Several injured as Zimbabwean police, protesters clash in Harare – The Zimbabwean

HARARE – Zimbabwe’s main opposition MDC party succumbed on Friday to pressure from what it labelled a fascist government, calling off a street protest as armed police set up roadblocks and barred access to its Harare offices.

Police and armed soldiers searched buses, taxis and private vehicles at checkpoints and randomly asking for identity documents.

More than a hundred opposition supporters chanted party slogans and sang near a square in central Harare where protesters had been set to assemble but were chased away by baton-wielding police.

One woman was taken to hospital by ambulance after sustaining a deep gush on her heard.

Police also blocked roads to the MDC headquarters.

Most businesses, including banks, were closed as workers stayed at home.

Anger is mounting as Zimbabweans grapple with soaring inflation, rolling power cuts and shortages of US dollars, fuel and bread.

Zimbabwe opposition tries to lift protest ban as armed police patrol capita – The Zimbabwean

Armed riot police block a main road during a patrol in Harare on Thursday. Photograph: Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi/AP

Zimbabwe’s main opposition party has gone to court to lift a police ban on demonstrations scheduled for Friday, as hundreds of police armed with automatic weapons, batons and water cannon set up checkpoints on major roads and blocked access to the party’s offices in the capital, Harare.

The police banned the street demonstration planned by the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) on Thursday night, after saying it would turn violent, and warned that anyone who took part would be committing a crime.

Police trucks filled the streets of Harare on Thursday, using loudhailers to warn residents “you will rot in jail” if they participated in the demonstrations, while teams searched vehicles at checkpoints on roads leading into the city.

Authorities appear to have been rattled by the planned protests, which were organised by the MDC to protest against the deteriorating economy. The opposition was determined to continue with the demonstrations, said the MDC spokesman Daniel Molokele, adding that a high court judge would preside over the party’s application from 7am (0500 GMT).

In recent months millions have been hit by soaring prices of food and fuel, while foreign exchange shortages have led to a lack of vital medicines and other goods.

Police said they have evidence that the demonstrations would be violent.

“Security services will not fold hands and allow violence, destruction of property, intimidation, threats and clandestine night acts of violent agitation to take centre stage,” said a spokesman, who claimed police had recovered a stash of slingshots and catapults to be used in the protests.

The MDC said its protest would be peaceful. Party officials told the Guardian that the stones had been planted in a bid to smear the opposition.

The first rally is due to be held in Harare, and then in five regional centres.

Via his spokesman the MDC leader, Nelson Chamisa, underlined late on Thursday that the opposition was calling for more than just concessions on austerity.

“August 16 is a special day in this peaceful struggle,” the spokesman said. “Only a legitimate people’s government can deal with the people’s grievances. [We] will engage in a persistent peaceful struggle until Zimbabweis the land of the happy and free. Real change is the only answer to Zimbabwe’s questions.”

The protests come more than 18 months since Emmerson Mnangagwa took power after a military takeover ousted the veteran ruler Robert Mugabe in November 2017. Mnangagwa then went on to win a closely fought and contested election promising investment, transparency and “good days ahead” for the former British colony.

 A portrait of Robert Mugabe, who has been widely blamed for Zimbabwe’s economic collapse. Photograph: Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi/AP

There are widespread fears that any unrest will prompt a brutal crackdown. In August last year six people were killed by troops deployed to clear the centre of Harare after an opposition rally against alleged vote rigging. In January, 13 died and hundreds were raped or beaten as security forces quelled unrest following a hike in fuel prices.

Six anti-government activists have been abducted and tortured in recent days, according to human rights groups. The activists were taken from their homes at night by armed men in unmarked cars, accused of involvement in the protests, stripped, beaten and then abandoned.

Amnesty international criticised “an escalating crackdown against human rights defenders, activists, civil society leaders and members of the opposition, including abductions and torture.”

Cain Mathema, minister for home affairs, warned earlier this week that police were ready to deal with “unruly elements who want to cause alarm and despondency in the country”.

Mnangagwa’s ruling Zanu-PF party, which holds a majority in parliament, is pushing through the maintenance of peace and order bill – which the opposition and human rights activists describe as very harsh. Parliament met through the night to pass the controversial legislation.

On Thursday, the president urged the opposition to engage in dialogue.

“Our strongest asset is our unity. I reiterate my calls to all opposition leaders that my door remains open [and] my arms remain outstretched. Riots [and] destructive violence must be rejected; peaceful constructive dialogue are the way forward,” he said in a statement.

Nick Mangwana, the permanent secretary at the information ministry, issued a statement blaming an unidentified “third force” for the attacks.

The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, a coalition of rights groups, said it believed state security agents were responsible for the latest abductions and beatings, which have forced some activists to go into hiding.

Obert Masaraure, the leader of a union representing 30,000 teachers in impoverished rural areas, said he had been forced to flee his home after “state agents” visited.

“No one is safe at the moment. The regime is baying for blood,” said Masaraure, who has been arrested five times since December and has been charged with subversion.

Zimbabwe is crippled by massive debts incurred during Mugabe’s rule and needs a multibillion-dollar bailout to prevent economic collapse. However, continuing repression and a lack of tangible political reform mean there is little chance of international institutions offering major aid packages.

First blood drawn in ‘Tobacco Wars’ – The Zimbabwean

First was Sars Wars, when the organisation was gutted by maladministration and an intelligence driven agenda by players in the tobacco industry; now it’s “tobacco wars” and blood has been spilt.

Simon Rudland, co-owner of the Gold Leaf Tobacco Corporation and a member of the Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA), yesterday barely escaped assassination outside Fita’s offices where he was due to attend a meeting.

Video footage shows Rudland pulling into Fita’s drive way in Orchards, Johannesburg, whereupon a vehicle stopped behind him and fired nine shots at Rudland – of which one hit him in the neck.

Rudland managed to drive himself to hospital.

Yesterday, a Sars official was targeted at his place of employment in Durban.

The Sars official is a former high-risk investigation unit member, which was disbanded after the “rogue unit” allegations.

According to a source, the eyewitness described a car stopping with two white males inside.

The passenger is believed to have alighted from his vehicle and proceeded to smash the four car door windows.

Nothing was stolen and it is unknown if the two incidents are connected.

If another senior industry player is to be believed, more are coming.

An impassioned letter by Yusuf Kajee, owner of Amalgamated Tobacco Manufacturers, to his fellow members at Fita – seen by The Citizen – warned of a pending attack on himself and Paul de Robillard, former owner of cigarette manufacturer Rollex.

“Rumour in the gangster’s world is that there is a price tag on the owners of ATM,” Kajee wrote in his letter he was supposed to speak on at the Fita meeting.

“This I base on information received that they intended taking a hit at Paul [de Robillard] at the rugby game on 20th July. This information we received via our security team at our trucking company from an old friend of his from the force who asked that Paul not attend the rugby as they taking a pot at him. (sic)” and asserted he was supposed to be “dealt with” in September.

Kajee has not denied the contents of the letter.

Sars also has yet to respond to questions submitted by The Citizen over the attack on its official.

Kajee’s letter made numerous allegations against his fellow association members.

He states he will not be attending meetings anymore, he is “accused of selling at a certain price and upon investigation it comes out that the person that is selling the stock is not even a customer of ours and he cannot explain how he is in possession of the said stock”.

Kajee also alleged Carlinx director Gavin Lombard claimed Kajee ratted on him to Sars which resulted in R3.4 million being taken from Lombard’s account.

“Please could he show us this letter with my signature on it, so I can refund him what he has lost as I have done no such thing to him or any member of FITA,” Kajee said.

“When I’m traveling my phone is diverted to my PA and he was totally abusive in his speech to him, quote “tell that fucker to call me, he should not hide behind his PA” and the rest is history.”

However, Fita chairperson Sinenhlanhla Mnguni said yesterday the board remained united.

“There will always be issues when there are eight members of an association competing in the same market. There things we agree upon in terms of strategy,” Mnguni said.

He noted allegations were dealt with within the group and there was no animosity among its members.

Mngeni said allegations around the tobacco industry had been flying around for years, many of which had been detailed in a new book by former Sars group executive Johan van Loggerenberg, Tobacco Wars.

Van Loggerenberg wrote of six people killed in a gang war, hijackings, numerous attempted assassinations and shooting upon shooting upon shooting.

“The fact of the matter is the tobacco industry is as dirty and nasty as it is dangerous,” Van Loggerenberg said.

Mngeni said Rudland had been moved from intensive care and his condition was improving. Click to copy RELATED TOPICS Harare International News General News Legislation Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa Police patrol Zimbabwe capital before anti-government demos – The Zimbabwean

Armed Riot Police block a main road during a patrol on the streets in Harare, Thursday, Aug, 15, 2019. In a show of force to discourage anti government protests, Zimbabwe police with water cannons patrolled the capital’s streets and warned residents, “you will rot in jail” if they participated in the demonstrations planned for Friday. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)

Six anti-government activists have been abducted and tortured this week ahead of the protests, as tensions rise over Zimbabwe’s deteriorating economic conditions, according to human rights groups.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa urged the opposition to engage in dialogue, but at the same time his government is pushing for parliament to quickly adopt new security legislation criticized as repressive.

The main opposition Movement for Democratic Change party said it will roll out “peaceful” protests starting this week to try to force Mnangagwa to set up a transitional authority to address economic problems and organize credible elections. The protests will spread to other cities next week, the opposition said.

Teams of police officers searched vehicles at checkpoints on roads leading into the city. Police said the protests are likely to be violent, and warned people to stay away.

“Do not take part, you will rot in jail,” shouted police officers using megaphones in downtown Harare and some residential areas.

“Intelligence and concrete evidence on the ground has revealed that indeed these so-called peaceful demonstrations will turn out to be violent,” said police spokesman Paul Nyathi in a statement Thursday.

“Security services will not fold hands and allow violence, destruction of poverty, intimidation, threats and clandestine night acts of violent agitation to take center stage,” said Nyathi. He claimed police had recovered “a substantial quantity of granite stones and catapults (slingshots)” that were to be used in the protests.

Zimbabwe’s economic turmoil and deteriorating services are blamed for the rise in political tensions. From the hope that swept across the country following the forced resignation of repressive ruler Robert Mugabe in November 2017, Zimbabwe has returned to widespread resentment and fear, according to government critics and residents.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, 77, came to power with promises of sweeping political and economic reforms. But now his government is widely viewed as an extension of Mugabe’s economic mismanagement and even more heavy-handed on security, according to human rights groups.

Inflation soared to a decade-high 175% before the finance minister suspended the announcement of inflation statistics last month. Power cuts are lasting 19 hours per day, debilitating water shortages are forcing people to spend nights waiting in lines at wells while about a third of Zimbabwe’s 15 million people are in dire need of food aid, according to aid agencies.

As the economy deteriorates and opposition to his rule intensifies, Mnangagwa’s government is increasingly resorting to what critics say are strong-arm tactics.

Mnangagwa’s ruling ZANU-PF party, which holds a majority in parliament, is pushing through new security legislation – the Maintenance of Peace and Order Bill – which the opposition and human rights activists describe as very harsh. Parliament met through the night to pass the controversial legislation.

“It is just a photocopy of the law that was passed in South Africa by the apartheid regime,” said opposition senator Gideon Shoko during debate of the legislation.

Ruling party members of parliament and the justice minister defended the proposed law as necessary to ensure peaceful demonstrations.

At the same time, Mnangagwa has publicly said he is open to dialogue.

“I reiterate my calls to all opposition leaders that my door remains open and my arms remain outstretched,” said Mnangagwa on Twitter Thursday. “Riots and destructive violence must be rejected; peaceful constructive dialogue are the way forward.”

But critics say his offer of talks is not genuine, pointing to what they say is increased repressive tactics.

The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, a coalition of rights groups, church organizations, student movements and labor groups on Thursday said that six people were “abducted by suspected state security agents in the evening on 13 and 14 August and they have been severely tortured and left for dead.” Those abducted were interrogated about the plans for the protest planned for Friday, said the rights group.

The government has denied any role in the alleged abductions and torture.

The U.S embassy in Harare expressed concern over “renewed reports of abductions and assault of civil society members and opposition party members … Harassment and intimidation have no place in a democratic and pluralistic society.” On Thursday, U.S ambassador to Zimbabwe Brian Nichols visited one of the injured activists in hospital “observed his injuries, and listened to his story,” according to an embassy tweet with a picture of the ambassador on the bedside of the activist.

Amnesty International Thursday accused Mnangagwa’s administration of “using some of the brutal tactics seen under the government of Robert Mugabe,” said Muleya Mwananyanda, Amnesty International’s deputy regional director for southern Africa. “Instead of listening to protestors’ concerns about the economy, the authorities have used torture and abduction to crush dissent and instill fear.”

Lawline Heats Up August with Hot Topics: Online Defamation, Parent-Child Separation, and More

The summer heat isn’t slowing down Lawline’s studio. In August, we’re bringing you new curriculums covering Aviation Law and Data Breach and Privacy, and relevant topics such as online defamation and parent-child separation. Check out some highlights below.

  • An Attorney’s Guide to Online Defamation and Website Removal. This program will cover the laws governing defamatory statements, including First Amendment issues and the Communications Decency Act, filing suit for defamatory conduct, cease and desist letters, anti-SLAPP laws, discovery exceptions, and more. Airing Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. (EST)
  • What Family, Criminal & Immigration Attorneys Need to Know About Parent-Child Separation. Parent-child separation occurs in various situations, such as foster care, parental incarceration, parental illness, military deployments, and recently, migrating to the United States. Many families are thrust into the legal system as a result of these issues and often face hardships such as alternative parenting plans and immigration issues. This program will blend law and science to help attorneys best represent children impacted by parent-child separation. Airing Monday, August 19, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. (EST)
  • Complex Trauma in Criminal Mitigation: Conceptualizing Harm Through a Developmental Perspective. This program is crafted to inform attorneys of approaches to better understand childhood trauma that clients have suffered. Additionally, the program will cover how abuse and neglect are assessed in psychosocial evaluations and psychopathology. Airing Thursday, August 29, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. (EST)

If you can’t attend a live webcast, don’t worry! All of our courses go on-demand within 48 hours after airing (and you can check them out with our free trial). Here are some featured programs that were recently added to our 1,600+ course catalog:

  • Drafting, Negotiating, and Reviewing Commercial and Residential Lease Agreements. Encountering a lease agreement in any situation can be intimidating, but this program eases the process by analyzing necessary terms that should be included in these agreements and providing guidance for practitioners representing residential and commercial landlords and tenants. Originally aired on July 9, 2019
  • 2019 Update on Federal Criminal Litigation & Legislation. This recent program provides an overview of recently enacted federal criminal statutes and significant Supreme Court, Federal Circuit Court, and State Supreme Court decisions in criminal cases. Originally aired on July 11, 2019
  • Financial Services Part II: Sexual Harassment & What Employers Should Do About #MeToo. This program can be watched as part of our special four-part Financial Services curriculum, but is also powerful and informative on its own. It covers the effects of the #MeToo movement specifically within the financial services industry and teaches employers how to prevent harassment in the workplace, train employees in compliance with the law, and respond to employee complaints. Originally aired on July 18, 2019

Larry Kudlow Calls CNBC To Let Them Know That Peter Navarro And Donald Trump Are Nutty Little Fruitcakes

But, like, on background [wink wink].

LawNext Episode 48: ROSS Intelligence Founders Andrew Arruda and Jimoh Ovbiagele | LawSites

On this episode of LawNext, I travel to Toronto to sit down for a live recording with the founders of the AI-driven legal research platform ROSS Intelligence, CEO Andrew Arruda and CTO Jimoh Ovbiagele. Along with a third founder, Pargles Dall’Oglio, Arruda and Ovbiagele first developed ROSS at the University of Toronto in 2014, rapidly gaining international attention for what the news media dubbed the robot lawyer of the future.

In short order, the founders were invited to Silicon Valley to participate in the prestigious Y-Combinator startup incubator. Denton’s NextLaw Labs made ROSS one of its earliest investments. In 2015, they secured $4.3 million in seed funding and then, two years later, another $8.7 million in Series A funding. In 2017, Forbes named the three founders to its “30 Under 30.”

So where is ROSS today? On today’s episode, Arruda and Ovbiagele recount the founding of their company, its rapid rise, controversy over its marketing, major developments over the past year, and what lies ahead. They also share their thoughts about AI in legal more broadly and its potential impact on the practice of law.

RELATED: At AI Research Company ROSS, A New Stage of Transparency and Engagement.


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