Everyone has lots of reasons to not want to go to jail. Nowadays, everyone’s got an extra one: COVID-19, which seems to enjoy its time behind bars more than any of its roommates, and indeed more than just about anywhere that’s not filled with immunocompromised old people.
Norman Seabrook has his own reasons for not wanting to go to prison, specifically the fact that he’s going for accepting handsome bribes in handsome handbags in exchange for letting a hedge fund lose a substantial chunk of some prison guards’ pensions. But that doesn’t sound quite as sympathetic as potentially sending a 60-year-old man into a coronavirus-ridden petri dish, so let’s just go with that.
Seabrook must surrender by Dec. 29 to Otisville prison…. His lawyer, Roger Alder, on Wednesday requested that Seabrook be allowed to serve the term at home or delay surrendering to prison only after he’s had “the opportunity to be appropriately inoculated against . . . COVID-19.”
Hey, there’s something else Seabrook thinks he’s entitled to that his former fellow corrections officers don’t get to enjoy.
Norman Seabrook asks to serve prison term from home amid COVID-19 [N.Y. Post]