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Biglaw Firm Faces Allegations Of A ‘Sexually Hostile Work Environment’

CKR Law LLP is facing a new lawsuit, filed in New York state court yesterday, that alleges the firm allowed a “sexually hostile” environment in its New York office. Plaintiff Catherine Acosta was the former marketing director based in the firm’s New York office, and alleges she was subjected to repeated inappropriate comments that the firm was unwilling to do anything about.

According to the complaint, one attorney reached out to Acosta after work hours for a “chat” and asked “if she had any less professional pictures to share.” Additionally, Acosta alleges she was the recipient of inappropriate comments after her marriage to a same-sex partner. In one particularly galling alleged incident, an attorney commented on Acosta’s marriage asking “if she was done with men forever or if he could do anything to change her mind.”

As reported by Law360, as a result of these allegedly inappropriate interactions, Acosta sought permission to work remotely from the managing partner, Jeffery Rinde. Though that request was initially granted, the complaint alleges it was rescinded when it was revealed Acosta was aware of compromising information about Rinde:

Acosta, who says she suffers from anxiety, got permission from CKR managing partner Jeffrey A. Rinde to work from home after these purported incidents, her suit says. However, she says the firm’s and Rinde’s attitudes toward her abruptly changed after she told her assistant that security cameras had recorded Rinde and the assistant kissing in an elevator.

Ultimately, Acosta was let go from the firm, “allegedly due to her inability to work in the New York City office.” But as the complaint goes on to allege, her assistant, who took over Acosta’s position when she was fired, was allowed to work from home.

You can read the full complaint on the next page.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).