Mid- to Senior Level Labor & Employment Associate Attorney

A reputable California law firm is seeking an experienced labor and employment associate for its Sacramento office.

The ideal candidate will have 4-7 years of experience defending employers against claims for wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment and retaliation.

Must have strong writing and research skills and taking and defending depositions. Must be barred in CA.To be considered, please submit your resume to jobs@kinneyrecruiting.com.

Jay Powell Didn’t Really Think A Future Rate Cut Would Get Donald Trump Off His Back, Did He?

If so, he’s even dumber than he looks, or the man playing him like a fiddle.

The Messy Family Drama Of A Biglaw Firm Founder

William Gibbs McAdoo, the founding partner of what white shoe Biglaw firm, is also known for his political career, having served as Treasury Secretary under Woodrow Wilson? He also ran for the Democratic nomination for president in 1920. Though he led in the first ballot at the convention, his nomination was ultimately blocked by Wilson — who has also McAdoo’s father-in-law. [Awkward.] Wilson had hoped a deadlocked convention would lead to calls for him to serve a third term in office.

Hint: McAdoo is also known for serving as general counsel for the founders of United Artists, taking a 20 percent share of the venture for the effort.

See the answer on the next page.

Biglaw Firm Holds Firm Meeting To Say They’re Making Tons Of Money And Won’t Be Giving It To Associates

Kirkland & Ellis is raking in the dollars these days and isn’t ashamed to let everyone know about it. Kirkland’s so far and away ahead of the competition that a recent study suggested that it’s worth almost double its nearest competitor, even dunking on Toys R Us. No one is missing the newsflash that it’s now Kirkland’s world and we all live in it.

At least until the private equity space collapses.

But we’ve received reports that the firm must have worried that U.S. associates were missing out on the news because the firm convened its routine firm meeting and offered an hour-long town hall to tell everyone about how rapidly the firm is growing, how efficiently the firm has cut costs, and how much more the partners are taking home in profits. Equity partners, anyway.

It’s the sort of presentation that one wouldn’t expect an associate would need to forfeit a billable hour to attend… unless it was setting up some exciting news. Perhaps this was the prelude to: “And therefore without even dimming our dreams of a new summer home in the South of France, we’re giving you all $5K to spend this summer!”

Alas, the presentation just sort of ended after telling all the young lawyers about the partner largesse. During the Q&A period, someone allegedly asked about summer bonuses and the firm responded that those certainly weren’t planned unless the market moved, prompting Gunderson Dettmer to wonder when they became chopped liver over here.

Apparently associates overlooked the small part they had inadvertently played in “how efficiently the firm has cut costs.”

While Kirkland is, in many ways, the model of “Biglaw firm as corporate business,” taking as many cues from the Fortune 100 as it does the Am Law 100, an all-hands meeting to gloat about share price is one they probably should have left on the cutting room floor. When a megacorporation invites everyone to see how profitable the company is, the reason that doesn’t end in guillotines is that even the lowliest staff members have some stock options in their pockets and see the slightest profitability jump as impacting them directly — if ever so slightly. But when the partners in a law firm boost PPP by another $200K, the associates don’t get anything out of the deal.

Unless they get a gratuitous summer bonus, that is.

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Making Legal Technology Intuitive

Joe and Elie chat with Ryan Steadman of Zero about legal technology and how to drive adoption among a profession that’s notoriously averse to tech. Zero manages email retention by automatically filing communications with the help of a practical AI system — the sort of inbox management that used to require an afternoon of labor or setting up a million rules. Ultimately, the key to legal tech adoption may be gravitating toward the familiar rather than loading up on flash.

Europe’s Killer Legal Geek Conference Launches in Brooklyn

Have you heard of Legal Geek? Maybe not. But they have been shaking up the European LegalTech scene since 2016 thanks to their now-legendary Legal Geek Conference in London. And on June 25th the U.S. legal tech sector will have the chance to see what all the fuss is about as Legal Geek is holding a North American edition for the very first time in Brooklyn, New York.

The event will bring together some of the most influential figures from the European and North American legal tech communities for one day only.

It’s a big deal because the Legal Geek approach to legal conferences has A LOT of fans in Europe. Legal Geek is different because they build their events solely around the experience of the delegate.

What does that look like? Well, for one, the conference will feature 40+ international kick-ass speakers, keeping to 8-minute speaker slots – TED Talk style – whom Legal Geek has encouraged to keep their content real.

This isn’t a conference for futurists.

This approach forces each speaker to deliver crystal-clear messages, which helps keep delegates engaged and asking for more. It also brings out people’s creative sides. At their 2017 London conference, for example, Kira Systems CEO Noah Waisberg brought an avocado and a toaster on stage to illustrate his talk. It’s the sort of an event that has even trended on Twitter.

Legal Geek’s ethos includes maxims such as “friends first, business after” and “come to learn and to teach.” It also encourages the legal community not to wear a tie – a small but significant act that helps build a relaxed atmosphere at the event and still facilitate dynamic discussions.

Moreover, the event only has three sponsors, all of whom add value: Thomson Reuters, Clifford Chance, and Tessian. As Legal Geek’s founder Jimmy Vestbirk says in this video promoting Legal Geek North America “this isn’t a trade show”:

To put a tagline on the event, it is designed for both technologists and lawyers (both in-house and private practice) to learn about what legal technology is out there and how (not why) it can help you right now.

If you want to find out more about the event, check out Legal Geek’s event page, and make sure you book your ticket here!

Above the Law is going and we encourage you to join us. You will definitely have your eyes opened to the legal tech scene on both sides of the Atlantic.

Only In France Could You Actually Go To Prison For Using AI

(Image via Getty)

I’m all about working smarter, not harder, and if there’s one thing that’s accomplished with artificial intelligence generally, and machine learning program in particular, it’s that they produce smart output or results. Think about it — thanks to technology assisted review platforms, we can parse millions of documents and save tons of time and money in document review rather than have lawyers billing by the hour put eyes on every document.

There are many other applications for machine learning technologies. They are used in email and spam filtering, to identify malware and phishing expeditions, to categorize enterprise-wide content, and even to diagnose serious illness. The possibilities are endless, frankly.

So, when I saw enterprising companies taking a look at potentially predicting the outcomes of court proceedings, I kind of perked up and paid attention.

Suppose you could collect and analyze the data for U.S. judges’ court rulings — most of which are all public — and then use that data to successfully predict how the courts or an individual might rule on a given issue. Insight like this, even if it only revealed general tendencies, could impact the actions of litigants and their attorneys.

Well, of course this technology already exists in the U.S. and elsewhere and people in the legal business have been using this data to assess the outcome of legal proceedings.

But France has apparently made this illegal.

The French Code of Administrative Justice, recently amended by the Article 33 of the Justice Reform Act, prohibits the use of a judge’s name “for the purpose or effect of evaluating, analyzing, comparing or predicting their actual or alleged professional practices.” A violation of this law is punishable by up to five years in prison and possibly other sanctions.


Court decisions in France are available to the public free of charge and in electronic format. They typically remove the parties’ names from the decisions, but why would French lawmakers prohibit the analysis of judges’ decisions? Is this not public information?

Your guess is as good as mine, but it seems odd to say the least. Putting aside potential privacy issues which presumably apply to the private parties under the GDPR, it seems to me that judges, for all of their independence and fair-mindedness, are part of the government. And if your goal is to be more transparent and grant citizens greater access to government and court information, you don’t prohibit the analysis of that information.

The real irony here is that this all comes amidst the French president’s push for greater use of AI. Last year, President Macron gave several speeches and interviews in which he proclaimed France would lead the charge on the use of artificial intelligence, and he even pledged nearly $2 billion to do it.

Legal technology companies working on products that perform these functions should be careful not to run afoul of the new French law. Then again, if you’re not in France and subject to French court jurisdiction, it’s not at all clear that France could do anything about it anyway.

Mike Quartararo

Mike Quartararo is the managing director of eDPM Advisory Services, a consulting firm providing e-discovery, project management and legal technology advisory and training services to the legal industry. He is also the author of the 2016 book Project Management in Electronic Discovery. Mike has many years of experience delivering e-discovery, project management, and legal technology solutions to law firms and Fortune 500 corporations across the globe and is widely considered an expert on project management, e-discovery and legal matter management. You can reach him via email at mquartararo@edpmadvisory.com. Follow him on Twitter @edpmadvisory.

We are social democrats: MDC Youth – The Zimbabwean

It is very easy to fall for the temptation to blame the victims.

The MDC has had it’s electoral victory stolen, it’s supporters raped, maimed and killed yet the Ambassador found no reason to condemn crimes against humanity.

Why should we take him seriously now?

The Youth Assembly would like to quickly remind him that the India of Mahatma Gandhi was always on the side of the oppressed.

The argument that once an election is over everything else is water under the bridge is not only misplaced but shocking.

Elections must reflect the will of the people , if they don’t, a crisis of legitimacy is birthed and this is what is happening in Zimbabwe.

The people of Zimbabwe are suffering, statements such as his will only cause further delays to finding a solution. As a diplomat he should be urging the government to accept that there is a problem and one which Mnangagwa has failed to solve.

The MDC is a reasonable party and that is why we called for dialogue based on President Chamisa’s five point plan, part of which will ensure election results are not contested in the future.

MDC: Defining a New Course for Zimbabwe!

Tererai Obey Sithole
MDC National Youth Chairperson

Public Defenders Drowning In Law School Loans Walk Off Job In Protest

Law school was insanely expensive. I have colleagues who came out of law school with a quarter-million dollars in educational debt. Every year that I’ve been a public defender, I have taken on more cases than I had the year before. … I had 531 new cases last year, which is 131 more than the ABA recommends. Most of us don’t think seriously about things like buying houses. Most of us don’t think seriously about things like getting married or having kids. This is not a job so much as a calling. And that has impacts. It makes it really hard to keep people who get experienced, who developed the best chops, who have the best skills.

This job will kill you if you let it. It’ll turn into the only thing that you do if you don’t draw hard boundaries around it.

Charlie Peirson, a public defender in Portland, explaining why he and more than a dozen of his colleagues were forced to walk off the job in protest. Peirson, who says he’s “lucky” because he only has about $100,000 in student loans, makes only $60,000 a year and is protesting to draw attention to Oregon House Bill 3145. The bill would cap the number of cases that can be assigned to public defenders and require additional training for new lawyers.

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Zimbabwe May Withdraw From Endangered-Species Deal to Sell $300 Million of Ivory – The Zimbabwean

Zimbabwe may consider withdrawing from the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species because the organization won’t allow it to sell its ivory stockpile.

The southern African nation with the world second-largest population of elephants has a stockpile of tusks worth an estimated $300 million and needs the revenue, Fulton Mangwanya, director-general of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, told lawmakers in the capital, Harare on Monday.

While CITES has banned international ivory sales to curb poaching, frustration is growing over the fact that “other countries are prescribing how we should handle our animals,” Mangwanya told a parliamentary committee on environment and tourism. Withdrawing from CITES would have the support of neighbors Botswana, Zambia and Namibia, which all have large elephant populations of their own, he said.

In recent years, Zimbabwe has raised money for conservation by selling elephants to China. The size of the population, estimated at 84,000, is twice what can be supported by available food and land, according to the government. Botswana last month lifted a hunting ban on wildlife because it says it has too many elephants, which destroy crops and sometimes kill people.

The last once-off commercial sale of stockpiles of elephant ivory from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe that CITES allowed was completed in 2009. Most of the tusks went to China and Japan.

“Countries like Japan are supporting us, China is dilly-dallying, I’m not quite sure why, but they are the ones that want our ivory,” Mangwanya said.