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Free Webinar: How Can You Modernize Your Law Firm’s Business Development?

Law firm marketing is at an inflection point. Today’s legal clients scrutinize their spending and are well informed about prices, value, and competitive alternatives. This necessitates insight-driven marketing and business development strategies.

Modern chief marketing officers (CMOs) are the change agents who can advance marketing from a supportive function to a strategic partnership. With a birds-eye view across the entire client lifecycle, CMOs are best positioned to champion data-driven decision making and the requisite infrastructure and process changes.

As client become more demanding and less loyal, investing in ways to identify opportunities, predict client habits, develop market insights and facilitate client outreach is paramount. In fact, with an average return of $47 million on $1 million of marketing and business development spending for an Am Law 200 firm, the investment pays off.

On Wednesday, August 7, at 1 p.m. EST, please join us for a free webinar presented by Intapp. Speakers include Darryl Cross, Intapp’s Practice Group Lead for Professional Services Firm Leaders and Partners, and Bob Ambrogi, technology columnist for Above the Law, who will explores topics including:

  • Opportunities to integrate data into the culture of the firm;
  • Change management strategies to build firm-wide support; and
  • Advancing smart collaboration and key-client planning (industry use cases).

Intapp has also published a new white paper covering these subjects, which is available for download here.

Please click here to register for the free webinar. We can’t wait to see you there!

Sometimes It’s Fine To Use Humor In Judicial Opinions

Every couple of months, this website and other legal news outlets cover a judge cracking jokes or using some other kind of humor in a judicial opinion.  Since legal decisions are usually tedious to read, it is typically a welcome treat to find humor when reading this otherwise serious content.  However, it sometimes seems inappropriate for judges to use humor in their opinions, since this could demean the legal process, and this might be unfair to the parties involved in a case.

The codes of judicial conduct do not seem to explicitly cover humor in judicial decisions, so I thought I would provide some opinions on this topic based on my own experiences.  Although I contributed to the Georgetown Law Weekly’s humor column, and I had a short-lived career as a stand-up comic in law school, I am no expert on legal comedy.  As such, I would really appreciate any feedback from judges or other legal practitioners about when they think humor is appropriate in legal opinions.

Funny Facts

The subject matter of the case is probably the most important factor to determining if humor is appropriate in a legal opinion.  For instance, many legal practitioners are familiar with the famous New York haunted house case involving purchasers of a house suing the sellers for not notifying them that the house was haunted.  In ruling on the matter, the court made a number of ghost jokes and references to pop culture.  Of course, the subject matter of the case was kind of silly.  Although the issue of latent defects in real property is a serious matter, it is somewhat funny that attorneys would try to apply those standards to the context of a haunted house.  Since the subject matter of the case was funny in nature, the court did not really shatter the dignity of the legal profession by making some “Ghostbusters” references and using language associated with ghosts.  If anything, the court showed that judges are real people that have a sense of humor, and in this context, humor was appropriate in the judicial opinion.

References to the PARTIES IN a Case

Sometimes, it is funny when courts reference people or things associated with a case, and this is appropriate in a number of contexts.  For instance, many judges when deciding cases involving musicians cite to lyrics of the musicians involved in the lawsuit.  One such case that I stumbled upon a few months ago involved a plaintiff trying to assert hearing loss from attending a concert.  The judge in the opinion rather skillfully included lyrics of the subject musician’s songs, which was pretty funny.  Of course, it is not good that a plaintiff appears to have suffered from hearing loss, but the subject matter of the case opened the matter up for humor.  More recently, a judge used Taylor Swift lyrics in a case involving this singer.  This humor also seemed appropriate, since the court was merely making references to the parties in the case.  As these examples show, humorous references to the subject matter of a case can be appropriate in a number of contexts.

Judges Shouldn’t Use Comedy to Ridicule Lawyers

One inescapable fact of being a lawyer is that you sometimes need to make silly arguments for the benefit of the client.  Sometimes, lawyers make silly arguments on their own volition as a last-ditch effort at promoting the client’s interests.  Other times, clients put their lawyers up to making silly arguments, since they might not know about some legal issues.  In any cases, judges should understand that this is a reality of our adversarial process, and cut attorneys some slack about silly arguments they might need to make.

In law school, I had to read the Texas jackrabbit decision, an opinion that involved an effort to change the location of a given matter.  The judge uses colorful language and comedy to excoriate the defense lawyers for filing the motion to transfer the case to a different judicial division.  However, there must have been some reason why the defense lawyers wanted to transfer the division of the matter.  Perhaps it was truly out of convenience for the individuals involved in the case, and perhaps there was some deeper legal significance to this motion.  In any case, I always felt bad for the lawyers who were on the receiving end of this comedic “benchslap” and judicial humor should probably not be used to ridicule lawyers.

Subject Matter

Sometimes, the subject matter of a case is so serious and so grave that any use of humor by a judge seems to be in poor taste.  When I was in law school, I read one such case involving a serious situation in which one of the parties needed to use a bow and arrow to fend off an attack.  The court cited a Shakespeare quote from “Hamlet” about the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” and made other Shakespeare references.  However, the parties in this case were seriously injured, so this use of humor seems misplaced.  If a court is charged with reviewing a serious criminal law matter, it might not make sense to use comedy in a judicial opinion.

In the end, I am no expert on what judges should and shouldn’t do in their decisions, and I am also no expert on comedy.  I look forward to hearing from legal professionals, and hopefully some judges, about when they think it is fine to use humor in judicial decisions.  However, it is undeniable that comedy can be a welcome treat in some legal opinions but should not be used by judges in other contexts.

Jordan Rothman is the Managing Attorney of The Rothman Law Firm, a New Jersey and New York litigation boutique. He is also the founder of Student Debt Diaries, a website discussing how he paid off his student loans. You can reach Jordan through email at

What toilet paper, coffee and other goods now cost in Zimbabwe compared to South Africa – The Zimbabwean

A grocery store in Harare, Zimbabwe (Lindiwe Mpofu, Business Insider South Africa)

  • Zimbabwe adopted the Zimbabwean dollar, and banned the use of the US dollar and the rand, at the end of June.
  • It caused widespread confusion and cash shortages in the country. 
  • We compared prices for everyday household goods in Zimbabwe to what they cost in South Africa. 

This brought to an end nearly a decade where these currencies were used as legal payment after the Zimbabwean dollar (Z$) became worthless.

The sudden change in currency has caused widespread cash shortages at banks in Zimbabwe, with citizens waiting in line from as early as 05:00 to withdraw cash.

Most banks have therefore introduced withdrawal limits of Z$100 per day for businesses and Z$60 for individuals per day.

It also left retailers and informal traders confused as they weren’t sure how much to charge after converting their prices to the Zimbabwean dollar.

The bureau de change exchange rate is currently between Z$9.5 to Z$9.7 for every US dollar, or roughly Z$0.70 for every rand.

On the Zimbabwean black market, the exchange rate is Z$10 for every US dollar.

Business Insider South Africa compared prices of everyday household goods in stores in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city, to prices in South Africa.

Huggies Gold nappies (52 in a packet)

Z$261.29 = roughly R373.27

Eet-sum-more cookies 200g

Z$42.50 = roughly R60.70

Baby Soft 2 ply toilet paper

Z$89.99 = roughly R128.56

Bokomo Weetbix 450g

Z$ 38.49 = roughly R54.98

Jacobs Kronung Instant coffee 200g

Z$99.99 = roughly R142.80

Mrs Balls Chutney 470g

Z$36.50 = roughly R52.14

Koo Baked Beans 410g

Z$26.09 = roughly R37.27

Fatti’s & Moni’s Macaroni 500g

Z$14.99 = roughly R21.41

Nivea body lotion 400ml

Z$84.49 = roughly R120.70

A year after Mnangagwa’s election, old woes haunt Zimbabwe

Post published in: Business

Struggling Biglaw Firm Begins The Process Of Dissolution

If you’ve been following along with the trials and tribulations of the Biglaw firm LeClairRyan, then news that the firm has begun the process of dissolution is not shocking at all. After all, partners have been deserting the firm en masse, including name partner Gary LeClair; their lender has prevented the firm from returning departing partners’ capital contributions; they gave staff WARN Act notice of coming mass layoffs; and they’re being sued for not paying rent on one of the firm’s office and for gender discrimination. So the writing has been on the wall.

Now comes a report that the wind-down process has begun and whatever lawyers are left at LeClairRyan are being encouraged to find new firms. As reported by

Firm attorneys have been told a wind-down committee is in the works, sources said, and partners are eyeing a few different law firms where large groups might land. For instance, a group of attorneys is talking with Northeast regional firm Barclay Damon. That firm’s managing partner, John Langan, declined to comment.

The firm’s revenue has also been in decline, from $142 million in 2017 to $122 million in 2018. To stem some of the issues, the firm launched “law firm 2.0” and embarked on a strategic partnership with UnitedLex, an alternative legal service provider. But that hasn’t stopped the onslaught of problems for the firm, and alumni of the firm say the problems go back even further:

Michael Volkov, a white-collar partner in Washington, D.C., who left in 2013, blamed leadership and compensation decisions that long predated the firm’s partnership with UnitedLex. As for what’s unfolding there now, he summed up, “What a disaster.”

LeClairRyan has yet to offer a comment of the firm’s status.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).

What Do You Wish You Knew About Biglaw BEFORE You Started?

Here at Above the Law we care a lot about increasing transparency at Biglaw firms — that’s why we spend so much time reporting on bonuses and salaries and benefits. And while reporting on the market standard and leaders will always be a part of our mission, we also want to hear about what it’s like to actually work in the halls of Biglaw.

So, we’re asking our readers to fill out a brief survey about what they wish they knew about their firm before they started working there. We don’t care about the firm’s PR line, but about what associates really feel about the firm. We’ll be integrating the results of the survey into a new transparency project that’ll be launched later this summer.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).

Former Attorney General Released From Prison

Kathleen Kane, the former Pennsylvania AG who managed to get herself sent to prison after shutting down a public corruption investigation and then retaliating against the prosecutor she blamed for leaking the move, is finally out of the pokey.

Kane’s downfall was one of the all-time Above the Law tales. Beyond the abuse of power, Kane’s story involved lying to a grand jury, using her twin sister as a decoy, and getting state supreme court justices to resign in a porn scandal.

It was an eventful 2015.

After eight months behind bars, former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane was released Wednesday from the Montgomery County prison.

Asked how she felt as she walked through the prison gate, she only said, “Grateful.”

Kane was disbarred, so private practice is out of the question. Perhaps building boats in Zihuatanejo?

Former AG Kathleen Kane released from jail; ‘Grateful,’ she says [Inquirer]

Earlier: Penn Attorney General Dupes The Press
‘No Law License? No Problem!’ Says Embattled State Attorney General
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane: From Top Prosecutor To Convicted Criminal

California Bans Bar Examiners From Asking Law School Grads About Their Mental Health

(Image via Getty)

There is no reason why perfectly capable people with PTSD or depression, who suffered with those issues, can’t practice law and do so effectively.

— Senator Tom Umberg (D-Santa Ana), commenting on legislation in California that bans the State Bar from seeking the mental health records of law school graduates as part of its character and fitness assessment. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law earlier this week. Other states have already removed such questions from their bar applications.

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

NRA May Be Shooting Itself In The Foot With Out-Of-Control Legal Bills

The NRA appears to be in utter disarray. They’ve had a failed palace coup, state regulators are closing in, and the group is openly admitting that they’re running out of money. A key factor in all of these problems may be their lawyer, Bill Brewer.

Brewer is known for his tenacity, but NRA insiders are starting to wonder if Brewer’s zealousness is driving the organization toward bankruptcy. A new ProPublica report dishes on some hefty legal bills over at Gun Central.

The statement [from former senior employee, Emily Cummins] lays out a list of allegations regarding Brewer’s legal work and his treatment of NRA staff as questions surfaced about his law firm’s billings, which totaled $24 million over a 13-month period. In the first quarter of 2019, Brewer’s firm charged over $97,000 per day, according to internal NRA documents posted anonymously online.

Normally, stories about how much attorneys charge are little more than pearl-clutching overreactions. But $97K every single day is actually eye-popping.

“I witnessed what appeared to be unrealistic and duplicative billing from Bill Brewer,” Cummins wrote. “I witnessed that Bill Brewer himself created a 2018 cash flow crunch by interfering with accounts payable to prioritize paying himself immediately versus other NRA vendors that had been providing goods or services for months without payment, also jeopardizing the NRA’s biweekly staff payroll.”

I doubt the bills were “unrealistic and duplicative” but there’s definitely room to be overaggressive that lay observers might perceive as duplicative. Still, Brewer is no stranger to getting sanctioned, so it’s easy for people to jump to the least charitable read of a hefty bill.

This month, four NRA board members publicly called for an “independent review of the millions of dollars in payments to Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors for legal fees.” But other NRA senior officials continue to defend the group. Carolyn Meadows, the NRA’s president, told ProPublica, “I have never worked with an outside law firm that is more on call, attentive and positively in tune to the needs of their client.” Charles Cotton, the NRA’s first vice president and chairman of the audit committee, added that Cummins’ allegations “reflect a misinformed view of the Brewer firm, its billings, and its advocacy for the NRA.”

Former NRA President Oliver North was one of those seeking an audit of Brewer’s bills. He got wished into the cornfields for his efforts. No matter how much internal pressure bubbles up against Brewer’s billings, the NRA’s core leadership unit is steadfast in its support.

And they sound like they will be all the way to the poor house.

New Documents Raise Ethical and Billing Concerns about the NRA’s Outside Counsel [ProPublica]

Earlier: Federal Judge Wants To Hear Why Bigtime Attorney Said He’d Never Been Sanctioned… When He Was TOTALLY Just Sanctioned

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

Capital One Attempts To Ease Customer Concern Over Massive Hack With Stats, Fails Miserably

Only 140,000 Social Security numbers were stolen, the other 99% are almost definitely safe…wait, what?

This Baby’s Parents Are Both U.S. Citizens, But The U.S. Government Says She Isn’t One

Simone Mize-Gregg is the legal daughter of two parents who are U.S. citizens, but the federal government says that she, herself, is not one. How is that even possible? This is another terrible case that reads like an Immigration Law final exam question. But unfortunately, there’s a lot more at stake than just 1L grades.

One of Simone’s dads is James Mize, who was born and raised in Mississippi. In fact, Mize explained that he is ”very, very, very Mississippi.”  Mize says he just wants “the house with the front porch and two kids running around the yard. I want to go to church on Sunday and have a simple life.”

Simone’s other dad, Jonathan Gregg, was born to a mother who was a citizen of the United States, and a father who was a citizen of the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, Gregg is and always has been a U.S. citizen through his mother, despite being born and raised in the United Kingdom. Mize and Gregg married in 2015 in New York, and, like many couples, decided to have children together. Simone Mize-Gregg was born in England through the help of assisted reproductive technology, involving an egg donor and a friend volunteering to be Mize and Gregg’s gestational surrogate. Gregg is Simone’s genetic father, although the only one who’s ever cared about that is the U.S. State Department. Another fact the U.S. State Department is concerned about is that Gregg lived in the U.S. for only four years prior to his daughter’s birth.

Simone has a birth certificate issued in the United Kingdom, which accurately includes both dads as her legal parents. However, when Mize and Gregg set out to confirm their daughter’s U.S. citizenship, they were ruthlessly denied. They were told that “since a woman outside of the couple’s marriage had carried Simone, the baby was born out of wedlock. Mize was not recognized as her father.” Given that Mize and Gregg were legally married, and were the legal parents of Simone, that outcome makes little sense.

The best that the State Department would offer was a travel visa for Simone. As a result, the couple — who live and work in Atlanta — have been forced to inconveniently travel back and forth to England to constantly renew her visa. To make matters worse, Gregg was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor, and had to undergo surgery in November. He is being treated for the remaining cancer and to improve his vision, which currently prevents him from being able to drive. That means that a rough situation has been made even worse by the State Department’s refusal to recognize their family.

Mize and Greg have brought a lawsuit against the State Department on behalf of their daughter, arguing that the State Department has both wrongly applied the Immigration and Naturalization Act (the “Act”) to their family, as well as unconstitutionally discriminated against their family on the basis of sex. Mize and Gregg filed in the United State District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

This case may sound a bit like deja vu to readers.

This Is At Least The Fourth Case to Go Public

This is happening over and over again. And it is heartbreaking. Over the last few years, the U.S. State Department has repeatedly made life more difficult for married same-sex couples, and denied their children U.S. citizenship. The first case to hit the media occurred when only one of two twins was being granted citizenship, while the other twin was denied citizenship. I previously wrote about the Dvash-Banks case, where Andrew Dvash-Banks (a dual U.S.-Canadian citizen) and his husband, Elad Dvash-Banks (an Israeli citizen) had married and were residing in Canada when they started their family with the help of an anonymous egg donor and a gestational surrogate. The twins were born in Canada, and the Canadian government recognized both dads as the legal parents to both twins, without any distinction. However, when the couple moved to bring their family closer to relatives in Los Angeles, the U.S. State Department saw an important distinction between the boys. The State Department demanded DNA testing, which showed that one twin was genetically relate to Andrew (the U.S. citizen) and one to Elad (the Israeli citizen). The State Department denied citizenship to the twin genetically related to Elad.

Like any good Americans, they sued. And won! The federal district court found in their favor that the State Department had incorrectly applied the “unwed” sections of Immigration Code instead of recognizing Andrew as a parent of both twins. The court ordered that the child be granted an American passport. Happy ending, right? Not so fast. The State Department has appealed. And that’s where the case currently stands.

Will It Get Worse?

Section 301 of the Immigration Code offers a number of ways that someone can claim citizenship. One way — an easier way — involves having two parents who are U.S. citizens, if one of the parents lived in the U.S. before the birth. That’s literally and legally what happened here. But the State Department is saying that James Mize — our friend from Mississippi — is not technically a “parent” of Simone under the statute, since he isn’t genetically related to the child. Instead, the State Department is saying that another — harder — provision applies; that one says that if one of the parents is a foreign national, the U.S. citizen parent must have been in the U.S. for five years. Here, Jonathan Gregg has only lived in the U.S. for four years, and thus can’t establish citizenship for his daughter.

Advocates for LGBT families say that this is blatant discrimination based on sex. But theoretically, straight couples could face the same issues if they use egg donors or surrogates overseas. The government contends that the law is applied across the board, but the application of the State Department’s discretionary DNA requests to same-sex couples tells a different story. Rather than move the needle in the right direction (recognizing the marriages of same-sex couples and the citizenship of their children), the State Department might opt to “level down” in practice. So instead of stopping the harassment of same-sex couples and requiring DNA tests, they might begin requiring all children born abroad to any U.S. citizen to undergo DNA testing, and to require evidence as to who gave birth to the child. And then, regardless of marital status or sexual orientation, potentially prevent any citizen who used assisted reproductive technology — whether that be a sperm donor, egg donor, embryo donation, or a gestational carrier — from obtaining American citizenship for the child.

I spoke with Aaron C. Morris, Executive Direct of Immigration Equality. Morris did not share my concern. He noted that the State Department was applying these provisions selectively in order to discriminate against LGBT couples, and that it was “deeply disappointing, but not surprising, given the Administration’s overall stance on immigration and the LGBT community.”

Either way, Morris and I agree that these families should be recognized and supported and their children’s U.S. citizenship acknowledged. Parents should be recognized — and able to pass on their citizenship to their children — regardless of outdated notion of blood, birth, or marriage.

Ellen TrachmanEllen Trachman is the Managing Attorney of Trachman Law Center, LLC, a Denver-based law firm specializing in assisted reproductive technology law, and co-host of the podcast I Want To Put A Baby In You. You can reach her at