a disability and what protections the law provides for an employee who has, or is suspected of having, the virus. 

All these cases are in the early stages and the employers have not yet responded to the allegations of discrimination. But these complaints still serve as examples for employers of the potential pitfalls as employees begin to return to work under very different circumstances than when they left.

Wayne Garris, Jr., is an employment law analyst for Labor & Employment Law Daily. He covers current developments in employment law for Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S. and has written on developments in class action litigation.

Kathleen Kapusta is a senior employment law analyst for Labor & Employment Law Daily. She has more than 25 years of experience covering employment law for Wolters Kluwer Legal and Regulatory U.S. and has written and edited publications on a variety of employment law topics.

Associates Pay To Watch Law Firm Partners Get Pied In The Face

The novel coronavirus has changed the legal profession as we know it. Associates and partners alike are working from their homes and facing even more challenges than they did when they had to work with each other in person. This has been going on for about two months now, and relationships are becoming strained. One firm seems to have found a solution.

Greenberg Glusker, which was recently ranked by Vault as one of the Top 10 Best Midsize Law Firms to Work For, has been participating in the Food From The Bar fundraiser to raise money for the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank. Rather than just asking people to donate money, the firm organized an event that would really incentivize employees to contribute to the common good. From a source at the firm:

We organized a “Pie a Partner” event where staff members, associates, and partners could donate money for a partner to get hit with a shaving cream pie (so as not to waste food) in the face. The partner could either accept the challenge, or donate double the amount to avoid the pie. We ended up raising $10,000 in a week doing this.

We’ve been told that the highest associate pledge was $200, so a partner would have had to pay $400 to avoid being pied. Here’s a video that the firm put together of all of their partners getting pied in the face. Who knew charity could be so much fun?

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Doing It All During A Freaking Global Pandemic

The coronavirus has changed… well, everything about our daily lives. It’s gotten to the point that remembering the “beforetimes” is nostalgia-inducing. But solider on into our new normal we must, and figuring out exactly what that looks like is something we are all wondering.

In this week’s episode of The Jabot podcast, I talk to Christina Moore, partner at Taylor English Duma. We chat about the COVID-19 impact on work/life balance, tips for dealing with the health crisis and a flourishing legal practice, what she’s learned in becoming her firm’s Paycheck Protection Program point person, and the challenges the legal industry faces as we continue to deal with the ramifications of the pandemic.

The Jabot podcast is an offshoot of the Above the Law brand focused on the challenges women, people of color, LGBTQIA, and other diverse populations face in the legal industry. Our name comes from none other than the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the jabot (decorative collar) she wears when delivering dissents from the bench. It’s a reminder that even when we aren’t winning, we’re still a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Happy listening!

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).