This Supreme Court Clerk Was Drafted By 2 Major League Baseball Teams

(Image via Getty)

The important parallels that I have seen are that consistent effort and a team-based focus lead to quality results. I played with an exemplary group of teammates throughout my baseball career. During my clerkship [with Judge Sandra Ikuta of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit], our chambers developed a similar atmosphere. I have no doubt that a similar dynamic will be present in Justice Thomas’ chambers.

— J. Matthew “Matt” Rice, commenting on what he imagines his experience will be like when he serves as a law clerk for Justice Clarence Thomas during the October 2019 Supreme Court term. Rice is a 2016 graduate of Berkeley Law who clerked at the Ninth Circuit before working as an associate at Williams & Connolly. Prior to his law school career, Rice was drafted by New York Yankees as the last pick of the 2010 draft. Instead of skipping out on the last year of college, he finished his senior year and entered the draft after graduation, when he was chosen as the #300 pick by the Tampa Bay Rays. He played in the minors for two years, but never made to the majors. That’s when he chose to go to law school.

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

If I Had 5 Minutes With Robert Mueller

Robert Mueller (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

I’m on record with my thoughts that the Robert Mueller testimony, scheduled for tomorrow, is dumb. Robert Mueller wrote a 450-page report. He has said that the report “is my testimony.” He is an accomplished witness who will come to the hearings armed with 39 different synonyms for “read my report.” The entire Democratic strategy since Mueller released his report in April has to been to beg Robert Mueller to make impeachment easier for them, and tomorrow is going to go no better on that front than the previous four months.

I’ve read the report (twice). I’ve been led to believe that the main Democratic strategy is to get Mueller to read his report aloud, in hopes that people who didn’t read the report, didn’t listen to the audiobook, and didn’t go to the performance of the Mueller Report by trained actors will, now, finally, listen to the report. Afterwards, I expect that the Democrats will ritualistically lead a horse to water and then shout at it until it starts drinking.

It’s all so pointless, but if I had five minutes in a public hearing with the man, I’d waste little time on getting him to recite what is in the report. I’d focus on the shocking incompleteness of his report, in my subversive attempt to get Nancy Pelosi and weak Democrats to finish what Mueller started.

  • Isn’t it true that Donald Trump did not cooperate with your investigation?
  • Isn’t it true that Trump refused to conduct a live interview, under oath?
  • Is it true that Attorney General William Barr denied your request to subpoena the president?
  • Is it true that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein denied your request to subpoena the president?
  • Is it true that former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker denied your request to subpoena the president?
  • Is it your testimony that you did not have the authority to subpoeana the president?
  • Is it your testimony that you never even asked William Barr, Rod Rosenstein, or Matthew Whitaker if you had the authority to subpoena the president?
  • Can you please refer me to the statute that proscribes your authority to subpoena the president?
  • Can you please refer me to the court ruling or decision that prohibits you from subpoenaing the president?
  • You don’t have a statute or a court ruling outlining your authority to subpoena the president, do you?
  • And you never asked any of your superiors if you had the authority to subpoena the president, did you?
  • So would it be fair to say that the decision to not subpoena the president for testimony under oath was a decision you, and you alone, made?
  • Is it your standard practice to not ask witnesses questions under oath?
  • Have there been other times where a material witness refused your request for an interview and you did not respond by issuing a subpoena? How many times? What percentage of witnesses have flouted your authority and you have acquiesced to their demands?
  • So, it’s not common? Did you give the president this special treatment simply because he is the president?
  • And, again, you decided to give this president special treatment despite having no statutory requirement or legal ruling requiring you to do so, and without consulting William Barr, Rod Rosenstein, or Matthew Whitaker?
  • Mr. Mueller, you have made multiple references to the written statements you received from the president, through his attorneys. I now refer you to Appendix C of your report. Isn’t it true that you found the president’s written responses “inadequate”?
  • Is it your standard practice to not follow up on inadequate responses received from witnesses?
  • You write that your decision to not follow up was made because of the time and litigation that would ensue, which would cause you to delay your investigation. Is it your standard practice to rush to complete investigations?
  • Did you consult with William Barr, Rod Rosenstein, or Matthew Whitaker about how much time your investigation should take?
  • Were you pressured by any person in the Trump administration to finish your investigation along any particular time frame?
  • Well, my time is up. My final question is: do you think any other body should follow up on the responses you deemed to be inadequate, and complete the investigation you yourself did not?

And if I had 10 minutes I’d go all in on Mueller’s cowardly decision not to subpoena Don Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, or Ivanka Trump.

Robert Mueller didn’t finish the job. Most likely, Democrats will be too busy trying to make him into some kind of hero to point that out.

Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and a contributor at The Nation. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at He will resist.

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Professor Amy Wax And The Bell Curve

All law professors have hobbies.  For some, it is cooking.  For others, it is politics.  And others seem like they have a deep problem with anyone who isn’t white.  They do things like claim that black law students perform poorly compared to their white counterparts.  Or that U.S. immigration policy should allow mostly whites into the country.  Yes, some hobbies are more troubling than the others, and, for once, I’m not talking about those of you who cook with Instant Pots.

Professor Amy Wax, the person whose take on immigration and her own law students has caused some internet backlash, is no stranger to controversy.  But wait, there’s more!  She suggested this about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Justice Kavanaugh: “I think she should have held her tongue, if I were her I would have, I think basic dignity and fairness dictates that, you know, it’s too late, Ms. Ford, even if there would have been consequences to bitching about it at the time, so there’s that.”  Maybe this was an attempt to get Penn students clerkships in a way that other professors at another school have done… um, more effectively?

I’m not suggesting that Professor Wax be fired.  She is protected by tenure and I am a firm defender of tenure.  However, tenured speech is not without consequences, as Professor Wax herself knows as she was yanked from teaching 1L core courses, and as Penn Law knows as its donors consider other options.

Let’s start with a Professor Wax proposition.  I’ll quote: “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a black student graduate in the top quarter of the class, and rarely, rarely, in the top half … I can think of one or two students who scored in the top half of my required first-year course.”

So, let’s break statement apart.  The implication she is perhaps making appears to be that black students at Penn are not very smart.  She hasn’t seen a black student in the top quarter, and in her class she’s only seen two black students score in the top half of her (then) required first-year course.  Her conclusion:  Black students are unprepared for elite schools.

The first question must be to determine the veracity of her statements.  Professor Wax has suggested she has the data to back it up, and even suggested but for the pain of doing so, she’d have an easy defamation suit against her dean.  Her dean and law students at the school suggest she is absolutely wrong.  Sounds like we’re not getting anywhere.

So let’s be fair to Professor Wax for a moment and assume (Narrator: BIG ASSUMPTION) that it is true that she’s never “seen” a black student graduate in the top quarter of the class.  That isn’t necessarily related to the ability of black students to achieve.  It may come from a variety of other sources.  Just a few examples:  Maybe Penn Law has a diversity problem?  Maybe there are other professors at Penn who make assumptions like Professor Wax and grade accordingly?  Maybe she hasn’t seen black students because they avoid her like the plague?  In other words, one’s personal observation makes for bad science.  And even if there were data to back up Professor Wax, it would still be bad science to not question the underlying causes of the observation.

I shall illustrate data misuse with an example:  Suppose I go to the top 10 law schools and observe that there aren’t very many underrepresented minorities teaching there.  A racist might say: “There are very few underrepresented minorities on the faculty of top 10 law schools.”  That may be factually true, but that doesn’t necessarily mean what a racist thinks it means.  The racist might say “minorities don’t seem to fare well at high ranked law schools as professors because they aren’t prepared to teach at elite law schools.”  A better interpretation would be there are systematic barriers that prevent qualified minority faculty candidates from securing positions.  I’ve written about how the academic game is rigged.

Professor Wax has a long CV filled with discussions about what is causing America’s problems such as these.  In her mind:  “All cultures are not equal. Or at least they are not equal in preparing people to be productive in an advanced economy. The culture of the Plains Indians was designed for nomadic hunters, but is not suited to a First World, 21st-century environment. Nor are the single-parent, antisocial habits, prevalent among some working-class whites; the anti-‘acting white’ rap culture of inner-city blacks; the anti-assimilation ideas gaining ground among some Hispanic immigrants.”  You might think me unfair in just quoting her op-ed, but then you can go read this article.

So, it seems to me the reason Professor Wax thinks minorities can’t cut it in the legal academy is because they aren’t white, or at least not part of bourgeois (read white) culture.  And, if you’re not part of that culture, I suppose Professor Wax thinks, damn it, it’s your own fault.  To Professor Wax, success is CULTURAL, but not related at all to barriers created by the dominant culture.

I’ve seen this line of argument before.  In The Bell Curve, the authors argue:  “The technically precise description of America’s fertility policy is that it subsidizes births among poor women, who are also disproportionately at the low end of the intelligence distribution. We urge generally that these policies, represented by the extensive network of cash and services for low-income women who have babies, be ended.”

Whoa, it’s too bad, because society could use its resources to highlight bourgeois culture to assure more smart people, he said sarcastically. Again, from the Bell Curve:  “We can imagine no recommendation for using the government to manipulate fertility that does not have dangers. But this highlights the problem: The United States already has policies that inadvertently social-engineer who has babies, and it is encouraging the wrong women. If the United States did as much to encourage high-IQ women to have babies as it now does to encourage low-IQ women, it would rightly be described as engaging in aggressive manipulation of fertility.”  In case you’ve never read this book, you can guess who turns out to be the smartest, in their estimation.  Many have discussed the deep flaws in this argument, perhaps none more eloquently than Stephen Jay Gould.

While Professor Wax’s “observations” don’t seem to rest on eugenics, it doesn’t ultimately matter.  Because her arguments so remind me of the Bell Curve that I can’t separate the two.  Consider this from the Bell Curve:

“The other demographic factor we discussed in Chapter 15 was immigration and the evidence that recent waves of immigrants are, on the average, less successful and probably less able, than earlier waves.”  I suspect you know where this new wave of immigration is coming from, compared to the older waves.

Compare that with Professor Wax:  “Conservatives need a realistic approach to immigration that … preserves the United States as a Western and First World nation…We are better off if we are dominated numerically … by people from the First World, from the West, than by people who are from less advanced countries.”

Huh.  If there were more paragraphs starting with question marks in The Bell Curve (rough transitions), I would think she ghostwrote it.  But, to summarize them both:  There’s something wrong with current immigration, in that they won’t assimilate.  “They” aren’t as successful.  Hey, look, we have “data”!  It’s like both of them are quoting the House Report discussed in Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States.

As Gould points out about The Bell Curve, “The book is a rhetorical masterpiece of scientism, and it benefits from the particular kind of fear that numbers impose on nonprofessional commentators. It runs to 845 pages, including more than a hundred pages of appendixes filled with figures. So their text looks complicated, and reviewers shy away with a knee–jerk claim that, while they suspect fallacies of argument, they really cannot judge.”

But we can judge.  Even if legal scholarship isn’t peer-reviewed, when data is misused and abused, there is an obligation to scrutinize, critique, and refute.  Throughout history, the misuse of “facts” to advance a social agenda is conspicuously present.  That, my friends, is what the eugenics movement and Social Darwinism was all about.  As Dr. Katrin Weigmann’s blog post describes in reviewing the history of eugenics: “Science determines truths, not values. But this truth is always brought to us through the interpretation of scientists. In the past it was scientists who interpreted racial differences as the justification to murder. Also high lead-edge research is not invulnerable to moral abysses….. It is the responsibility of today’s scientists to prevent this from happening again.”

We should not allow Social Darwinism to mislead us as well.

LawProfBlawg is an anonymous professor at a top 100 law school. You can see more of his musings hereHe is way funnier on social media, he claims. Please follow him on Twitter (@lawprofblawg) or Facebook. Email him at

Safeguard urges extra vigilance in certain parts of Harare, Bulawayo – The Zimbabwean

It has pointed out that security systems rely on stable power, which is difficult to manage with extensive electricity power cuts. It has recommended some non-electricity dependent security measures to boost security when there is no power.

“A combination of the longer winter nights, poor or no lighting and failing alarm systems has increased the risk for all premises,” Safeguard said, in a report to customers analysing various criminal activities reported to it in June.

Crime has more than doubled, with Safeguard’s own statistics showing a three-fold increase in crime from last year but a slight decrease in June, possibly due to arrests reported in Harare’s Emerald Hill, Westgate and Greendale suburbs in the past month.

However, Safeguard warned that a temporary decrease in crime in one area often leads to an increase in crime in another area.

It listed as areas of concern, where increased vigilance was needed, Harare’s city centre and Avondale, Ballantyne Park, Graniteside, Greystone Park, Msasa and Southerton suburbs, as well as Sunway City, and Bulawayo’s city centre and Inyati and Steeldale suburbs. In most cases the risk is of break-ins and theft, although in Ballantyne Park there had been an armed robbery.

It said that based on the incidents reported to it, women appeared to be particularly vulnerable to incidents of theft outside their premises. In one instance a woman in Chisipite was robbed of her bag at gunpoint as she approached her residence. “Hypervigilance is advised when exiting or entering premises,” it said. Another woman was robbed at her gate in Harare’s Vainona suburb last week.

Theft from motor vehicles is on the rise. This is evident not only from Safeguard’s statistics but from police reports, a Safeguard spokesperson said.

The suggestions made for security measures that could be taken that do not require electricity include wireless battery operated external and internal alarms, use of the Safeguard SOS app, which Safeguard rapid response customers can download for free on their phones, and external LED flood lights with motion activating sensors, which it said were available in many hardware stores.

“Test your alarm systems regularly to ensure signal and sensors are operating correctly. Lock up early,” Safeguard advised.

Safeguard recorded 79 incidents in June, compared to 93 in May and 75 in May. The items chiefly targeted by robbers and thieves in the June incidents were money (20 percent), personal belongings (18 percent), business equipment (12 percent), personal laptops (10 percent) and cellphones (eight percent). It recorded several incidents of trucks carrying tobacco to market being hijacked or robbed of their tobacco bales in Harare.

ICC bars four Zimbabwe women cricketers from Global Development Squad

Post published in: Featured

Morning Docket: 07.23.19

* With a no-deal Brexit now on the horizon, lawyers able to practice in Ireland pose about the only path to save the hefty revenue streams of London’s Biglaw behemoths. But Ireland isn’t sure Irish law can be practiced from afar. [International]

* Donald Trump wants all the credit from the First Step Act releasing non-violent drug offenders — meanwhile the Justice Department that he runs is trying to put the people getting released right back in jail because this whole thing is just a publicity stunt so he can have photo ops with Kim Kardashian. [Reuters]

* Baker McKenzie gets out of Brazilian malpractice suit. [American Lawyer]

* Courts are trying to push sexual harassment back into arbitration where it can be quietly covered up like the old days. [Law360]

* Cryptocurrency investor’s suit against AT&T moves forward. [Courthouse News Service]

* Just a former judge being dragged out of a courtroom to serve six months — totally normal. [CNN]

Zimbabwe increases fuel prices again, what you need to know – The Zimbabwean

HARARE (Reuters) – Zimbabwe hiked fuel prices on Monday for the second time in a week but most pumps remained dry, with no end in sight to shortages that are helping drive inflation rapidly higher and which have led to protests about the cost of living.

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority said a litre of petrol would now cost 7.45 Zimbabwe dollars, up 22% from 6.10 dollars. Diesel now costs 7.19 a litre, a 23% rise.

With inflation soaring, economic analysts say increases in fuel prices are adding to price pressures, especially as rolling electricity cuts are forcing businesses to use expensive diesel generators to power their operations.

Diesel and petrol prices have gone up by 456% this year, in line with a slide in the value of the local RTGS currency, renamed the Zimbabwe dollar last month.

The biggest fuel price hike in January, a 150% increase, triggered violent protests by Zimbabweans. More than a dozen people were killed when the army clamped down on the unrest.

On July 13, fuel prices were hiked by up to 16% after finance minister Mthuli Ncube said fuel was considerably cheaper than in neighbouring countries. Ncube has said he would like to see the price increase to the equivalent of $1 a litre. [nL8N24E05Q]

The Zimbabwe dollar was trading on Monday at 8.88 against the greenback on the official interbank market, little changed from last week. On the black market, $1 fetched 10.5 Zimbabwe dollars.

Reporting by Nelson Banya, Writing by MacDonald Dzirutwe, Editing by Catherine Evans

ICC bars four Zimbabwe women cricketers from Global Development Squad
Zimbabwe increases fuel prices again, but pumps remain dry

Post published in: Business

Corporate In-House Counsel

Kinney Recruiting is seeking a corporate in-house counsel for our client’s Grand Rapids office.

Ideal candidates will have 5-20 years of business, compliance and contracts experience. This is the perfect opportunity to take the next step in your career and grow with a rapidly expanding company. Outstanding academics, great interpersonal skills, and a history of major law firm employment are a must. Please submit a current resume to be considered.

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Zimbabwe increases fuel prices again, but pumps remain dry – The Zimbabwean

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority said a litre of petrol would now cost 7.45 Zimbabwe dollars, up 22% from 6.10 dollars. Diesel now costs 7.19 a litre, a 23% rise.

With inflation soaring, economic analysts say increases in fuel prices are adding to price pressures, especially as rolling electricity cuts are forcing businesses to use expensive diesel generators to power their operations.

Diesel and petrol prices have gone up by 456% this year, in line with a slide in the value of the local RTGS currency, renamed the Zimbabwe dollar last month.

The biggest fuel price hike in January, a 150% increase, triggered violent protests by Zimbabweans. More than a dozen people were killed when the army clamped down on the unrest.

On July 13, fuel prices were hiked by up to 16% after finance minister Mthuli Ncube said fuel was considerably cheaper than in neighbouring countries. Ncube has said he would like to see the price increase to the equivalent of $1 a litre.

The Zimbabwe dollar was trading on Monday at 8.88 against the greenback on the official interbank market, little changed from last week. On the black market, $1 fetched 10.5 Zimbabwe dollars. (Reporting by Nelson Banya, Writing by MacDonald Dzirutwe, Editing by Catherine Evans)

Zimbabwe’s Econet weighs drastic measures over ‘untenable’ power cuts

Post published in: Business