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Finding Your Niche In The Legal Profession

In the latest episode of The Jabot podcast, I’m joined by Ifeoma “Iffy” Ibekwe, founder and principal attorney at Ibekwe Law. We chat about how she settled into an estate planning practice, and the turns her career has taken to get to this place. Iffy also offers advice for lawyers who struggle with finding the right practice area for them. We talk about how estate planning can embolden women, and why estate planning is an important tool for building generational wealth. Plus we discuss how Iffy balances her legal practice, being an entrepreneur, family life, and her creative side.

The Jabot podcast is an offshoot of the Above the Law brand focused on the challenges women, people of color, LGBTQIA, and other diverse populations face in the legal industry. Our name comes from none other than the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the jabot (decorative collar) she wore when delivering dissents from the bench. It’s a reminder that even when we aren’t winning, we’re still a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Happy listening!

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).