Security guard reports Biti’s death threat and persecution to police – The Zimbabwean

25.1.2021 8:30

HUMAN rights lawyers on Saturday 23 January 2021 accompanied a security guard, who filed a report at Milton Park Police Station on behalf of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) member and Harare East legislator Hon. Tendai Biti after he received some deaths threats and was subjected to abuse, harassment and intimidation.

FILE PHOTO: Lawyer Tendai Biti, former finance minister, speaks to journalists after a two-week ban on public protests issued by the police was struck down, outside Zimbabwe’s High Court in the capital Harare, September 7, 2016. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo/File Photo

The security guard was accompanied to Milton Park Police Station by
Gift Mtisi and Tinashe Chinopfukutwa of ZLHR, where he filed the
report which was recorded under RRB Number 4451978 about threats of
arson and assault.

The security guard took action after some unidentified people affixed
some card board boxes containing threatening and abusive messages at
Biti Law Chambers in Milton Park suburb in Harare.

Some of the messages read; “You are a murderer Tendai Biti”, “Office
of a rightful stupid Biti”, “After inviting sanctions you now
celebrate deaths”.

Hon. Biti received some death threats on his mobile phone number
following a heated telephone conversation with a person who identified
himself as Gakanje, who quizzed the human rights lawyer and opposition
MDC-Alliance Vice President for allegedly criticising government on
Twitter on its failure to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Gakanje also sent some messages to Hon. Biti threatening to visit his
office and residence to assault the human rights lawyer.

After filing the report, three Zimbabwe Republic Police members from
Milton Park Police Station visited Biti Law Chambers in Milton Park
suburb in Harare, where they collected some placards which were stuck
at the law firm’s gate and also recorded some messages which were sent
to Biti by Gakanje.

Post published in: Featured

Zimbabwean seeks refuge back home – Zimbabwe Vigil Diary – The Zimbabwean

In a scathing attack on the British government, published in the UK’s Guardian newspaper, Michelle Kambasha a 28-year-old ‘publicist’, says Zimbabwe’s cautious handling of the pandemic has made it feel safer than Britain. ‘It’s no secret that England’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been at best lacklustre and at worst fatal’, she said. In contrast, ‘many African countries, scarred by previous pandemics, realised quickly that there was very little room for error, and did what they needed to do . . . . governments like Zimbabwe’s did as much as they could.’

Ms Kambasha described the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, as incompetent. ‘I felt no schadenfreude, but as I sat on my flight to the relative safety of an African country, I considered whether there were some lessons in humility to learn among an elite that projected such confidence in its ability to mount a “world-beating” response to the virus.’ (See:

The Vigil disagrees and thinks the UK can indeed boast a ‘world-beating response to the virus’. Here are some facts: first vaccine announced in Germany 9th November; first country to approve the vaccine UK 2nd December; first country to get supplies UK 4th December; first country to begin vaccinations UK 8th December.

Within 6 weeks of vaccinations beginning the UK this week reached its target of 2 million vaccinations a week, bringing  total vaccinations so far to more than 6 million – many more than any other country in Europe. Prime Minister Johnson, competent or not, can be proud of these facts at least.

As far as competency goes, Ms Kambasha falls short herself. Despite saying her family had ‘fled’ Zimbabwe, she admits a few paragraphs later ‘My family moved to England as economic immigrants wanting to make a better life for their children . . . England offered education, amenities, healthcare and a stable government’.

They obviously did well because she goes on the say: ‘Ten years ago, we began going back to Zimbabwe every other Christmas.’ She tells of staying at a lodge just three hours outside Harare. ‘Our temperatures were checked every day and all staff and visitors, without exception, wore PPE (personal protective equipment) to ensure our safety.’

Ms Kambasha was happy going on a game drive. Perhaps now that she is living back in Zimbabwe she might like to show some humility herself and go to Chitungwiza to meet some ordinary people struggling to survive amid the rapidly worsening Covid-19 pandemic which has carried off 2 cabinet ministers in 48 hours.

The suffering people of Zimbabwe could do with a publicist (See:

Other Points:

  • This week the UK’s National Health Service sent out letters inviting more people to book their free vaccine injections for Covid-19. The letters were not only in English but in Arabic, Bengali, Spanish, Farsi, Gujerati, Hindi, Kurdish, Nepali, Punjabi, Polish, Romanian, Somali, Albanian, Tagalog, Urdu and Chinese. The UK has already donated £548 million to the World Health Organisation which is to provide vaccines to 92 developing countries. The UK has offered 3 million vaccines to Zimbabwe. Zimbabweans in the UK will have contributed to the cost of this through their taxes.
  • Because of the coronavirus we can no longer physically meet outside the Zimbabwe Embassy in London, so we have a virtual Vigil while the restrictions continue. We ask our activists to put on Vigil / ROHR / Zimbabwe regalia and take a photo of themselves holding an appropriate poster reflecting our protest against human rights abuses in Zimbabwe. The photos are uploaded on our Flickr site: Our virtual Vigil activists today were Deborah Harry, Shylette Chipangura and Dudzai Mukondorongwe who all kindly contributed to Vigil funds.



  • The Restoration of Human Rights in Zimbabwe (ROHR) is the Vigil’s partner organization based in Zimbabwe. ROHR grew out of the need for the Vigil to have an organization on the ground in Zimbabwe which reflected the Vigil’s mission statement in a practical way. ROHR in the UK actively fundraises through membership subscriptions, events, sales etc to support the activities of ROHR in Zimbabwe. Please note that the official website of ROHR Zimbabwe is Any other website claiming to be the official website of ROHR in no way represents us.
  • The Vigil’s book ‘Zimbabwe Emergency’ is based on our weekly diaries. It records how events in Zimbabwe have unfolded as seen by the diaspora in the UK. It chronicles the economic disintegration, violence, growing oppression and political manoeuvring – and the tragic human cost involved. It is available at the Vigil. All proceeds go to the Vigil and our sister organisation the Restoration of Human Rights in Zimbabwe’s work in Zimbabwe. The book is also available from Amazon.
  • Facebook pages:




Post published in: Featured

Only 10% of Zimbabwe government staff working in offices amid Covid-19 surge – The Zimbabwean

24.1.2021 11:56

Since January 3 restrictions have included a dawn-to-dusk curfew and the closure of all non-essential businesses

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Picture: REUTERS

Harare — Zimbabwe’s government has scaled down operations amid a new wave of coronavirus infections, with only 10% of its workers available in offices until February 5.

Essential services will be offered by staff exempted from the country’s 30-day lockdown, government spokesperson Nick Mangwana said on Thursday. The remainder who have online access will work from home, he said.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa imposed restrictions, including a dawn-to-dusk curfew, and closed all non-essential businesses on January 3 after a spike in virus-related deaths since December. Officials attribute the increase to citizens visiting from neighbouring countries over the festive season.

More than 3-million Zimbabweans are estimated to be based in SA.

“We cannot shut down the government completely, so we have to do our best to ensure government work continues,” Mangwana said. “But we have to minimise contact among workers by taking all possible precautions.”

Zimbabwe had 30,047 reported cases of Covid-19 with 917 deaths as of January 21. Among the fatalities are senior government officials, including former foreign affairs minister Sibusiso Moyo and Ellen Gwaradzimba, the provincial minister for Manicaland.

Thousands of people have been arrested for violating the lockdown and some have been jailed, according to police spokesperson Paul Nyathi.

Post published in: Featured

Latham Bonuses Are Out And The Median Bonuses Beat The Market

(Image via Getty)

If associates have to wait until January for their year-end bonuses, at least many of them will be taking home more money than the standard Biglaw bonus rate.

At Latham & Watkins, bonuses come with a 1,900 hours requirement, but they also give extra money for those who are billing above that threshold. And, from the looks of it, Latham associates have been pretty busy. The base bonuses (both year-end and special bonuses which Latham gave out in the fall) are at market levels, but the median bonuses for every class year beat the market rate. And the top bonuses are way over what the market gives out.

The firm circulated the below chart internally, and you can get a sense of just how generous bonuses are at Latham (full memo on the next page):

The firm also announced the success of their charitable giving initiative, “Giving Thanks By Giving Back.” A total of $2.7 million was donated by the firm and their employees to organizations that fight hunger.

As always, we depend on you when it comes to bonus news at other firms. As soon as your firm’s bonus memo comes out, please email it to us (subject line: “[Firm Name] Bonus”) or text us (646-820-8477). Please include the memo if available. You can take a photo of the memo and send it via text or email if you don’t want to forward the original PDF or Word file.

And if you’d like to sign up for ATL’s Bonus Alerts, please scroll down and enter your email address in the box below this post. If you previously signed up for the bonus alerts, you don’t need to do anything. You’ll receive an email notification within minutes of each bonus announcement that we publish.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).

The Federalist Society And The Capitol Attack: What Is To Be Done?

Left to right: Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) (public domain images).

Ed. note: This column originally appeared on Original Jurisdiction, the new Substack publication from David Lat, but updates have been added. You can learn more about Original Jurisdiction on its About page, and you can register to receive updates through this signup page.

The January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has prompted some long-overdue soul-searching in many quarters, as well as some changes of heart. Certain Republicans who have supported (or at least tolerated) Donald Trump for years have turned on him, after his incendiary remarks at a rally helped incite the mob that attacked the Capitol. Prominent organizations and companies that previously supported Trump or aspects of his agenda have also parted ways with him or even called for his removal.

And organizations that have not said anything publicly in the wake of the Capitol riots are engaging in introspection behind the scenes. One such organization is the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, aka the Federalist Society or FedSoc, the nation’s premier group of conservative and libertarian lawyers and law students.

On the left, the Federalist Society is viewed as the Evil Empire — or, in the words of Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), “a vehicle for powerful interests seeking to ‘reorder’ the judiciary, under their control, so as to benefit their corporate, right-wing purposes.” Conservatives would take issue with this, defending FedSoc as primarily a forum for robust debate that can’t take place elsewhere in the left-leaning legal world. But both critics and supporters of the Society would probably agree with what Michael Kruse of Politico wrote in his 2018 profile of FedSoc: it is “one of the most influential legal organizations in history — not only shaping law students’ thinking, but changing American society itself.”

The Federalist Society is a nonpartisan organization that does not — and cannot, as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit — endorse candidates for elective public office. It therefore has no official relationship with Donald Trump. But its members and leaders, in their personal capacities, have played major roles in the Trump administration’s handling of legal and judicial issues. Most notably, Leonard Leo, the Society’s former longtime vice president and current co-chairman of its board, exerted great influence over Trump’s judicial nominations, including his Supreme Court picks. By one count, an estimated 85 percent of Trump judicial nominees are or have been affiliated with FedSoc. As a result, the Federalist Society is very much associated with Trump in the public imagination.

Unfortunately — and quite reprehensibly — several prominent FedSoc figures played roles in Trump’s baseless challenge to the 2020 election results, and therefore bear significant blame for the Capitol attack. Law professor John Eastman — chair of FedSoc’s Federalism and Separation of Powers practice group, and a frequent participant in Society events over the years — represented Trump in his (meritless and unsuccessful) attempt to get the Supreme Court to intervene in the election, urged Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election results, and had a prominent speaking role at the rally that was the precursor to the riots. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), two members of what conservative law professor John O. McGinnis once dubbed “the Federalist Society caucus” — a group of senators with strong, longstanding ties to FedSoc — led the charge in the Senate against certification of the election results, just hours after the horrific Capitol attack. In light of all this, a reckoning at the Federalist Society is in order.

Publicly the Society has not commented on the siege of the Capitol or related matters. When Mark Joseph Stern of Slate asked FedSoc if it had any comment on the role played by Eastman in the Capitol riots, the Society had no comment. Nor did the Society respond to the call by Demand Justice, a progressive organization focused on the courts, for corporations to stop donating to the Society.

I have learned that outside the public spotlight, however, Federalist Society leaders, members, and staff are engaged in vigorous debate about what, if anything, the Society should do in the wake of the Capitol attack. Since January 6, many longtime FedSoc members have urged the organization’s leaders and staffers in D.C. to take tangible action in response to the abominable attack on the rule of law represented by the siege of the Capitol.

On January 8, Jeremy B. Rosen — a leading California appellate lawyer, former president of the Los Angeles Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society, and former Trump judicial nominee (C.D. Cal.) — sent an email message to FedSoc president and CEO Eugene Meyer, general counsel Dean Reuter, and vice president Lisa Ezell, with the subject line “Concerns re Federalist Society.” After emphasizing his longtime involvement with and support for the Society, Rosen wrote:

Recent events… have me extremely troubled about the direction in which the Federalist Society is heading. While I embrace spirited debate and do not believe in the left’s cancel culture instincts, I do believe there is a line that cannot be crossed — insurrection and incitement to undermine the rule of law and our constitution….

[O]ne of the major causes of this incitement, John Eastman, remains prominently at the head of one of our most significant practice groups and a frequent speaker at our events. And Senators Cruz and Hawley are longstanding members and frequent speakers. I am sure there are others who acted similarly and are in our leadership and speaker ranks.

I think that the Federalist Society must take a stand to remove anyone from leadership and to take away the legitimacy of our public forums to anyone who participated in this attack on the rule of law and our constitution. If we cannot take that stand, then what have we been fighting for all of these years? I know that I speak for many members and leaders of the Federalist Society in bringing these concerns to you.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Jeremy Rosen’s email has been making the rounds within FedSoc circles. After receiving a copy, I reached out to Rosen, who confirmed its authenticity but declined further comment.

Rosen’s concerns are shared by many. For example, here’s what Gregg Nunziata, another prominent and longtime member of the Society, told me in a recent interview:

As we process what happened last week, we need to reflect on how we got here — and how we can get out of this place. The Federalist Society, as an organization and as a community, has some necessary soul-searching to do.

Obviously the organization includes people who disagree on many things. But we share core convictions about truth, the rule of law, and the Constitution. The organization and its members should be able to speak up strongly in support of those values — and confront the fact that some members of the Society went wobbly on all three of those values, when it most mattered to the country.

Along similar lines, here are thoughts from law professor Irina Manta — a regular speaker at FedSoc events with long ties to the organization, dating back to her days as a law student (when she unsuccessfully ran against Josh Hawley for president of the Yale Federalist Society):

The Federalist Society doesn’t normally issue policy statements. But in light of recent events, I think the organization should explicitly distance itself from any individuals who have played a role in the storming of the Capitol and the contesting of the results of the presidential election. Doing so would be in line with the Fed Soc’s mission to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

I reached out to the Society for comment, asking whether it planned to issue any statement or take any action regarding the siege of the Capitol. Gene Meyer, longtime president of the Society, declined to comment, aside from directing my attention to this statement on the FedSoc website (under “FAQ,” Frequently Asked Questions):

Q. Does the Federalist Society take positions on legal or policy issues or engage in other forms of political advocacy?

A. No. The Society is about ideas. We do not lobby for legislation, take policy positions, or sponsor or endorse nominees and candidates for public service. Beyond our statement of purpose the Federalist Society takes no public policy positions and does not participate in activism of any kind. We focus on fostering debate and discussion of important legal topics. We do not seek to speak for our members, and neither do our speakers. This has been true since our founding in 1982.

Now, critics of the Society — such as my former colleague Joe Patrice, in a recent Above the Law post — view FedSoc’s claims of neutrality as disingenuous, to put it mildly. But for whatever it’s worth, it is true that the national office of the Federalist Society does not take official positions, denominated as such, about specific policy proposals, candidates for elected office, and the like.

Other FedSoc members and leaders I interviewed expressed support for this refusal to take official positions, even on a subject like the Capitol riots. Here’s Ted Olson, the renowned Supreme Court advocate and a longtime member of the Federalist Society, as well as a current member of the Board of Visitors:

As you may know, the Federalist Society is a group of individuals, promoting debate, vigorous exchange of ideas. It does not (at least to my knowledge) take positions of issues, controversies, policies, litigation, etc. Its members are fully capable of speaking for themselves. I’m sure many members of the Society have views on this, and have or will express them, but I don’t think the Society itself would be inclined to take a position on behalf of its members.

Another longtime member of the Society and member of the Board of Visitors, Jennifer C. Braceras, echoed these sentiments (and emphasized to me that in making these statements, she was speaking only in her personal capacity):

The Federalist Society, in my memory, has never taken a position on anything — and it’s a very unique organization in that way. Many organizations claim to be nonpartisan or nonpolitical and claim that they take no positions — and then, in moments of crisis, they do just that.

FedSoc has resisted this, to its credit, and it has protected us in a lot of ways, in terms of our credibility and our status. It has made the Society a great place for people to share ideas without fear of retaliation or being canceled. We have a big tent, in the broadest sense. We have members who love Trump, and we have George Conway on the Board of Visitors.

Braceras noted that this isn’t the first time the Society has been asked to take a position or condemn certain members. For example, back when Ted Olson was advocating for marriage equality, FedSoc members opposed to his efforts called upon the Society to condemn his work or to expel him. The Society did neither.

So what should FedSoc do in the wake of the Capitol riots? Declining to issue an official statement does not mean the Federalist Society should do nothing. Indeed, there are a number of other actions that it can take — and, in my opinion, must take.

First, and most obviously, the Society should no longer allow John Eastman, a prominent promoter of poisonous conspiracy theories about the election, to remain in leadership, as chair of the Federalism and Separation of Powers practice group. Although membership in the Federalist Society is theoretically open to all — as stated in the FAQs, “membership is open to anyone who wishes to join the Society” — leadership is a privilege, not a right. Denying a leadership role to someone who acted contrary to a core FedSoc value like the rule of law is not only eminently reasonable, but imperative.

As for executing on this, I could see the Federalist Society getting Eastman to “self-deport,” much as his former employer, Chapman University, just did. Eastman enjoyed the protection of tenure at Chapman, and he had served not just as a professor at the law school, but as its dean (2007-2010). Yet on January 13, Chapman President Daniele C. Struppa issued this statement:

After discussions over the course of the last week, Dr. John Eastman and Chapman University have reached an agreement pursuant to which he will retire from Chapman, effective immediately. Dr. Eastman’s departure closes this challenging chapter for Chapman and provides the most immediate and certain path forward for both the Chapman community and Dr. Eastman.

If Eastman could be pried from his perch at Chapman — his employer, and presumably his main source of income — surely he can be gently dislodged from Fed Soc leadership. But if he cannot be persuaded to go quietly, for the good of the organization, then he should be forced out. Forcing him out runs the risk of letting Eastman play the martyr, which is why private persuasion would be superior to public ouster; but if ouster is the only way to remove Eastman as chair, then so be it.

Second, the Society should no longer host events with Eastman, Hawley, and Cruz. Speaking at events, especially marquee events like the National Student Symposium or the National Lawyers Conference, is an honor, not an entitlement. It can and should be denied to insurrectionists, seditionists, and those who egged them on.

(And I have reason to believe, based on recent conversations I’ve had with FedSoc folks after their own internal deliberations, that Eastman, Hawley, and Cruz will be denied the privilege of speaking at Society events, at least for the foreseeable future. But don’t expect a showy statement “canceling” the trio, which isn’t in keeping with FedSoc’s style; if it happens, it will simply happen, sub silentio.)

[UPDATE (1/26/2021): This prediction turned out to be mistaken. On January 25, the ASU Law chapter of the Federalist Society hosted an event with Eastman, “Masking a Government Takeover? The Limits of Emergency Powers During Covid-19.” Dean Douglas Sylvester of ASU Law criticized Eastman as “beneath the standards of ASU Law,” but explained that the university was powerless to cancel the event, which had been planned “long ago” — and well before the events of January 6.]

Third, as a more general matter, the Federalist Society should try harder to steer clear of partisan politics. It should be non-partisan not just in name, but in spirit.

When I was a second-year member of the Yale Federalist Society back in law school, our president was a Democrat — a Blue Dog Democrat, to be sure, but a Democrat, and not the only one in our membership. Sadly, in the intervening two decades or so, the Society has moved away from being a forum for debating ideas that couldn’t be discussed elsewhere in the left-leaning legal profession, which is what so many of us found so attractive, and more toward being a vehicle for advancing Republican politics in the legal and judicial spheres.

Democrats should feel comfortable becoming members of the Federalist Society; it’s not supposed to be the Republican National Lawyers Association. The fact that many FedSoc members are so active in Republican politics in their individual capacities means that the Society, in its institutional capacity, should work that much harder to stay non-partisan. Cf. “Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion.

Here are some specific steps the Federalist Society can take to move away from partisanship:

  • It should dramatically cut back on, or even eliminate, FedSoc events featuring partisan (read: Republican) politicians, at both student and lawyer chapters.
  • In selecting presidents for student and lawyer chapters, it should try, to the extent possible, to avoid picking presidents who also hold leadership positions in explicitly partisan organizations (e.g., president of the law school FedSoc chapter ideally shouldn’t also be president of the Republican law student group).
  • It should stop its practice of giving coveted speaking slots at the National Lawyers Convention to Republican politicians just so they can deliver their standard stump speeches, without any relation to core concerns of the Society.
  • At the Convention’s gala dinner, speakers should refrain from their past practice of making jokes or stray comments of a partisan nature, such as jokes making fun of the Democratic Party or Democratic politicians. Poking fun at liberal (or conservative) judicial activists for issuing lawless opinions is acceptable for a non-partisan organization committed to the rule of law; mocking Democratic politicians simply for taking Democratic positions on policy issues is not.

FedSoc members and leaders frequently stress the difference between law and politics — and they’re exactly right. The Society should focus on its core mission of “sponsor[ing] fair, serious, and open debate” about important issues in the law — and stay away from all the politics.

Of course, the larger and longer-term issue, not just for the Federalist Society but for conservatives, libertarians, and Republicans, is how much of their principles they are willing to sacrifice for power. Allying themselves with Donald Trump for four years got them tax reform, three Supreme Court seats, more than 200 lower-court judgeships, and all sorts of other goodies. But was it worth it?

Gregg Nunziata — a former chief nominations counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, who understands the importance of judgeships — has his doubts:

Yes, Trump-appointed judges conducted themselves admirably over the past few weeks. But judges are not enough. The Federalist Society, and conservative lawyers more generally, should deepen efforts at promoting civil virtue beyond the bench. As recent events have shown, clearly those principles are not deeply rooted enough.

The Federalist Society is committed to advancing the rule of law, which is why many of its members, in their individual capacities, have worked so hard for the appointment of judges who believe in the rule of law. And many of those judges, in ruling against meritless election challenges brought by the man who appointed them, stood up for the rule of law in the past few months, to their great credit.

But to sacrifice the rule of law as a value, in the hope of getting four more years of a president who might appoint good judges but is otherwise anathema to the rule of law, is simply perverse. I am the last person to underestimate the importance of judges, but if you will allow me to close by paraphrasing Meatloaf, here is my bottom line:

“I would do anything for judges — but I won’t do that.”

Disclosure: I was vice president of the Yale Federalist Society in law school, belonged to FedSoc for a number of years as a lawyer, am sympathetic to textualism and originalism as interpretive theories, and participate occasionally in FedSoc events. Last year, I spoke to two student chapters, for which I received the Society’s standard, modest honoraria (and I subsequently made a gift back to the Society in the amount of the honoraria). So I consider myself friendly enough to the Federalist Society to have credibility with its members when discussing it, but with enough distance on the Society to offer constructive criticism.

DBL square headshotDavid Lat, the founding editor of Above the Law, is a writer, speaker, and legal recruiter at Lateral Link, where he is a managing director in the New York office. You can read his latest writing about law and the legal profession by subscribing to Original Jurisdiction, his Substack newsletter. David’s book, Supreme Ambitions: A Novel (2014), was described by the New York Times as “the most buzzed-about novel of the year” among legal elites. Before entering the media and recruiting worlds, David worked as a federal prosecutor, a litigation associate at Wachtell Lipton, and a law clerk to Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. You can connect with David on Twitter (@DavidLat), LinkedIn, and Facebook, and you can reach him by email at

Engine Of Deutsche Bank’s Strong 2020 Probably Rife With Fraud

Deutsche Bank had a not terrible year. Actually, it was even better than that: It’s topped analysts’ estimates in each of the first three quarters, and actually made money in two of the three, including €182 million in the third, when the aforementioned analysts expected it to lose €114 million. All of this is quite surprising enough, but even more surprising is that all of those profits and all of that outperformance was driven by its investment bank. Can you imagine such a thing? Deutsche’s hapless, useless, hideous investment bank earning money rather than fines? It beggars belief.

School Sued For Allegedly Skimming Money From Deceased Donor Endowments To Law School

I had occasion to work on a lot of matters involving charities and foundations during my time as a practicing lawyer. In the course of that work, the thing that never failed to elicit my rage was an institution taking someone’s earmarked money and trying to convert it against the donor’s wishes. I remember representing a Trustee in a case where the rest of the Board was trying to take a Foundation created for the creation and maintenance of an art museum and throw the money at a bunch of decidedly non-artistic projects. I’ve also seen a school take a gift funding a student activity special to the alum and commandeer it for general purposes as soon as the donor died and couldn’t protect his gift. There’s something about the brazenness of disrespecting someone as soon as they die that always drew a visceral reaction and I always appreciated the folks I had to work with at the NYAG’s Charities Bureau who did the good work of enforcing these legacies whenever they could.

It doesn’t surprise me to hear allegations that a law school is involved in this sort of behavior. Or, technically, it’s the parent university accused of taking the funds away from a gift to the law school.

St. Mary’s University School of Law finds itself the center of a lawsuit brought by one of its professors outlining a years-long effort by the university to divert funds from an endowed professorship to cover general operating expenses.

The Castleberry Endowment was launched by a 1985 letter from a donor, Frank Scanio, Jr., with funds “devoted solely and exclusively” for paying a “senior professor teaching oil and gas at the School of Law of St. Mary’s University, a supplemental salary.” The gift also required the school to provide Scanio with proof of the professor’s compensation to guarantee that the endowment was not being used to short-change the academic’s base salary. In 2003, a supplemental letter added more funds to the endowment.

That seems fairly cut and dried. Yet, the current occupant of the endowed chair, Laura Burney, says the school informed her that they would be distributing the funds according to the following terms:

a) The University will apply “at least 50% from endowed funding for existing salary and benefits.”
b) The University can make an allocation to the professor of “up to 25% from endowed funding for an increase in salary and benefits above the range of compensation.”
c) The University can make an allocation to the professor of “up to 25% from endowed funding for the professor’s travel, research, and continuing education. The amount to support of travel research, and continuing education may be used to fund an existing allocation from the operating budget, and in appropriate cases, to supplement an existing budget. Should the endowed position holder request a course release, the resources may be applied for the hiring adjunct faculty.”

Is any of that in the documents creating the charitable trust? Burney says no. Worse, she thinks that these policies may have been in place for years before she assumed the chair and that these funds are being diverted to cover the school’s undergraduate budget in contravention of donor intent.

How could a school think they could get away with this? According to an email that Burney cites in the complaint, the university informed her that it “had received an ‘oral agreement’ from the ‘benefactor’s son’ [Frank Scanio III] to allow the University to apply its three-bullet diversion policy ‘going forward’….”

Except that’s not how any of this works! These things aren’t handed down like titles of nobility — unless there’s some provision in the agreement that says it does, anyway. If the donor — and the donor alone — can’t be reached to authorize the changes, then all alterations have to be made by the courts. This is something lawyers understand, which is why Professor Burney cites a memo written by the law school’s Administration and Finance Dean to the university warning them that using restricted funds contrary to a donor’s intent could subject the University and its Board of Trustees to liability for breach of fiduciary duty.

Oh, and even if that weren’t the case…

On June 4, 2020, Professor Burney spoke to Mr. Scanio. During this conversation, Mr. Scanio informed her that President’s Mengler’s statements attributed to him in the email were false: He had not promised to change the gift and has no intention of agreeing to any changes.


A local paper talked to Scanio about the lawsuit and he seems appropriately angered about the whole affair:

In a telephone interview, Scanio said he fully backs Burney’s lawsuit. He also said he wants an independent audit going all the way back to the beginning to determine how much of the time his father’s directives had been violated.

There are also a number of allegations about whether or not Professor Burney was improperly denied the chair earlier when the law school recommended her for it and the university balked, and while her argument is compelling, even if one took the university’s side on whether or not “senior professor” requires someone to be tenured or not, it has no bearing on the central issue: the gift says this money has to go to the professor in that seat and the university’s policy explicitly states that they aren’t intending to give it all to the professor in that seat.

They seem to be arguing that the instrument doesn’t require them to give 100 percent of the available funds in any given year though they still can’t use any of the money for anything but paying the professor, so it’s not clear what that argument gets them. The fact that the school apparently thought that the donor’s son needed to authorize changes to the gift is pretty persuasive evidence that they understood on some level that this wasn’t authorized.

The parties are still litigating and maybe the school will find a way of securing the court approval that they need to transform the donor’s original intent. But cases like this one are important because there just aren’t enough checks on institutions willing to trample on their obligations to the people who generously gave to them as soon as those donors pass away and the publicity around this should help inspire donors and the people who care about them to be vigilant with their gifts. There are folks out there who assume there’s no more oversight and no one is in a position to call them out on it. And it’s more than a little macabre.

(The full complaint is on the next page.)

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Morning Docket: 01.26.21

* Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, is filing a defamation lawsuit against a tabloid that said he was having an affair. Guess people should stop circulating “pillow” talk… [E Online]

* An attorney has been sentenced to two years in prison for failing to file tax returns and pay taxes. [Chicago Tribune]

* A Texas lawyer and client were ordered to pay $150,000 for “outright lies” in court. [Texas Lawyer]

* A Chicago attorney is racking up wins on the game show Jeopardy! [Chicago Tribune]

* A lawyer is giving $20 Starbucks gift cards to teachers as a way to express his gratitude for educators. Guess it’s more useful than apples… [Fox News]

Jordan Rothman is a partner of The Rothman Law Firm, a full-service New York and New Jersey law firm. He is also the founder of Student Debt Diaries, a website discussing how he paid off his student loans. You can reach Jordan through email at