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Preparations for the People’s Free Zimbabwe Peaceful March on Course – The Zimbabwean

The preparations for the much awaited people’s Free Zimbabwe peaceful march remain on course and are now at an advanced stage.

The people’s Free Zimbabwe peaceful march will be held on Friday 16 August 2019, in line with Section 59 of our national Constitution that guarantees all citizens of Zimbabwe the unconditional right to demonstrate and petition peacefully.

In this regard, no stone has been left unturned in strict measures to ensure that the people’s Free Zimbabwe march is going to be most peaceful one ever witnessed in the country.

In particular, hundreds of peace marshalls will be deployed.

Further, digital cameras will be used to film the entire march to ensure that any violent planted elements trying to disrupt the peaceful march will be fully recorded.

This is meant to ensure that the people’s Free Zimbabwe march is not just guaranteed to be peaceful, but also to be resounding success.

The MDC is thus concerned by the spirited attempts by Zanu PF and the rogue regime to message and plan for the people’s Free Zimbabwe march, that they are clearly not part of.

Indeed, Zanu PF and the rogue regime have no business whatsoever related to the people’s Free Zimbabwe peaceful march.

lt is very clear that that both Zanu PF and the rogue regime are now in a panic mode and desperate to justify their well known own violent behaviour.

This then explains why they are now actively using their functionaries such as Cain Mathema, Pupurai Togarepi, Energy Mutodi, and Victor Matemadanda, among others, in a futile attempt to dictate the nature and character of the forthcoming people’s Free Zimbabwe peaceful march.

lndeed, Zimbabweans are not surprised at all by the rogue regime’s desperate efforts to disrupt the popular people’s Free Zimbabwe peaceful march.

The rogue regime’s behaviour is typical of similar other dictatorships that always panic whenever the people try to express their constitutional rights.

lndeed, the rogue regime’s behaviour is a strong reminder of such dictatorships under despots like Idi Amin Dada, Sani Abacha, Mobutu Sese Seko, Slobodan Milosevic, Pol Pot, Augusto Pinochet, Nicolae Ceausescu, among others.

But like those similar dictatorships the rogue regime in Zimbabwe will not be able to stop the people from expressing their popular wishes and aspirations. ln fact, like all other dictatorships, the rogue regime will eventually collapse under the heavy weight of the democratic dreams of the people of Zimbabwe.

lronically, the rogue regime claims it is a “New Dispensation”. Yet its behaviour clearly shows that it is nothing but the same old Zanu PF regime Zimbabweans have come to know and fear since 1980.

The rogue regime is continuing in the same old repressive tendencies that were used against Joshua Nkomo and PF Zapu, Edgar Tekere and ZUM; and Morgan Tsvangirai and MDC.

However, no amount of determined attempts by the rogue regime will stop the popular tide of the people’s call for democratic change in Zimbabwe.

lt is now so clear that all Zimbabweans are now so tired of suffering endlessly, and totally fed up with the painful repression from the rogue regime.

Indeed, the rogue regime must be reminded that the people of Zimbabwe are now so determined to make sure that all perpetrators of violent injustice will no longer be allowed to get away with murder, both literally and metaphorically.

lndeed, freedom may be denied temporarily, but it cannot be denied permanently. Neither can be justice be delayed forever.

So it is now just a matter of time before freedom and justice prevail in Zimbabwe.

lt is now clear to the whole world and indeed to all Zimbabweans across the entire national spectrum, that the rogue regime has failed dismally to resolve the never ending crisis in Zimbabwe.

This then explains why so many Zimbabweans from across all political divide; be it business, labour, churches, women, youths, students, social movements, civil society, among others; are all very eager to actively participate in the forthcoming people’s Free Zimbabwe peaceful march.

lndeed, the MDC is totally confident that the people’s Free Zimbabwe march on Friday 16 August will both be peaceful and a resounding success.

MDC: Change that Delivers

Daniel Molokele
MDC National Spokesperson

The House of Assembly Has Adjourned until 27th August

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