Rachel
Kuehn
(Photo
by
Oisin
Keniry/
via
Getty
Images)
Ed.
Note:
Welcome
to
our
daily
feature
Trivia
Question
of
the
Day!
Which
Biglaw
firm
reaffirmed
its
“ongoing
commitment
to
women’s
sports”
by
sponsoring
player
Rachel
Kuehn
for
the
2024-2025
season?
Hint:
The
Am
Law
firm
was
founded
in
1970.
The
executive
chair
said
they
were
“thrilled”
to
sponsor
Kuehn,
saying,
“After
significant
due
diligence
and
thought,
we
decided
to
help
a
young
woman
begin
her
career
and
work
to
get
her
full-time
status
on
the
Tour
rather
than
sponsor
a
more
seasoned
veteran
golfer.”
See
the
answer
on
the
next
page.