Stat Of The Week: What ATL Readers Want To Know 

As the Above the Law Non-Event gets underway with a focus on practice management software, what related topics are foremost on the minds of small firm lawyers and solos? 

According to “intent data” compiled by Bombora, an Above the Law marketing partner, these lawyers likely have AFAs on the brain. 

Bombora is the largest B2B data cooperative — an arrangement where numerous publishers pool anonymized user data to determine areas of interest for varied user groups and companies.

The resulting intent data reveals topics where research activity is accelerating among a subset of users — a possible indicator of intent to invest in this area. 

Among small firms and solos, “alternative fee arrangements” is the No. 1 practice management-related topic, based on research surges from Nov. 1 to Jan. 31. 

Email management topics come in second and fourth, respectively, and project management topics place highly throughout. 

See below for a visualization of the top topics (click to enlarge). And then head over to the Non-Event to do some research of your own. 

The Legal Tech Non-Event [Above the Law]

Jeremy Barker is the director of content marketing for Breaking Media. Feel free to email him with questions or comments and to connect on LinkedIn

Maybe Texas Isn’t The Paradisiacal Galt’s Gulch Elon Musk Thought It Was

Like some of his fellow libertarian Silicon Valley technoligarchs, Elon Musk recently fled the Nanny State of California and its socialistic insistence of the primacy of public health (and also on taxing people like him) for the free-enterprise haven of Texas. So, uh, how’s that working out for him?

Worst-Case Scenario

Olga V. Mack is the CEO of Parley Pro, a next-generation contract management company that has pioneered online negotiation technology. Olga embraces legal innovation and had dedicated her career to improving and shaping the future of law. She is convinced that the legal profession will emerge even stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive than before by embracing technology. Olga is also an award-winning general counsel, operations professional, startup advisor, public speaker, adjunct professor, and entrepreneur. She founded the Women Serve on Boards movement that advocates for women to participate on corporate boards of Fortune 500 companies. She authored Get on Board: Earning Your Ticket to a Corporate Board Seat and Fundamentals of Smart Contract Security. You can follow Olga on Twitter @olgavmack.

Commercial Litigation Is Like A Can Of Monster Energy

It’s easy these days to fall into the Cult of Productivity, in the sense of becoming addicted to the dopamine rush of getting things done and out the door. There’s even a bestselling book and productivity method called “Getting Things Done” which, as the name suggests, is about reducing items to lists, organizing them, and getting them done. Up to a point, of course, this is wonderful. We all have several small tasks that we must do, which can benefit from organizing — to-do lists are wonderful, as are more complex Trello or Kanban systems.

The Limits Of Lists

But to-do lists become a trap when they turn into their own ends. Few things can be truly reduced to items on a list. Even something as simple as “brush teeth” only seems simple because it’s something that you’ve been doing regularly your whole life and has the force of habit. If you follow literally a list item of “brush teeth” with the desire to simply get through the item, you’d spend 10 seconds on the job and need to see your dentist for a lot of unpleasant visits. The actual act of brushing is, in fact, a highly complex series of tasks that requires a deep understanding of both effective brushing techniques and the contours of your mouth. You just don’t notice it because it’s become automatic as you’ve gained understanding and expertise.

On the other side of the spectrum from your daily brushing, the aviation industry has checklists down to a science. They have checklists for everything. You can go online and buy, in multiple versions, or even download for free, checklists for your particular aircraft to cover everything from how to do a preflight in a 747 or what to do if your Cessna’s power fails while you’re flying. But the checklists are reminders for experienced operators to make sure that they don’t forget a step in their routine, in a situation where a missed step means that they might die horribly. If you’re on a 747 on fire trying to safely land the plane, as soon as you pull out the engine fire checklist and see that the first item reads only “Thrust lever CLOSE,” you realize that your fantasy of being the next Sully is not going to end well.

Beyond The Limit

Instead, what’s important in all these instances is a deep understanding of what is behind the item on the list. Lists are, at best, mnemonic devices. And no matter how well you memorize “Pvt. Tim Hall always argues, never tries,” that alone isn’t going to tell you what any of that stands for, let alone provide you with any meaningful understanding of amino acids.

Complex commercial litigation, and law generally, is even less hospitable to the use of lists, as each case is not only unique, it’s also a competition between clever people on two sides to figure out which side will understand the case better. The Citi ops guys who forgot, literally, to check all the right boxes back in August could have saved themselves a lot of stress if they’d had a good checklist. But the lawyers for Highland Capital and Investcorp who signed off on returning the funds a few days later probably feel pretty silly right now as well, and no list or list-encouraged thinking would have helped them much.

Like A Can Of Monster Energy

The reason a checklist mindset doesn’t work well in law is because, to the extent you can reduce a case to a simple principle, it is this: You need to understand everything about it perfectly, then decide the best course of action based on that knowledge.

My current favorite metaphor is that a case is like a can of Monster Energy, the delicious and justly popular energy beverage, but you as the lawyer are an alien who has never seen a canned beverage, or a human, before. All you know is that the can contains a wonderful liquid that will give you more energy to do whatever you like, and that your job is to open it in the most efficient manner possible.

How, as such an alien, would you approach this problem? This sounds silly because we all open tabbed beverage cans all the time. But to an alien scientist who has never seen anything like it before and shares an entirely different cultural and evolutionary history, this is a difficult problem even if the goal is only to open the can without it exploding and wiping out a city due to biological incompatibility. The task gets exponentially more difficult if you’re leading a team against another alien scientist team to not only open the can safely, but do so in the most efficient manner, assuming you have only one can and can’t use trial and error.

Where do you even start with such a task? The only method is through fully simulating the can. You need to understand everything about it perfectly. If you strike it with one newton of force over a circular area with a radius of two millimeters, five centimeters from the bottom of the can, it will have certain effects to the metal of the can and the liquid inside. If you strike with 1.2 newtons a half millimeter higher, it will have a certain other effect, and so on. Everything must be understood completely, so you can say with confidence that if you touch the can in a certain way, a certain result will happen, and from that you build a model of the most efficient manner in which, with the absolute minimum of effort, you achieved the desired result.

Let’s build on the metaphor. Assume like with law, there’s no computer model the scientists can use to simulate all this, and the team needs to contain it all in their minds. One person alone can’t hold this for any case of more than trivial complexity, so you need to distribute it. That means one junior person on the team must, for instance, take responsibility for understanding the physical properties of the can’s metal. They must master its melting point, electrical and heat conductivity, density, malleability, ductilibility, and so forth. They must understand it completely, to the point they could converse easily with Plato or Maxwell or Freeman Dyson on any aspect of the subject of the can. They understand its molecular structure, how it responds to different levels of heat, cold, radiation, or any other force. They understand its taste and smell. They understand all of it, completely, to an instinctual level.

Then this junior scientist must be able distill that knowledge, at the level that they could explain any aspect of it to a 6-year-old, and then be able to convey all relevant information to the head of the team. Through this method — and only this method — may the team then simulate accurately all the properties of the can of Monster Energy. Once the simulation is achieved, the rest of the path is relatively easy. You simply run through all possible permutations and determine the best. You try, in your mind, all the options: Puncturing the can with a pocketknife; slicing off the top with a kitchen knife; opening the mouth by jamming your thumb through the tear strip; and any of about 50 different ways you could work with the pull tab. Through such testing, you’ll find the best method, and off you go.

What Comes Next

That’s it. The important part, as you’ve noticed, is the foundational understanding. Once you’ve mastered brushing your teeth; putting out fires on your Cessna; or all the physical properties of a can of Monster Energy, the rest is almost autopilot. But the preparation and attendant understanding is the hard part. So make sure that you never skimp on that understanding, and never let a fixation with getting it done take precedence over understanding what, exactly, you are trying to get done.

Matthew W Schmidt Balestriere FarielloMatthew W. Schmidt has represented and counseled clients at all stages of litigation and in numerous matters including insider trading, fiduciary duty, antitrust law, and civil RICO. He is a partner at the trial and investigations law firm Balestriere Fariello in New York, where he and his colleagues represent domestic and international clients in litigation, arbitration, appeals, and investigations. You can reach him by email at

Freshman Rep. Madison Cawthorn Schools Pope On First Amendment

Weirdly, this is relevant.(TIZIANA FABI/AFP/Getty Images)

It’s been quite a morning for the Congressional brain trust, with dueling tweets from GOP freshmen Reps. Madison Cawthorn and Lauren Boebert ‘splaining to the Real Murikans about CONSTITUTION, HOW DOES IT GO.

First off, the 25-year-old wunderkind from North Carolina would like a word with the Pope on employment practices at the Holy See.

Does Mr. Cawthorn think Vatican City is in Massachusetts? In which godless liberal enclave outside San Francisco or Boston does the good congressman believe it’s located?

He’s also wrong as a matter of American law. But then again, the EEOC’s reach doesn’t extend to the Vatican so … probably best that we move on to whatever this nonsense is.

Ah yes, the sacred Constitution. Handed down by Jesus on Mount Sinai, unchanged since dinosaurs walked the earth.

If Ms. Boebert could take just a moment out of arranging loaded firearms into a crèche, she might just peruse Article V of said Constitution, which sets out a procedure to “rewrite the parts you don’t like.”

To wit:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress;

And by “the Congress,” they mean that place where she works thanks to her fellow Colorado voters.

Or Ms. Boebert can just read this ATL article we wrote in September when Tennessee Sen.  Marsha Blackburn tweeted, “We will never rewrite the Constitution of the United States,” in apparent ignorance of the 27 times we did just that, and having forgotten all those stupid marriage and flag-burning amendments she herself proposed.

Reps. Cawthorn and Boebert will have to up their game if they want to top Sen. Blackburn in the Congressional Dumbassery Olympics. But they’re off to a roaring start!

Wait, wait! Cawthorn’s back for another try.

Don’t sleep on this kid — he’s really going places.

Elizabeth Dye lives in Baltimore where she writes about law and politics.

Biglaw Partner Survives Texas Snowpocalypse Thanks To A Little Help From His Friends

The water is gushing down, my wife runs out in the front and, lo and behold, some of our neighbors are testing out how to open up the covers so that you can turn the water valves off. They come running over, towels in hand, to sop up the water, move furniture, because it flooded our den and then it seeped down, flooded into our garage. But within 45 minutes we had all the water picked up all because of some terrific neighbors.

Bill Mateja, a partner at Sheppard Mullin, commenting on what he and his family have done to get by during the unprecedented snowstorm in Texas that’s caused millions to go without electricity, heat, and water. A water pipe connected to Mateja’s master bathroom burst on Tuesday, flooding his den. “I probably heard of a hundred friends that have had pipes burst,” he said. “What’s different about this time is the duration of the cold snap and how cold it was. It got down to -2 in Dallas one night.”

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Law School Very Disappointed In Students Speaking Out AGAINST Designated Hate Group

This seems… backward.

This may come as a shock to some people, but it’s actually fairly easy not to invite members of recognized hate groups to your events. There are representatives espousing a range of standpoints and opinions out there that somehow manage to capture an ideological spectrum that falls short of advocating for human rights abuses against people based on their identity. Wild, right?

It’s a memo that someone should forward to the William & Mary Law School Christian Legal Society. On Wednesday, the group invited Kevin Snider of the Pacific Justice Institute to share “with us advice on becoming a lawyer, telling us stories about his walk with the Lord, and answering questions from students.” That’s all well and good, except the Pacific Justice Institute has a long and public history of pushing for gay conversion therapy — rank quackery rejected by medical professionals that leaves individuals more likely to attempt suicide and suffer from heightened levels of depression — usually manifesting as a human rights abuse against minors unable to consent.

That’s why the Pacific Justice Institute is designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “an anti-LGBT hate group.” And, look, the Morris Dees leadership at SPLC had a lot of issues, but whether or not PJI reaches your personal definition of “hate group,” a group defending a psychological deprogramming effort on LGBTQ+ children with demonstrated negative repercussions at least reaches the “better to avoid the mere appearance of impropriety” stage on the hate-o-meter. Learning to recognize that and exercise discretion is actually part of becoming a professional too.

But at least Snider is a legal warrior and doesn’t condone violence, right? Well, according to tipsters from the event, he at one point said:

I used to be a pacifist. I’ve come out of that… my views have evolved… I believe there is such a thing as “moral violence.”

That’s not the kind of “story about his walk with the Lord” that the event promised, but then again, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

As one might imagine, students were distraught by this event and protested with, for example, Zoom backgrounds supporting LGBTQ+ rights. It’s the sort of principled advocacy in the public interest that law schools would normally be proud of. William & Mary, on the other hand, sent around an email chastising students for “bullying”:

After hearing reports about bullying conduct among some of our students related to the recent invitation of a speaker, I write to express in the strongest possible terms that such conduct must have no place at our Law School.

See, now, I would think the guy advocating that gay people don’t deserve rights and saying he supports “moral violence” would be the one engaged in bullying, but here we are.

In fairness, there may well have been some concerned students who made inappropriate comments — understandable when someone’s on campus extolling the virtues of robbing human beings of legal protections — but the way to address that is an email that reads, for instance, “The school is entirely supportive and proud of students airing their legitimate concerns over a speaker that they feel represents a fundamental challenge to our core values — that said, be mindful not to allow your dissent or even outrage to cross into the realm of threatening or menacing anyone.” Note how that statement doesn’t immediately place students on the defensive that their mere expression of discomfort with recognized hate groups might amount to some vague, punishable violation? It’s subtle, but that’s the art of lawyering!

William & Mary Law School is a community, a place where we can all come together in support of citizen lawyers. Being a citizen lawyer may mean something different to each of us, but it always comes with the expectation that we thoughtfully and respectfully engage with each other.

Which part of “citizen lawyer” includes the “moral violence” stuff? Because I think the problem for the school’s core values may be coming from the other side of the virtual lectern. And the lectern matters! Campus events present an asymmetrical conversation, which makes it particularly galling when the respectability police show up and tell the speakers without a microphone that they need to be quieter.

At a university, we recognize that people with different views will be invited to speak, some of whom you may disagree with. In alignment with the university’s policy on freedom of expression, W&M Law School is committed to an environment in which members of the community and invited guests are encouraged to speak freely and express themselves. Speech can be countered with more speech and advocating for your views with respect for your adversaries and in a civil manner focused on the exchange of ideas and information is in fact essential to becoming and succeeding as a lawyer.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had to write about the nonsensical assertion that being a good law student requires becoming “docile bulls**t receptacles incapable of voicing a thought beyond putting on a stoic grimace in a detached, sterile environment.” Academia is not bad ideas romper room and it’s neither necessary nor wise to act like every idea gets 15 minutes of university blessed fame. But this is the whole trick, as I wrote several years ago about Yale Law School dealing with similar issues:

The public tongue-clucking over campus speakers is the result of a brilliantly orchestrated wedge strategy to get otherwise reasonable people to vocally undermine social justice movements by turning abstract notions of “free speech” into cudgels to silence dissent. And they’ve found the easiest marks in the world in lawyers.

This is all part of the profession’s commitment to writing buses, lunch counters, fire hoses, attack dogs, sit ins, and everything Martin Luther King ever said except for 6 lines from the I Have A Dream speech out of the public memory and replace it with “Thurgood Marshall solved the country in a courtroom before wise white judges.” It’s a pathological need to center the institution that gleefully perpetuated injustice for time immemorial to the exclusion of the hard and sometimes discomforting work that put Marshall in the position to win.

Again, no one is defending threats here, but it’s imperative that a school recognize these as the exception and not the rule to avoid chilling the very “countering” speech it claims to promote.

Who’d have thought that the William & Mary Tribe would have issues with sensitivity to oppressed populations?

(Full email on the next page…)

Earlier: Yale Students Demolish Dean’s Dumb Argument

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

The Am Law Top 10’s Share Of COVID-Related Civil Litigation

(Image via Getty)

COVID-19 changed 2020 for everyone. It led to many unanticipated consequences for lawyers as thousands upon thousands of lawsuits have been filed related to the virus.

This post looks at a sample of decisions involving lawyers from the 2019 Am Law Top 10 firms based on gross revenue’s participation in such lawsuits. To do this it focuses on the 110 published and unpublished state and federal civil law decisions involving these firms in Westlaw’s COVID-19 litigation set over a six-month period from June 23, 2020, to December 23rd, 2020.  

The order of the firms based on gross revenues is: (1) Kirkland & Ellis, (2) Latham & Watkins, (3) DLA Piper, (4) Baker McKenzie, (5) Skadden, (6) Sidley Austin, (7) Morgan Lewis, (8) Hogan Lovells, (9) White & Case, and (10) Jones Day. The order of the firms by decision count in this area is:

Jones Day had lawyers in more of these cases than the other firms followed by Latham & Watkins and Kirkland & Ellis, with the range at a substantial 30 decisions. Another way to look at this is that, over this time period, Jones Day had attorneys involved in 850% more cases that went to written decisions than Baker McKenzie. 

The firms often focused their litigation in certain, mainly federal courts. The courts most frequented in these law firms include: 

The firms that litigated most frequently in particular courts include Latham & Watkins in SDNY, CDCA, and NDCA; Jones Day in EDMI; and Sidley in CDCA. The courts with the highest level of participation by these firms include SDNY, CDCA, and DMA. 

The litigation frequencies can also be visualized on a national scale: 

It is evident that most of this litigation transpires on the Eastern and Western seaboards with some additional involvement in the South and Midwest. Not surprisingly, the state with the most decisions at 55 is California, followed by New York with 34 decisions, and Massachusetts with 16 decisions. Michigan, Illinois, and D.C. are the other states/territories with over 10 decisions (each has 11). 

Read more over at Juris Lab … 

Making The Legal Industry More Human In a Post-COVID World

On today’s episode of The Jabot, I’m joined by Leigh Vickery. She’s the Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer at Level Legal, as well as an entrepreneur — she’s the founder of a queso company, Queso Mama. We talk about her turn from a cheese dip maven to legal technology, the kinds of changes the legal industry should be making to make greater diversity strides, the ways the legal industry is changing as a result of COVID-19, and how this is a moment for innovation in the industry.

The Jabot podcast is an offshoot of the Above the Law brand focused on the challenges women, people of color, LGBTQIA, and other diverse populations face in the legal industry. Our name comes from none other than the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the jabot (decorative collar) she wore when delivering dissents from the bench. It’s a reminder that even when we aren’t winning, we’re still a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Happy listening!

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).