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The Law School Journey: A Tale In Four Images

It’s time again to check in on some of the best content being produced by the brave men and women of Law School Memes For Edgy T14s. These law students risk an embarrassing cold call every day to produce high-quality memes for the world. As always, we’ll not name the creators so they won’t have their digital footprint attached to Above the Law —- you never know what an interviewer might think when a Google search points to this website — unless they reach out and ask to be acknowledged.

First of all, allow us to present the law school journey in four images.

Every 1L orientation promises to solve the access to justice gap with an abundance of eager volunteers. Every 3L graduation is beset by hungover cynics preparing to join Jones Day in the fall. In between were highs and lows, debts and mock trials — a journey of self-discovery that ended, inevitably, in realizing you’re not nearly as good a person as you’d hoped.

On the other hand… that’s a pretty sweet bonus.

Next up, I was told there would be no math:

Rudy’s having a rough go of it lately, but this is just cruel. The caption was “when you’re cold called about the dissent.”

Continuing with that theme: “When you get cold called and have no idea what the case is about so you frantically scroll through Quimbee in a feeble attempt to look like you’ve got your shit together”

Now this is going to keep me up at nights.

This is less funny “ha ha” than funny “boo hoo.”

Remember, if you need help and support, there are plenty of resources out there for you.

This next one… wow.

So Amber Guyger had hoped she’d avoid punishment for gunning down her neighbor by arguing that the Castle Doctrine applied because she thought she was in her home.

And, since it’s Halloween, we’ll close on this cute tribute.

Happy Halloween.

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.