(Image via Getty)
Writing Yelp reviews of Biglaw firms as though they were functioning NYC restaurants started off as a bit of a lark. But after Yelper Samuel G. got started, he couldn’t help himself and put together a few more narratives of a hapless patron stumbling into law firms thinking they’re restaurants.
Hey, it beats stumbling into firms and thinking they’re mid-grade shoe stores.
This isn’t entirely inaccurate. What law firm isn’t opting for an “eat what you kill” model? But with only 4 stars, I don’t think Samuel got the full V&E experience. The last patron who felt they made a mistake going to Vinson & Elkins walked away with $30 million.
Note that the S&C people didn’t look up from their monitors long enough to say anything meta to Samuel like the V&E folks did. That tracks.
On the other hand, how was he walking so close to other pedestrians by the S&C offices. It’s a ghost town down there.
A 5-star review! Just goes to show you the importance of a clean bathroom.
But kidding aside, this gives us an idea if any of the big NYC firms are up for it. Let’s have a cafeteria competition! If we get a critical mass of interested firms, we’ll put together a panel of judges and sample, say, your best two dishes and award the best cafeteria in Biglaw. We can work out the precise details later. Would firms be willing to put their money where their mouths are — and by that I don’t mean talk, but, you know, the food they eat.
Joe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.