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UK Concerned About Chin’ono, Mafume, Sikhala And Mahere’s Arrest – The Zimbabwean


UK in Zimbabwe also raised concern about Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume’s continued detention since 11 December. Using microblogging site Twitter UK In Zimbabwe tweeted:

Following the arrests of Fadzayi Mahere & Job Sikhala after Hopewell Chin’ono’s arrest Friday. Concerned too by reports of ill health of Jacob Mafume who’s held in Harare. Important the law is equally applied to all & rights of prisoners upheld incl during C19 #ActiononReform

The embassy which is using the hashtag #ActiononReform tweeted over the weekend when Chin’ono was arrested and said:

Concerned to hear Hopewell Chin’ono will remain in custody for two more nights following his re-arrest on Friday. We continue to follow this case closely #ActiononReform

Meanwhile, law experts have said ZRP is charging Chin’ono, Mahere, Sikhala using a non-existant law that was struck off from the statutes in 2014 by the constitutional court.