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Harare, Zimbabwe

It’s Almost Time for Law Jobs!

It’s finally happening. Law Jobs for Humans 2.0 is this Friday. We’ve already told you a bunch about it: it’s got more of what you liked and less of what you didn’t from the first Law Jobs for Humans; it’s got some of the “most interesting and innovative career renegades” in legal scheduled to speak at the event; we’ll even likely discuss Clio’s recent enormous fund-raising event in some way, shape, or form.  

We’ve also nailed down the list of speakers (mostly). We’ve got one or two still figuring out some specific logistics but expect this list and the associated agenda to be just about as final as it’s going to get. 

Innovators Runway 1: Early career edition

  • Miguel Willis, Presidential Innovation Fellow, LSAC
  • Felicity Conrad, Co-Founder & CEO, Paladin
  • Rebecca Williams, DC Legal Hackers Founder and Board Member
  • Jason Dirkx, Knowledge Management Counsel, Littler
  • Nikki Shaver, Director, Global Knowledge Management. Paul Hastings LLP
  • Selena Lucien, Founder, Small Claims Wizard

Innovators Runway 2: Mid-career edition

  • Nicole Clark, Founder and CEO, Trellis Research
  • Marla Decker, Managing Director, Lake Whillans
  • Linda Tvrdy, Founder, Daisy Debt
  • Tunji Williams, Co-founder and CEO, dealWIP and Director of Strategy for Transaction Management, Litera

Discussion: Building a Perfect Human

  • Carlos Gamez – Client & Partner Lead – Legal Technology Innovation, Thomson Reuters
  • Lori Lorenzo – Managing Director Chief Legal Officer Program, Deloitte
  • Jacquie Champagne – Director of Talent Acquisition at Elevate Services

Between/in addition to these amazing panels, we’ll also have a speed networking event and plenty of time for attendees to connect and discuss the new legal employment landscape.

We’ve basically tripled attendance from the last go-round in Chicago, so only a few tickets remain. If you want to meet some amazing people and talk about future-proofing your career. This Friday is the time. Law Jobs for Humans 2.0 is the place. See you there.