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It’s Hard To Be Your Best At Biglaw When You’re Watching People Have Sex

Picture it: your Biglaw office, it’s late and you’re trying to edit the interrogatories for the third time. You just want to finish this largely thankless task so you can get home and binge watch some Fixer Upper, but what to your wandering eyes should appear but the distinct image of people knocking boots. No, you haven’t dozed off to sleep and this isn’t the start of a wet dream, but it’s folks living in a nearby office building that have thrown discretion to the wind and are locking legs and swapping gravy right in front of the window.

Now, while this specific scenario is fictional, it cuts pretty close to the bone for attorneys at Covington & Burling. People who live in The Apartments at CityCenter received the email below recently reminding them to close their blinds when they might be in a… delicate situation since building management has received complaints from their Biglaw neighbors.

In an incredibly awkward email, forwarded to Above the Law from a resident (though, hopefully, not one of the ones putting on a show), building management has to remind its residents to um, close the damn blinds:

Please be conscientious when opening your blinds to your apartment. The surrounding buildings such as the Covington, Conrad and other office buildings has [sic] reported that they have witnessed uncomfortable encounters that aren’t appropriate. If you have any questions or concerns about this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the front desk.

Warmest Regards,

The Apartments at CityCenter

Turns out fighting through the distraction of your neighbors’ exhibitionist tendencies is just another thing you have to deal with if you want to make it in Biglaw.

headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).