Undergrad’s Harvard Law School Acceptance Tweet Goes Viral

(Abigail Hall, a senior at Howard University, in a viral tweet about her acceptance to Harvard Law School. Hall is a first-generation American citizen and her tweet has been liked more than 968.3K times as of this writing. Hall was also accepted by the following law schools: Columbia Law School, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, Georgetown University Law Center, Cornell Law School, University of Chicago, Law School, University of Virginia School of Law, Vanderbilt Law School, Duke Law School, Notre Dame Law School, The George Washington University Law School, Emory Law School, Howard University School of Law, Temple University–James E. Beasley School of Law, University of Miami School of Law, Fordham University School of Law, and Tulane University Law School. Hall recently announced that she will be attending Harvard Law School.)

Staci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

State AG Killed A Man And Told Cops He’d Hit A Deer, Will Only Face Misdemeanor Charges

In his 2018 campaign, South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg promised “TOUGH JUSTICE.” Apparently some terms and conditions apply in South Dakota as prosecutors pegged Ravnsborg with three misdemeanor charges for “using a mobile electronic device, illegal lane change and careless driving.”

Back in September, Ravnsborg attended an in-person event at Rooster’s Bar and Grill to raffle off an engraved Trump handgun. That an elected official from a state, second only to North Dakota in COVID cases per capita, would attend a superspreader event to pawn off Trump hand cannons raised a number of questions about his judgment in the first place, but leaving the event — where alcohol was definitely available — and then striking and killing a man in a hit and run that he later claimed he didn’t report because he thought it was a deer, should give everyone pause. Thankfully for Ravnsborg, South Dakota prosecutors uncharacteristically buried any hint of skepticism and apparently just took him at his word that he wasn’t lying to law enforcement, wasn’t drunk, and wasn’t deserving of an aggravated charge given his past driving infractions.

A reminder that Sandra Bland was killed over an illegal lane change and prosecutors decided that wasn’t worth charging her killer, but for Ravnsborg, the misdemeanor is unlikely to be a death penalty offense.

While many expected that prosecutors would retreat from their “law and order” rhetoric to give Ravnsborg a slap on the wrist as a political backpatting exercise, the decision to announce charges that Ravnsborg engaged in behavior that could form the basis of a vehicular manslaughter charge and just… left off the last part is insane. What’s the theory of the case? There were no witnesses, so the argument is that his careless lane change while distracted by an electronic device actually caused a man’s death. It’s hard to get to the predicate acts without at least taking the manslaughter charge to a jury.

The criminal justice system doesn’t make a lot of sense without consistency. And yet here we are.

BREAKING: South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg facing three misdemeanors in connection with deadly crash [KELOLAND News]

Earlier: State Attorney General Told Officers He’d Hit A Deer… In Reality, A Man Is Now Dead

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Durbin On Judicial Nominations: F*** Around And Find Out

(Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Now that Sen. Lindsey Graham has finally handed the Judiciary Committee gavel over to Sen. Dick Durbin, the Illinois Democrat has issued a warning to his fellow committee members from across the aisle.

“Chair Durbin has said on a number of occasions that there cannot be one set of rules for Republican nominees and another set of rules for Democratic nominees,” a Judiciary aide told Politico. “It’s our expectation that Republicans likewise act in good faith and work with the Biden administration to fill district court vacancies in red and purple states.”

Translation: We’re not going to enact a retaliatory rules change to jam through judicial nominees the way you guys did in 2017. Yet.

Four years ago, Sen. Chuck Grassley nuked the blue slip procedure, by which home state senators could block federal judicial nominees by failing to return a “blue slip,” for circuit court appointments. Naturally he announced the rule change in a statement denying that he was changing the rules.

“Some of my colleagues and liberal outside groups have accused me of abolishing the 100-year-old blue slip tradition. That’s simply not true. I’m choosing to apply the blue slip policy that most of my predecessors had for the vast majority of this 100-year history,” he said, adding later that it was all Democrats’ fault anyway because “In 2013, the Democrats abolished the filibuster. The filibuster is what allowed senators to enforce the preferences of home-state senators on the Senate floor.”

The senator provided no citation for the historical use of the filibuster to “enforce” home-state preference. He also neglected to mention that his own party had just nuked the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, after holding Justice Scalia’s seat open for more than a year. Assume shame dead.

But now Democrats control the White House and Senate, so the question is whether they’ll continue Grassley’s practice of allowing blue slip blocks for district court judges, or make them entirely advisory. When Sen. Graham took over as chair, he continued the practice. And Durbin looks to be holding, too, although Politico reports that this might change if Republicans use the procedure to block all Biden’s nominees.

This is a disappointment to progressives, who had hoped that Durbin would play hardball on judicial appointments. But a look at the list of 54 judicial vacancies shows why the chair might be keeping his powder dry for now. After Mitch McConnell’s 226-judge confirmation spree, the vast majority of district court vacancies are in states with two Democratic senators, including three in Connecticut, seven in New York, six in New Jersey, five in Washington, and a whopping 16 in California. If Sen. Tuberville ever figures out what that third branch of government is, he’s only got one nominee left to block.

So for now, the “Grassley rule” stands. Unless Republicans abuse the procedure, in which case … well, fuck around and find out.

Senate Dems take a page from GOP in judicial nominee battles [Politico]

Elizabeth Dye lives in Baltimore where she writes about law and politics.

Why Companies Fall Short In Digital Recordkeeping

From team collaboration tools to mobile text messages, social media accounts, and beyond, company records now typically exist across a complex web of  applications and cloud solutions — particularly in an era of remote work.

And while keeping records of official emails and discrete electronic documents is one thing, capturing dynamic online content is quite another.

Today’s business enterprises are expected to continually track items including:

  • Websites (including password-secured pages)
  • Social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram — which can change with every like, comment, and reply
  • Dynamic message boards and forums
  • Enterprise collaboration content like Slack and Teams
  • Text messages and messaging apps like WhatsApp

That’s not all. An organization also has to be able to prove the integrity and authenticity of any record provided, which means showing that the data hasn’t been tampered with — and demonstrating that it was indeed captured at the date, time, and URL stated. 

To prove data authenticity and integrity, an electronic record has to have:

  • A digital signature (or hash value) that meets the Federal Rules of Evidence 
  • A timestamp that shows the date and time that a record was collected
  • All associated metadata

While models like the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) or Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) can be immensely useful in meeting these demands, there are very specific information governance considerations when it comes to online data like enterprise collaboration and social media content. 

In this comprehensive guide, our friends at Pagefreezer offers an Information Governance Lifecycle Model that assists organizations in dealing with web, team collaboration, social media, and mobile text content. The model addresses proper management of online data throughout its lifecycle — through the stages of creation, retention, management, and disposal.

You’ll learn: 

  • Compliance and eDiscovery challenges in a remote world 
  • What privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA) mean for compliance & eDiscovery
  • Why recordkeeping and eDiscovery of online data is hard
  • Solutions for compliant recordkeeping of online data

Download this guide to ensure your processes meet the moment. 

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Freezing Law Student Burns Court Cases To Stay Warm During Power Outage

Millions of Texans are currently going without electricity, heat, and water thanks to a freak snow storm (and an electric grid that was completely unprepared for the subsequent demand for power). But they’re not the only ones who are freezing because of power outages due to the extreme cold. People in Missouri have been experiencing rolling blackouts meant to conserve energy during this high demand period, but some have seen their outages last for much, much longer than expected.

Take, for example, the case of Alexandria Darden, 27, a second-year student at the University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law. Earlier this week, she experienced an incredibly lengthy, planned power outage that left her so cold that she had to resort to some extreme measures. The Kansas City Star has the details:

[Darden] woke up to ice forming on the inside of the windows and sliding glass door of her Kansas City apartment Tuesday morning.

[She] threw a stack of old court cases into her fireplace and lit them just to keep warm.

Burning caselaw to keep yourself from freezing is very much a law school problem that we bet no law student ever imagined they’d have, but here we are.

Darden couldn’t attend her online classes because she had no power, so she charged her phone in her car and went on a fruitless search for firewood instead. When she got back home, her aprtment was 43 degrees, so she decided to go to a friend’s house.

“I feel terrible for all the other families and other people who may not have the resources, or may not be able to leave and are just stuck,” Darden said in an interview with the Kansas City Star. We reached out to her to see if she ever got her power turned back on, or if she had any tips or tricks for fellow law students who are stuck in the cold like she was. When we hear back, we’ll provide an update.

In the meantime, bundle up to stay warm and stay safe, everyone.

Kansas Citians go hours without power as dangerously cold temperatures continue [Kansas City Star]

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Law School Displays Gross Lack Of Empathy During Texas Winterpocalypse

(Photo by Ron Jenkins/Getty Images)

It’s ridiculously cliched at this point to say we live in unprecedented times. Seriously, what we would do for some good ole precedented events, like the stuff we are truly prepared to deal with. But, alas, that is not the timeline we’re destined to live through. See, e.g., just about everything happening in Texas right now.

Yes, yes, you know, you’ve heard all about it and even donated to the appropriate nonprofits. But it bears repeating, what began as chance to ridicule Texas for shutting down over a dusting of snow has turned into a veritable humanitarian crisis with basics like heat, electricity, and water in short supply let alone modern luxuries like internet. So, you’d think that a law school would be cognizant of its students’ struggle with essentials and not sweat the small stuff. But, deep sigh, that’s not to be.

Yesterday, Above the Law started receiving an avalanche of tips about the situation at Baylor Law School. Located in Waco, Texas, the folks there have been dealing with all of the same issues as the rest of the state. But the administration emailed students with their plan to have classes beginning today, oh, and if students can’t attend class because they don’t have access TO THE BASICS OF SURVIVAL, well, it’ll still count as an unexcused absence. People…. did not take it well. A sampling out the outrage from tipsters:

Despite Baylor Law students not having access to electricity, water, heat, and wifi, >Baylor Law has decided to have online classes starting tomorrow. Baylor Law has decided to do this even though Baylor University has already cancelled classes. Baylor Law (Dean Teague) has justified this resumption of classes on the fact that the FACULTY has been able to have their power restored. Once again, Baylor Law has decided to not take care of their students as articulated in your website’s article (Above the law –BAYLOR LAW SCHOOL MARCHES ON PRETENDING THAT ANYONE CARES ABOUT GRADES THIS SEMESTER) about Baylor Law not extending a pass-fail option at the beginning of the COVID epidemic.

The most egregious part of this email is the fact that students who do not have access to power or wifi will not be given excused absences. How could this possibility be justified? Well, Dean Teague stated in her email that I posted below that “all of our policies are consistent with professional expectations.” I have attached the email below. I am not writing this tip because I do not want to go to classes. I am writing this email because it exemplifies this administration’s CONTINUED utter lack of empathy and care toward its students.

And for full context, this is the text of the email sent by Dean Leah Witcher Jackson Teague:

Dear Students,

Power has been restored to a number of areas in and around Waco. Still, we understand that not everyone has reliable power and internet yet. Based upon communications with faculty, almost all faculty members are able to deliver online lectures starting tomorrow. We will resume classes as scheduled starting tomorrow. Tomorrow’s classes will be fully online with no in-person attendance in classrooms. Please look for messages from your professors to give you instructions about your classes for tomorrow. For classes that will meet tomorrow and Friday at the regularly scheduled times, we are asking the professors to provide a way for students to makeup the classes if possible.

The university is not requiring COVID tests this week for law school students, faculty and staff.

Some students have asked if absences due to a power outage or inclement weather will be excused. We offer the following answer and explanation.

Under the Law School attendance policy, every student has allowed absences to cover a variety of reasons for which a student must miss. Unless a faculty member has a different policy in a given class, up to 25% of scheduled classes in a course may be missed without adverse consequences.

Any classes that were held (or will be held) this week (in-person or online) will be regarded as classes to which the regular attendance policy applies. In other words, for an in-person or on-line class session that was offered and for which you have not or will not attend, or for which you do not view an available recording, the regular attendance policy will apply. Faculty have been encouraged to record classes this week, even if offered in-person or synchronously (an honor system will apply). If anything else occurs later in the quarter that creates a problem with class attendance, we will consider the totality of the circumstances. If you have special circumstance, or a specific concern, please consult me.

All of our policies are consistent with professional expectations. As you know, in professional environments, there are many times when you are given grace and are excused from e.g., a deadline, etc. Receiving an excuse in such a circumstance does not mean that the missed deadline does not count in the sense that if you then miss more deadlines, the first one is ignored when considering that person’s professional conduct in the totality of the circumstances.

Unfortunately, we have had some students in the past who approached law school from the standpoint that they planned to take every one of their 25% allowed absences simply for the unexcused sake of foregoing instruction. To allow those students an extra day beyond the policy would not be appropriate, or fair to their classmates. This is why we are handling this week’s absences in this way. We have never penalized a diligent student whose absences were all, or almost all, beyond their control. If you have a concern about your total absences as the quarter continues, please reach out to me to discuss.

We hope you are each safe and well and staying warm. Please reach out if you need help.

Leah Witcher Jackson Teague
Associate Dean and Professor of Law
Baylor Law.
One Bear Place #97128
Waco, TX 76798-7128
(Office) 254.710.4822 (Cell) 254.855.6545
Website | Facebook | Twitter

According to tipsters, a few hours after this message went out the law school reversed course — at least as it applies to today’s classes:

But remember, things are not back to normal in Texas yet. Hundreds of thousands of Texans are still without power or heat, and access to clean drinking water remains a problem. While it’s good that the issue has been postponed at least one day, rubbing students’ faces in their “professional responsibilities” in the midst of calamitous circumstances is simply not a great look.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).

‘No, You Can’t Motivate Paralegals By Pointing Prop Guns At Them’ Is A Sentence I Unfortunately Have To Write

The case of Judy Thomas v. Jones Day is still very much in its infancy. The matter was removed to federal court only last week and we’ve not gotten a chance to hear from the defendants at all. A former Jones Day paralegal alleges a pattern of harassment and retaliation at the firm that saw her held to unreasonable standards and berated for requesting overtime. The Haitian-born Thomas alleges that the firm didn’t subject any of the young, white women working as paralegals to these conditions.

The latter allegation, suggesting that paralegals are kept around as props, carries disturbing echoes for a firm previously sued for promoting a “fraternity culture.”

Discrimination cases can sometimes turn on communication failures and a direct quote that demeans the plaintiff may have had a totally innocent intent. That doesn’t make it OK, and co-workers need to confront even harm that they’ve caused unintentionally, but it may well prevent the behavior from being actionable. There are a lot of allegations in this specific complaint that one could imagine having a less ominous explanation. “Don’t bill for overtime” could have meant “we’re going to mark down your hours on the bill” or something. Perhaps it was a deliberate attempt to steal from an employee, but there’s at least a conceivable counter-narrative. That’s what this matter will hash out.

But it’s hard to think of an explanation for this one:

I’m sure the firm will dispute this account in some way, but any response that doesn’t truthfully center on “there’s no such toy gun” is not going to sufficiently answer any of the problems here.

I know Jones Day has represented the NRA, but why does someone keep a gun of any sort in their desk? Maybe a Nerf dartgun on display because it was a deal toy when you closed on Nerf’s new headquarters or something. But even then, what scenario would make any gun an acceptable prop for communicating with an employee? It’s difficult to conceive of any interpretation of brandishing a toy gun other than to be menacing in a conversation with an employee who — at that point — had already raised concerns about harassment. “Oh, it was a toy” may fly as an excuse on the first day (it shouldn’t) but after the paralegal has already spoken with human resources about harassment, it should radically curtail the latitude a boss might expect to have.

Despite this, I’m sure there will be people lining up to downplay this as “just a joke” or something, and this is why I depressingly have to string together the words, “no, you can’t motivate paralegals by pointing prop guns at them.”

That’s just rot in the institutional culture. Attorneys shouldn’t need Dale Carnegie training to stop before waving gun props around to motivate the staff. Whatever happens with this specific case, there needs to have a serious internal reckoning over there. Because it’s not enough to just offer excuses, the firm needs to get ahead of this and be constantly and proactively saying, “this isn’t the sort of thing we condone and here’s everything we’re doing to ensure this doesn’t happen here.”

But given the firm involved, the response will probably be a shrug and a press release announcing another Trump administration hire.

(Full complaint on the next page…)

Jones Day Atty Threatened Paralegal With Toy Gun, Suit Says [Law360]

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Goldman May Not Be Paying Its Conflict Of Interest Reviewers Enough

Given all of the evidence to the contrary, it’s quite important for Goldman Sachs to go to great and visible lengths to appear ethical. To this end, it has established an executive office designed to foster such within its culture. And part of that is reviewing all of the work Goldman does for clients to ensure (not always successfully, obviously) all of that work is on the up-and-up, at least from a conflicts of interest standpoint. This conflicts resolution process of course involves having a look-see at all of the work Goldman is doing for clients and, well, funny story:

3 Practices To Get To A Balanced Legal Budget

As legal leaders grapple with contracting budgets, ambitious company-wide goals and initiatives, and seek to balance their in-house teams’ size and scope with the outside spend, effectively managing and optimizing their legal budgets is more important than ever.

On February 25th at 12 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. PT, join COO, Office of the General Counsel at AIG, Darren Guy, and former DGC & COO of Wells Fargo, Thomas Trujillo, as they explore how to:

  • Collect the right data on the work of the in-house team to maximize cost savings;
  • Drive efficiency through a balance of outside counsel spend, technology adoption, and alternative fee arrangement; and
  • Manage new company and legal department initiatives with limited resources.

Darren R. Guy, COO, Office of the General Counsel, AIG
Thomas Trujillo, former EVP, DGC, COO, Wells Fargo Legal Department

Sara Morgan, SVP, Head of Global Talent, Axiom

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Lawyers address what we can do and what we must do in vaccine rollout – MedCity News

A host of legal experts advised their peers to be guided by ethics, not the constraints of the law, in this next wave of vaccine distribution, in a timely presentation titled “Legal Issues in Covid-19 Distribution” webcast to viewers across the country.

In a myth-busting and wide-ranging two-and-a-half hour discussion sponsored by the New York City Bar, health law experts from academia, government, health care institutions and nonprofit advocacy groups representing vulnerable populations explored the potential legal limits on an equitable vaccine rollout, concluding we need to remain creative and listen to the most impacted stakeholders as we fight this pandemic.

“We still don’t know what we don’t know about this virus,” said Linda Martin, chief compliance officer for CareOne. “We’re still at war with this invisible enemy and this is no time to lose our humility — information, in this war, may just be our most powerful weapon.”

Addressing informed consent, federalism, employment law, and protections under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), they concluded that structural inequality, broken trust and the limits of our imaginations hold far greater threats to a successful nationwide vaccine program than any law. Given the emergency nature of this pandemic, the government has a wide berth to act in the public interest — including sharing our data across agencies and entities, if it means winning this “war.”

However, a significant fault line erupted in the discussion on vaccine mandates, between what employers and the state can do under the law, and what some speakers feel they should do to achieve the desired end of herd immunity.

“Just because we can mandate, doesn’t mean we should,” said Karen Porter, Associate Dean and Executive Director of the Center for Health, Science and Public Policy at Brooklyn Law School.

What We Can Do, Under the Law
The panel began by addressing the question of whether the federal government might overstep its bounds by taking control of the currently state-led vaccine rollout, be it by establishing priority groups or deciding on procedures.

Professor Carl H. Coleman of Seton Hall University Law School and St. Peter’s Health Partners Vice President for Legal Services Robert N. Swidler addressed the legal limitations on Covid vaccine distribution at the federal and employer level, finding significant precedent to support both under both the Commerce Clause and Spending Clause of the Constitution.

While federalism would limit the U.S. government’s ability to govern state action on most things, Swidler argued that activities taken to protect the public health still fall under the Commerce Clause, even in the wake of 2012’s Supreme Court Decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius. That decision challenged the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act under the Commerce Clause and Spending Clause. There, Chief Justice Roberts said that “as expansive as this Court’s cases construing the scope of the commerce power have been, they uniformly describe the power as reaching ‘activity.’” Here, Swidler reasoned, the “activity” in question is distribution of vaccines, so the public is not being regulated for “doing nothing.”

Swidler also distinguished application of the Spending Clause to a federal oversight of vaccine distribution from the Affordable Care Act’s creation of a federal insurance marketplace. The Supreme Court in Sebelius reasoned that a state must knowingly and willingly accept the terms of federal grantmaking in advance of a shift in federal spending away from the states, which he said would be the case here.

Prof. Coleman discussed whether a vaccine could — or should — be mandated by the state, in the case that it is not willingly received. He shared that historically, the courts balance “an individual’s right to refuse treatment against the state’s interest in protecting third parties,” but that in the case of widespread public harm (such as a pandemic), they become significantly more deferential to the state. Coleman said there is no religious exemption to requiring vaccination, only one where delivering the vaccine would be medically contraindicated, in which case it would be “cruel and inhuman to the last degree,” according to the court in 1905’s Jacobson v. Massachusetts.

However, the FDA has clearly stated that individuals must be able to refuse administration of the vaccine while it is under an Emergency Use Authorization, stating: “For an unapproved product… and for an unapproved use of an approved product… the statute requires that FDA ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances… that they have the option to accept or refuse the EUA product and of any consequences of refusing administration of the product.”

Given that limitation and the potential that broad mandates might backfire and increase mistrust in the vaccine distribution system, Coleman recommended looking at mandates as a last resort, in line with the “least restrictive alternative” principle of public health ethics.

Swidler made the case that whether the state took it upon itself to mandate, employers had the right, and in some cases the ethical duty, to require vaccination as a condition of employment. As legal executive of a hospital, he reasoned that such vaccination fell under OSHA’s obligation to provide a safe work environment and was further legally supported in a healthcare setting.

“Employers already can mandate vaccinations, subject to a couple of limitations (religious exemptions, Americans with Disabilities Act responsibilities, union collective bargaining agreements), and it’s likely to become more prevalent as a couple of things happen,” Swidler told listeners. “First, as the vaccine becomes more available, and second, as we collect more information about the vaccine, the safety and efficacy of it, the more likely employers are to mandate.”

What We Should Do, According to Public Health Ethics
Albany Law School Dean Alicia Ouellette recounted her experience serving on Governor Cuomo’s Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution and Implementation Task Force, where she brought her deep knowledge of bioethics to the development of the state’s vaccine prioritization scheme. Relying on an internet meme format for her comparison, Ouellette shared “how it started,” with the plan intending to target the hardest-hit seniors, front-line workers and communities of color.

However, the state’s execution of that plan used hospitals as hubs, relied too heavily on technology and failed to balance equity and efficiency, as Governor Cuomo opened up access to larger segments of the population despite no change in the state’s extremely limited vaccine supply.

Given those mistakes, she said that “how it’s going” has been anything but ethical, with hospital board members and wealthy, white, tech-savvy Americans getting shots intended for the state’s low-income, Black and Latino seniors.

Fixing this will require shifting our entire approach, Dean Porter said, and listening to the communities most harmed by this virus.

“They’re not interested in performative activities where lip service is paid to the fact of racial or other disparities or implementation delivery suggests a lack of recognition of the humanity of these groups and a true commitment to equitable access,” Porter said, “and that is how it is experienced when people are unable to get the access that they’ve been promised or feel they’ve been left behind.”

When the topic came to whether employees of nursing homes should be mandated to get inoculated, Dean Porter reminded listeners that the demographics of those workers skews heavily Black, female and low-access to information. She argued that a voluntary approach would be far more successful, given the trauma nursing home workers have experienced during this pandemic and the historical trauma of racism in healthcare.

She noted that building trust in communities would go much farther than any mandated vaccine programs in achieving the desired outcome of herd immunity, recommending we look to public health ethics, legal requirements and community concerns to retool the U.S. vaccine rollout, moving forward.

Dean Porter concluded that it would be unethical to place the burden to vaccinate on communities hardest-hit by Covid-19 without first addressing their fears and anxieties.

“They are tired of being villainized for vaccine hesitancy while the systems that created that hesitancy go unchanged,” Porter said.

Photo: LarisaBozhikova, Getty Images