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As I considered what to write this week, I considered not writing anything at all. Though I have a lot of things I would like to say and ideas to discuss, lately, I find myself struggling to do more than what is absolutely required on any given day. However, it strikes me that to publicly acknowledge this may be beneficial, so I write to you.
Without question 2020 has been the most stressful year of my life. I often wonder if this is due to the awareness that comes with growing older, or if there is truly something about 2020 that is vastly different. As the adage goes, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Still, I think there is something about life in 2020 America that feels weightier than years past. The combination of coronavirus threats, economic uncertainty, racial upheaval, and the mental and emotional impact of social distancing and physical isolation is not like the average hand of ups and downs we are dealt each year.
Moreover, as 2020 unfolds, it seems that each new incident we learn about is generally more upsetting and disturbing than the last. And the rapid rate at which the updates are unveiled is enough to push many people to the edge. Just this week alone we have seen: (1) America’s continual abdication of its role as an international leader with the announced departure from the World Health Organization; (2) a 50% increase in the number of U.S. coronavirus cases (to 3 million from 2 million) in one month, as many national and state leaders continue to downplay the severity of this crisis; and (3) rap artist Kanye West’s presidential campaign announcement. And, as I write this, it is only Wednesday.
Yet, amid all of this chaos and societal unrest, I have noticed on the news a prevailing attitude of “business as usual” where, despite acknowledgement from some leaders that the world is absolutely not operating in a normal, functional manner, there remain others who continue to ignore the impact that the outside world is having on their employees. In fact, there are even some political or corporate leaders who appear to be engaging in hyper-productivity, perhaps as a means to distract themselves or to quell the fears of economic instability.
If you rewind a few months to the initial onset of the pandemic, you may remember a large outpouring of compassion from businesses to consumers, companies to employees, even individuals to one another. “We’re in this together” was the message that resounded throughout the nation. But this was four months ago when there were hopes of a swift return to normalcy by summer. Fast forward to today, and you might agree that the compassion appears to be wearing off as impatience and general frustration bubble up to the surface.
For many in the workplace, the novelty of working from home is wearing off, parents (particularly working mothers) are reaching their tipping points, and we are seeing some business leaders begin to revert back to imposing pre-pandemic expectations of productivity and responsiveness on their colleagues. Of course, we all understand that work must continue to be done, and done well. As I have previously observed, the significance of retaining a job during an economic recession is not lost on anyone. But let us take a moment to sit with empathy and acknowledge that everyone is doing the best they can under very difficult circumstances.
I find it concerning that as 2020 continues to spiral, there appears to be a greater push to encourage the adoption of this “business as usual” mindset. I think it is fair to say that we are collectively exhausted by 2020 and ready to move to the next phase. But, our collective desire for something to be different is not always a sufficient precursor for instantaneous change. In life, we are not always able to have the control we desire. We cannot simply will away the ills of 2020 by ignoring reality. To operate under self-imposed fantasies is dangerous.
Having crossed the halfway mark of this year, I would like to encourage business leaders to take a temperature check of your teams. How you manage during this continuously difficult time will impact morale in both the short and long term. We can no longer afford to suffer under leadership that is lacking in courage and untethered from reality. Indeed, we all see the fruit America is reaping at the hands of a select group of individuals whose cowardice has previously prevented them from standing for what is right and true and good and just. The country is in a constant state of unrest and panic, and American morale is the lowest it has been in half a century. To be clear, I wholeheartedly believe that the current state of the country is a prelude to better times. America has long operated with an impressive amount of cognitive dissonance and now is undergoing a painful and therapeutic reckoning of what it has really been. But America is also wrestling to determine what it wants to be. As the citizenry reflects and decides the country’s fate, I am hopeful America will emerge from this season of trials with a renewed sense of identity and purpose, and an unwavering commitment to erase doublespeak and align actions with professed values.
But will the same be said for Biglaw, or will we exit out of this period only to return to office buildings, carrying on with “business as usual”? As many firms have embraced new operational methods, we have seen the implementation of a number of virtual events to foster connections: regular check-ins between partners and associates, firmwide talent shows, and team workout classes, just to name a few. These events are demonstrative of a tangible effort from Biglaw leaders to connect with their teams. I am encouraged, but this earnest effort at connection must continue — and not subside simply because the pandemic is lasting too long, and we want things to return to normal. We have a moment to meaningfully reconsider the status quo of the Biglaw attorney experience — for partners and associates alike. I think that the crux of meaningful change has started with firms’ underscoring everyone’s humanity — and the acknowledgment of this fundamental truth should continue. Even for the most motivated among us, at the end of the day, we are only human — a truth far too often trivialized. Continuing to acknowledge the difficult realities of this ongoing season will be a step toward improving the lives of all within the industry. Do not lose this opportunity. Continue to engage colleagues with benevolence, grace, and humility — in 2020 and beyond.
Lauren E. Skerrett is an associate attorney at a large, multinational firm. She graduated with a BA in philosophy from Washington and Lee University and obtained her JD from Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, along with an LLM from Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (“Sciences Po”). All views expressed belong to her and should not be attributed to any organization with which she is affiliated. You can reach her by email at lauren.skerrett@gmail.com.